Noticias de junio de 2021
28 de junio de 2021
La OCV impulsa el curso Epidemias, zoonosis y pandemias. Una visión holística One Health
La OCV impulsa los cursos de verano
El curso tendrá lugar los días 7, 8 y 9 de julio dentro de una nueva edición del ciclo de la Universidad Complutense y está dirigido por los catedráticos de Sanidad Animal Lucas Domínguez y José Manuel Sánchez Vizcaíno…
25 de junio de 2021
Vía publiDB
Control de tuberculosis en España: historia, situación actual y diagnóstico
Comunicación online en Tuberculosis Animal: epidemiología y control
24 de junio de 2021
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Detección y estudio genómico de genes asociados a la resistencia a colistina
Laura Montecino Fernández defendió este trabajo para la obtención del Máster en Genética y Biología Celular
Colistin is a dose-dependent cationic antimicrobial belonging to the polymyxin family, whose target is the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, specifically the lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The effect of this antibiotic is increasing the permeability of the membrane, causing the leakage of the cytoplasmic content and the death of the bacteria. Due to its adverse effects, its use was limited and became practically obsolete in human medicine, while in veterinary medicine it has been widely used for decades in infectious diseases caused by enterobacteria.
Few years ago, a horizontally transfer…
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24 de junio de 2021
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Identificación microbiana por MALDI-TOF. Asignatura: Técnicas de Diagnóstico e Investigación
Comunicación oral en Máster Universitario en Biología Sanitaria
23 de junio de 2021
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Infequus: Plataforma de Enfermedades Infecciosas Equinas
Comunicación oral en Jornada Aprendizaje eficaz con TIC
Las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación) ayudan a los alumnos de ciencias experimentales en la actualización y la aplicación de los conocimientos
necesarios durante su etapa de aprendizaje y en su posterior desarrollo profesional. Infequus (de Infecciosas y Equus) es una plataforma abierta online sobre diagnóstico y control de las enfermedades infecciosas en équidos que puede ser utilizada por alumnos y profesores del grado en Veterinaria, así como profesionales en su etapa laboral. Actualmente, Infequus recoge 26 enfermedades equinas, 43 agentes infecciosos y 213 signos c…
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22 de junio de 2021
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Agentes biológicos
Comunicación oral en V Seminario de Prevención y defensa frente al uso de agentes biológicos como armas de destrucción masiva. Cátedra "Almirante Don Juan de Borbón"
17 de junio de 2021
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Long-Term Determinants of the Seroprevalence of the Hepatitis E Virus in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa)
Animals publica este artículo de investigación
The hepatitis E virus (HEV) is an emerging zoonotic pathogen whose main reservoir is suids. Most of the ecological and epidemiological aspects of its sylvatic cycle remain unknown. Thus, in this work, we study the drivers of HEV exposure in the wild boar population of Doñana National Park (DNP, southwest Spain) operating in the medium and long-term (2005–2018). Anti-HEV antibodies are widely distributed throughout the wild boar (46.7 ± 3.8%, 327 out of 700 sampled), showing a statistically significant age-increasing pattern. The temporal pattern displayed important interannual fluctuations. Th…
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15 de junio de 2021
Vía publiDB
The Role of Interleukine-10 and Interferon-gamma as Potential Markers of the Evolution of African Swine Fever Virus Infection in Wild Boar
Investigación publicada en Pathogens
African swine fever virus (ASFv) is one of the most challenging pathogens to affect both domestic and wild pigs. The disease has now spread to Europe and Asia, causing great damage to the pig industry. Although no commercial vaccine with which to control the disease is, as yet, available, some potential vaccine candidates have shown good results in terms of protection. However, little is known about the host immune mechanisms underlying that protection, especially in wild boar, which is the main reservoir of the disease in Europe. Here, we study the role played by two cytokines (IL-10 and IFN-…
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9 de julio de 2021
La UCM se vuelca para promover el `One Health` en la prevención de pandemias
Curso Epidemias, zoonosis y pandemias
- Expertos españoles analizan diferentes aspectos sobre gestión de pandemias -
- Ruiz Escudero descarta nuevas medidas en Madrid y anuncia la vacunación de los mayores de 16 años -
- Es una sensación extraordinaria la valoración que han hecho los estudiantes de nuestro curso -
- Joaquín Goyache anima a dar un paso más en el paradigma One Health -
