Noticias de marzo de 2006
16 de marzo de 2006
Vía publiDB

Animales y Medicina Humana
Publicado un nuevo artículo online de divulgación en Análisis madri+d
Las sustancias de origen animal como integrantes de fármacos y cosméticos han recibido la atención de algunos medios en el sentido de plantear potenciales riesgos para la salud del consumidor. Se revisa y discute sobre este asunto y se aporta una visión fundamentada sobre la necesidad del empleo de las mismas…
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14 de marzo de 2006
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Seminarios VISAVET 2006
Comunicaciones en este evento:
- Bioseguridad en el laboratorio
- PulseNet Europe (Electroforesis en Gel de Campo Pulsado)
1 de marzo de 2006
Vía publiDB

Unexpected inefficiency of the European pharmacopoeia sterility test for detecting contamination in clostridial vaccines
Artículo de investigación publicado en Vaccine
Three outbreaks of clostridial disease in ruminants were reported in Spain. Out of 202,525 animals in affected herds, 41,767 were infected and 22,189 died. Epidemiological investigation linked these outbreaks with vaccination with three different commercial anti-clostridial vaccines contaminated with Clostridium sordellii. Vaccines were produced by the same manufacturer. Microbiological and molecular genetic analyses confirmed this association, and isolates of C. sordellii with identical biochemical and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) macrorestriction patterns were isolated from both d…
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1 de marzo de 2006
Vía publiDB

Antigenic properties and diagnostic potential of African swine fever virus protein pp62 expressed in insect cells
Journal of Clinical Microbiology publica este artículo de investigación
African swine fever (ASF) is an infectious and economically important disease of domestic pigs. The absence of vaccine renders the diagnostic test the only tool that can be used for the control of new outbreaks of the disease. At present, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test is the most useful method for large-scale ASF serological studies, although false positives have been detected, mainly on poorly preserved sera. In order to improve the current diagnostic test available for ASF, we have studied the antigenic properties of the ASF virus polyprotein pp62 and its suitability for…
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