Tracing the spread of the emerging multidrug resistant Salmonella Muenchen in poultry in Israel
Oral communication in Seminarios VISAVET 2023
May 24th, 2023
Elnekave E.
Foodborne salmonellosis, a zoonotic infection associated with poultry, poses a global threat to public health. Since 2017, the identification of Salmonella Muenchen in human clinical cases, poultry and food sources in Israel has increased dramatically. Controlling infection in poultry is essential for mitigating the spread of this emerging multidrug resistant pathogen. However, in order to design effective control strategies, the direction of transmission to broiler flocks (from the breeder parents vs other broiler farms) needs to be ascertained. The development of a diagnostic PCR for rapid and efficient diagnosis of this serovar, and a case control study for tracing the potential directionality of transmission between breeder and broiler farms will be described in addition to phenotypic and genotypic data
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. | |
Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM). | |
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