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The meeting of Governing Board at the VISAVET Centre

The discussion and approval of the activities and lines of action of the research center of the University Complutense monopolize the agenda

July 22nd, 2016

Today, July 22, 2016, the annual meeting of the Governing Board of VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre of the Complutense University of Madrid is taking place in order to approve the activity report and establish the general lines of action by defining the strategic objectives.


The meeting was attended by Juan Antonio Tejada Cazorla (Vice-Rector for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness); Ignacio Lizasoain Hernández (Vice-Rector for Science Policy, Research and Doctorate Degrees);
José Manuel Pingarrón Carrazon (Vice-Rector for Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship); Pedro Luis Lorenzo Gonzalez (Dean of the Veterinary Faculty); Gustavo Ramon Dominguez Bernal (Vice-Dean of the Veterinary Faculty); Ricardo García Herrera (Director of the UCM’s Foundation); Lucía de Juan Ferré (Deputy Director of  VISAVET) and Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez (Director of VISAVET).


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Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Complutense University