- Un curso sobre cómo prevenir futuras pandemias desde el enfoque ‘One Health’ -
9 de junio de 2021
Vía publiDB
One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting
Comunicaciones en este evento:
- Antibody-based diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis using oral fluid samples
- Milk samples for immunological diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis
- Whole-genome sequencing of phenotypically characterized isolates from various settings
- Evaluation of the effect of colistin reduction in pigs on Mcr-1 detection
- Assesing variability of incx1 plasmids from S. Enteritidis isolates in Spain
6 de junio de 2021
Los españoles más influyentes en diferentes áreas de la sanidad animal
Expertos caprinos y porcinos
Varios profesionales españoles figuran entre los primeros puestos de los rankings de Expertscape como los expertos más influyentes a nivel mundial en diferentes ámbitos de la sanidad animal…
5 de junio de 2021
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Colistin selection of the mcr-1 gene in broiler chicken intestinal microbiota
Artículo de investigación publicado en Antibiotics
: Colistin has a long story of safe use in animals for the treatment and prevention of certain bacterial diseases. Nevertheless, the first description of the mcr-1 gene showed that colistin resistance can spread by horizontal gene transfer and changed the landscape. This study aimed to assess the effect of colistin administration on the dispersion of resistance in the microbiota of day-old broiler chicks and how the presence of mcr-1 genes influences the spread of colistin resistance determinants. In this study, 100 one-day-old chicks were divided into four groups of 25 animals (G1, G2, G3, an…
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1 de junio de 2021
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Influence of multiple factors on hematologic reference intervals in horses residing in livery yards in Spain
Investigación publicada en Veterinary Clinical Pathology
The hemogram is a routine analysis for equine veterinary practitioners in the assessment of patient clinical status. Reference intervals (RIs) of hematologic constituents vary according to different horse populations and are often described for a particular breed or horse type. The aims of this study were to determine RIs for hematologic constituents in a mixed-breed horse population residing in livery yards in central Spain and evaluate the associations between estimated RIs and multiple phenotypic and management characteristics. A total of 122 healthy horses from different breeds in central …
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1 de junio de 2021
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Expansion of native wild boar populations is a new threat for semi-arid wetland areas
Investigación publicada en Ecological Indicators
Wildlife management and conservation requires monitoring of species distribution and population indicators, especially when the unbalanced demographic changes of some species can affect the whole ecosystem functioning. The populations of wild boar (Sus scrofa) have, over the past few decades, undergone an expansion around the world, reaching situations of overabundance that can cause serious economic, ecological and health problems. This numerical increase of wild boar and its new spatial invasion can affect certain vulnerable species in sensitive ecological zones, such as the main inland wetl…
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1 de junio de 2021
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Characterization of wildlife-livestock interfaces: the need for interdisciplinary approaches and a dedicated thematic field
El libro Diseases at the Wildlife - Livestock Interface Research and Perspectives in a Changing World editado por Springer International Publishing recoge este capítulo
The study of wildlife/livestock interfaces has long suffered from the sealing among the different agricultural - including veterinary - and environmental sectors and the lack of multidisciplinary approaches. Following the SARS and H5N1 crisis, bridges have been developed between sectors and different disciplines, especially between the fields of
epidemiology and ecology and more recently of molecular biology and social sciences. Today wildlife/livestock interfaces benefit from an increased attention by biologists and epidemiologists who have developed dedicated approaches for their characteri…
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1 de junio de 2021
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Visión global de la situación de la PPA. Presentación de resultados sobre VACDIVA, una realidad muy prometedora
Comunicación online en Peste porcina africana: Una enfermedad global que exige soluciones globales
Noticias relacionadas en otros medios:
- Gran éxito de la Jornada Técnica: Peste porcina africana: Una enfermedad global que exige soluciones globales -
1 de junio de 2021
¿Qué síntomas tiene la leishmaniasis en perros?
Leishmaniasis en perros