Noticias de septiembre de 2013
27 de septiembre de 2013
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Comparative study of clinical courses, gross lesions, acute phase response and coagulation disorders in sheep inoculated with bluetongue virus serotype 1 and 8
Investigación publicada en Veterinary Microbiology
Bluetongue virus serotypes 1 (BTV-1) and 8 (BTV-8) have been described as the most prevalent in Europe during recent outbreaks displaying intense virulence, sheep being among the most severely affected livestock species. However, BTV pathogenesis is still unclear. This study sought to elucidate differences in the pathogenetic mechanisms of BTV-1 and -8 in sheep. For this purpose, a time-course study was carried out, with sequential sacrifices in order to relate pathological lesions to changes in a range of virological and serological parameters. A greater virulence of BTV-1 was probed. BTV-1 i…
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27 de septiembre de 2013
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SEVEMUR y Mascotas y Salud Pública nuevamente en Madrid Río
Nuevo post en el SEVEMUR Blog
25 de septiembre de 2013
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Current development in the diagnosis of tuberculosis
Comunicación oral en Bovine Tuberculosis: Take up the challenge!
25 de septiembre de 2013
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Strategies to control salmonella in modern pig production
Comunicación oral en DSM European Swine Symposium
24 de septiembre de 2013
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Aspectos generales de la Enfermedad West Nile
Comunicación oral en Jornada Técnica West Nile
24 de septiembre de 2013
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. Edición XIII
Comunicaciones en este evento:
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la basede datos
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Aspectos generales de la inmunología de la tuberculosis. Respuesta inmune innata y adquirida
19 de septiembre de 2013
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31st World Veterinary Congress
Comunicaciones en este evento:
- Vector born disease-control and eradication
17 de septiembre de 2013
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Curso de Formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. Edición XII
Comunicaciones en este evento:
- Epidemiología molecular de la tuberculosis. Aplicación práctica de la base de datos
- Actividades del EU-RL for Bovine Tuberculosis
- Aspectos generales de la inmunología de la tuberculosis. Respuesta inmune innata y adquirida
17 de septiembre de 2013
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Bioseguridad. Uso responsable de antimicrobianos
Comunicación oral en XLVI Semana Nacional de Ganado Porcino. SEPOR 2013
15 de septiembre de 2013
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Identification of Type VI secretion system (T6SS) in Spanish Campylobacter jejuni
Poster presentado en 17th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms
Campylobacteriosis is considered a public health concern in the European Union as the reported incidence continues to increase. Recently, a Type VI secretion system (T6SS) was identified in some C. jejuni strains that conferred enhanced virulence in cell-based assays and in mice. The gene hcp (hemolysin co-regulated protein) was identified as a conserved genetic marker to identify this T6SS. In parallel, C. jejuni possesses a variety of genes encoding important oxidative stress response proteins such as superoxide dismutase (SodB), catalase (KatA), or regulators like peroxide stress (PerR) and…
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13 de septiembre de 2013
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Desarrollo de un análisis de riesgo de entrada y un modelo de difusión potencial del virus de newcastle en la República Argentina
Facundo José Linares defendió su tesis doctoral en la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
El objetivo general de esta tesis consiste en evaluar y cuantificar el riesgo y las consecuencias de una potencial entrada y difusión de la enfermedad de Newcastle (ENC) en la República Argentina, para esto, se ha desarrollado de un modelo de análisis de riesgo semi-cuantitativo y un modelo de difusión determinístico. Además, se realizó una caracterización y análisis de los patrones de movimientos entre las granjas avícolas comerciales usando la metodología del análisis de redes sociales y algoritmos de la teoría de grafos. La Rep. Argentina cuenta actualmente con una avicultura muy desarrolla…
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9 de septiembre de 2013
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ASFORCE Training workshop
Comunicaciones en este evento:
- International rules on the prevention, control and eradication of ASF
- Epidemiology of ASF and economic impact in different scenarios
8 de septiembre de 2013
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Wild boar tuberculosis in Iberian Atlantic Spain: a different picture from Mediterranean habitats
BMC Veterinary Research publica este artículo de investigación
BACKGROUND: Infections with Mycobacterium bovis and closely related members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) are shared between livestock, wildlife and sporadically human beings. Wildlife reservoirs exist worldwide and can interfere with bovine tuberculosis (TB) eradication efforts. The Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) is a MTC maintenance host in Mediterranean Iberia (Spain and Portugal). However, few systematic studies in wild boar have been carried out in Atlantic regions. We describe the prevalence, distribution, pathology and epidemiology of MTC and other mycobacteria from w…
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6 de septiembre de 2013
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Current animal health challenges to Europe: what is going on?
