Noticias de febrero de 2019
27 de febrero de 2019
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Plan estratégico y de acción para reducir el riesgo de selección y diseminación de la resistencia a los antibióticos
Comunicación oral en Reunión PRAN
26 de febrero de 2019
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Epidemiology and Control of Notifiable Animal Diseases
Investigación publicada en Frontiers in veterinary science
There are a number of criteria by which an animal disease is classified as notifiable; the most important are typically related with its potential to spread internationally, as well as its impact on the health of domestic livestock, wildlife and, not the least, on human health (1). Because of the above, surveillance, early detection, control, and eradication of these diseases is of critical importance for countries in order to maintain or improve their animal health status. This requires the collaboration of all stakeholders involved (e.g., animal health authorities, livestock industry, and ve…
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22 de febrero de 2019
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African Swine Fever: The Unknown Enemy
Entrevista concedida a Farm Journal´s Pork. Farm Journal´s Pork
20 de febrero de 2019
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Salmonella Surveillance Systems in Swine and Humans in Spain: A Review
Artículo de investigación publicado en Veterinary sciences
Non-typhoid salmonellosis is a common and problematic foodborne zoonotic disease in which pork and pork products can be an important potential source of infection. To prevent this disease, important efforts to monitor the situation in the main source, livestock, are conducted in most developed countries. In the European Union, European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) and European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) compile information at the member-state level, even though important differences in production systems and surveillance systems exist. Here, Salmonella surveillance systems in one of the ma…
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14 de febrero de 2019
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Comparison of individual, group and environmental sampling strategies to conduct influenza surveillance in pigs
BMC Veterinary Research publica este artículo de investigación
Influenza A virus (IAV) is an important pathogen in pigs that affects productivity and has important public health implications because of its zoonotic nature. Surveillance is central to the control of influenza, however, detection of IAV infections can be challenging in endemically infected herds with low prevalence of infection.
In groups of suckling (18-21 days of age) and growing (35-45 days of age) pigs, we compared various sampling approaches to detect, isolate and sequence IAV using individual (nasal swabs, nasal wipes and oropharyngeal swabs), grou…
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1 de febrero de 2019
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New serological platform for detecting antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in European badgers
Artículo de investigación publicado en Veterinary Medicine and Science
European badgers (Meles meles) have been identified as wildlife reservoirs for Mycobacterium bovis in the UK and Ireland, and may also have a role in the epidemiology of animal tuberculosis in other European regions. Thus, detection of M. bovis-infected badgers may be required for the purposes of surveillance and monitoring of disease levels in infected populations. Current serological assays to detect M. bovis infection in live badgers, while rapid and inexpensive, show limited diagnostic sensitivity. Here we describe and evaluate new ELISA platforms for the recognition of the P22 multiprotei…
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1 de febrero de 2019
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A new test to detect antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in red deer serum
The Veterinary Journal publica este artículo de investigación
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) farming is a growing economic activity worldwide. However, the capacity of this species to act as reservoir of animal tuberculosis (TB) poses a threat to other wildlife and to livestock. Diagnostic assay accuracy in this species is therefore highly relevant for prevention and control measures. Our aim was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the protein complex P22, obtained from Mycobacterium bovis derived purified protein derivative (bPPD), as a candidate antigen for the detection of antibodies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). We assessed the p…
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1 de febrero de 2019
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Evaluation of the McLintock syringe as a cause of non-specific reactions in the intradermal tuberculin test used for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis
Artículo de investigación publicado en Research in Veterinary Science
The objective of this study was to elucidate whether the use of the McLintock syringe, used to inject tuberculin in cattle in several countries and based on an intradermal inoculation by needle, may, in itself, cause skin reactions that can be interpreted as positive reactions regardless of the real tuberculosis (TB) infection status of the animals.
Forty-four cattle from an officially TB-free (OTF) herd were selected for the experiment. Each animal received four inoculations [one with sterile phosphate buffer saline (PBS) with 10% of glycerol and three with bovine purified protein derivative…
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