Comunicación oral en 4th Zoonotic Disease Symposium
A number of notifiable animal diseases have recently affected the European Union (EU) countries. Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Classic Swine Fever, different Bluetongue Virus serotypes, West Nile, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever, and more recently, Schmallenberg Virus, are just a few examples. Some of these diseases were diagnosed after they had been circulating around for several months with no one suspecting them. In contrast with that, the laboratory diagnosis was done extremely Fast (within 4 to 12 hours) once the samples were submitted and available for testing. Moreover, since 2007, African Sw…
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5 de septiembre de 2013
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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus in wild animals
Comunicación oral en 4th International Conference on Laboratory Diagnostics in Veterinary Medicine, Food and Environmental Safety
5 de septiembre de 2013
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Pros y contras de la vacunación y propuestas de monitoreo
Comunicación oral en II Seminario Internacional de Salmonelosis Aviar
3 de septiembre de 2013
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Two cases of pseudohermaphroditism in loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta
Artículo de investigación publicado en Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Two juvenile (curved carapace lengths: 28 and 30 cm) loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta with precocious male external characteristics were admitted to the ARCA del Mar rescue area at the Oceanogràfic Aquarium in Valencia, Spain, in 2009 and 2010. Routine internal laparoscopic examination and subsequent histopathology confirmed the presence of apparently healthy internal female gonads in both animals. Extensive tissue biopsy and hormone induction assays were consistent with female sex. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of pseudohermaphroditism in loggerhead sea turtles …
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1 de septiembre de 2013
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High prevalence of Hepatozoon-infection among shepherd dogs in a region considered to be free of Rhipicephalus sanguineus
Artículo de investigación publicado en Veterinary Parasitology
Blood samples and ticks were collected from 100 shepherd dogs, 12 hunting dogs and 14 stray dogs in southern Hungary, in order to screen them for the presence of Hepatozoon spp. by PCR. Out of 126 blood samples, 33 were positive (26%). Significantly more shepherd dogs (31%) were infected, than hunting (8%) and stray dogs (7%). Three genotypes of Hepatozoon canis were identified by sequencing, differing from each other in up to six nucleotides in the amplified portion of their 18S rRNA gene. In Dermacentor marginatus larvae/nymphs and Dermacentor reticulatus nymphs, H. canis was present only if…
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1 de septiembre de 2013
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Micobacteriosis aviar diseminada en una garza real (Ardea cinerea) de vida libre
Avian Diseases publica este artículo de investigación
Las aves silvestres comparten con los humanos la capacidad para moverse rápidamente a lo largo de grandes distancias. Durante los movimientos migratorios, las aves llevan patógenos que pueden ser transmitidos entre las especies. Uno de estos agentes patógenos es Mycobacterium spp. Se realizó una necropsia de una garza real (Ardea cinerea) que había sido tratada médicamente de un proceso de poliartritis. Macroscópicamente, se observaron nódulos firmes blanco-amarillentos de varios tamaños, que semejaban granulomas, en la articulación carpal derecha, ambas articulaciones de la rodilla, la muscul…
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1 de septiembre de 2013
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Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 11 from companion animals bearing ArmA methyltransferase, DHA-1 B-lactamase and QnrB4
Investigación publicada en Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Seven Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from dogs and cats in Spain were found to be highly resistant to aminoglycosides, and ArmA methyltransferase was responsible for this phenotype. All isolates were typed by MLST as ST11, a human epidemic clone reported worldwide associated among others with OXA-48 and NDM carbapenemases. In the seven strains armA was borne by an IncR plasmid, pB1025, of 50 kb. The isolates were found to co-produce DHA-1 and SHV-11 β-lactamases, as well as QnrB4 resistance determinant. This first report of the ArmA methyltransferase in pets illustrates their importance a…
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1 de septiembre de 2013
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Evaluation of the performance of cellular and serological diagnostic tests for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in an alpaca (Vicugna pacos) herd naturally infected with Mycobacterium bovis
Preventive Veterinary Medicine publica este artículo de investigación
Tuberculosis (TB) in llamas and alpacas has gained importance in recent years since they are imported into the European Union mainly for serving as pets and for production of natural fibre. The intradermal tuberculin test has been widely used for diagnosis of TB in these species showing lack of sensitivity (Se) although little information has been previously reported evaluating the effect on its performance of different PPD inoculation sites and time of readings. Moreover, different cost-effective serological assays have been developed in the recent years for TB diagnosis in camelids obtaining…
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1 de septiembre de 2013
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Spatial relationships between Eurasian badgers (Meles meles) and cattle infected with Mycobacterium bovis in Northern Spain
The Veterinary Journal publica este artículo de investigación
Recent studies suggest that badgers may be a potential reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis infection for cattle in Northern Spain. The objective of this study was to investigate potential epidemiological links between cattle and badgers. Culture and molecular typing data were available for cattle culled during the national tuberculosis (TB) eradication campaigns between 2008 and 2012, as well as from 171 necropsied badgers and 60 live animals trapped and examined over the same time period. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains were isolated from pooled tissues of 14 (8.2%) necropsied badgers…
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