Noticias de agosto de 2023
31 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

Epidemiological cut-off values for Vibrio anguillarum MIC and disc diffusion data generated by standardised methods
Artículo de investigación publicado en Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
This work aims to generate the data needed to set epidemiological cut-off values for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and disc-diffusion zone measurements of Vibrio anguillarum. A total of 261 unique isolates were tested, applying standard methods specifying incubation at 28°C for 24-28 h. Aggregated MIC distributions for a total of 247 isolates were determined in 9 laboratories for 11 agents. Data aggregations of the disc zone for the 10 agents analysed contained between 157 and 218 observations made by 4 to 7 laboratories. Acceptable ranges for quality control (QC) reference strains we…
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31 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

Engineered live bacteria suppress Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in mouse lung and dissolve endotracheal-tube biofilms
Investigación publicada en Nature Biotechnology
Engineered live bacteria could provide a new modality for treating lung infections, a major cause of mortality worldwide. In the present study, we engineered a genome-reduced human lung bacterium, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, to treat ventilator-associated pneumonia, a disease with high hospital mortality when associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. After validating the biosafety of an attenuated M. pneumoniae chassis in mice, we introduced four transgenes into the chromosome by transposition to implement bactericidal and biofilm degradation activities. We show that this engineered strain h…
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31 de agosto de 2023
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Cetacean Neurobrucellosis: Pathological and Immunological Comparative Aspects with Humans and Animal Models
Comunicación oral en Joint congress of Veterinary Pathology and Veterinary Clinical Pathology
Brucellosis (Brucella spp.) is a zoonosis that causes multisystemic disease in humans. Brucella infection of the central nervous system (CNS), or neurobrucellosis, occurs in up to 25% of human patients. Brucella ceti causes brucellosis in mysticete and odontocete cetaceans worldwide. Interestingly, CNS involvement by B. ceti has been reported in particular in the striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba). Thus, neurobrucellosis appears to be a condition shared by cetaceans and humans. However, the common aspects of the immune response in neurobrucellosis in both species, and animal models of bru…
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30 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB
Accelerometer-based detection of African swine fever infection in wild boar
Proceedings. Biological sciences publica este artículo de investigación
Infectious wildlife diseases that circulate at the interface with domestic animals pose significant threats worldwide and require early detection and warning. Although animal tracking technologies are used to discern behavioural changes, they are rarely used to monitor wildlife diseases. Common disease-induced behavioural changes include reduced activity and lethargy (`sickness behaviour`). Here, we investigated whether accelerometer sensors could detect the onset of African swine fever (ASF), a viral infection that induces high mortality in suids for which no vaccine is currently available. T…
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Noticias relacionadas en otros medios:
- Desarrollan sensores de movimiento para detectar si un jabalí está infectado con peste porcina africana -
23 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

An Outbreak of Aeromonas salmonicida in Juvenile Siberian Sturgeons (Acipenser baerii)
Investigación publicada en Animals
Aeromonas salmonicida is one of the major threats to world aquaculture, causing fish furunculosis and high mortality rates in cultured fish, particularly salmonids. Although Aeromonas spp. is a thoroughly studied pathogen, little is known regarding aeromoniasis in sturgeons. After a mortality outbreak, four juvenile sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) were submitted for autopsy and tissue samples were collected for histopathological and microbiological studies. The external examination revealed size heterogenicity, skin hyperpigmentation and reduced body condition of sturgeons. Within the abdominal c…
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22 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

Genotypic Comparison of Pasteurella multocida from Healthy Animals at Entry to the Feedlots with That and from Bovine Respiratory Disease-Affected Animals during the Fattening Period
Investigación publicada en Animals
The aim of this study was to investigate the possible genotypic differences between commensal Pasteurella multocida isolates from apparently healthy animals (AHA) at the time of entry to feedlots and those from BRD-affected animals (BRD-AA). A total of 20 batches of beef calves in seven feedlots were followed-up during the fattening period. P. multocida was isolated from 28.1% of AHA and 22.9% of BRD-AA. All isolates belonged to the A: L3 genotype. Most isolates from clinical cases (81.0%) grouped into a PFGE cluster were significantly associated with BRD cases (OR, 24.9; 95% CI, 6.4-96.2). Th…
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15 de agosto de 2023
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Malignant catarrhal fever in a cow
Comunicación online en Diagnostic exercise
Clinical history: A 6-year-old Angus cross cow euthanized due to being down and seizuring for 12 hours.
Gross findings: the carcass was in poor nutritional condition, with no fat reserves, mild but generalized muscle atrophy and serous atrophy of fat. The four chambers of the heart were moderately dilated. The lungs were edematous and congested. Both corneas were opaque and had whitish/blueish discoloration. A formalinfixed cut section of the eye is showing.…
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11 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

Importance of genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in cats during reverse zoonosis events: potential viral evolution may occur
Artículo de investigación publicado en Microbiology Spectrum
The apparition of new variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 and lineages is constantly happening because of the high viral mutation rate. Since numerous reverse zoonosis events have been reported so far, genomic surveillance should be conducted in susceptible species to evaluate potential adaptations that may trigger the apparition of new variants. Here, we evaluate the evolution of the infection in a cat naturally infected in parallel with its owner, performing a comparative phylogenetic analysis. Sequencing analysis showed that both were infected with the Omicron BA.5/B…
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10 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

Low transmission risk of African swine fever virus between wild boar infected by an attenuated isolate and susceptible domestic pigs
Frontiers in veterinary science publica este artículo de investigación
African swine fever (ASF) is a lethal infectious disease that affects domestic and wild pigs. This complex virus has already affected five continents and more than 70 countries and is considered to be the main threat to the global swine industry. The disease can potentially be transmitted directly through contact with infectious animals, or indirectly by means of contaminated feed or environments. Nevertheless, the knowledge regarding the transmission patterns of different ASF virus isolates at the wildlife-livestock interface is still limited. We have, therefore, assessed the potential transm…
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10 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

First description of a lesion in the upper digestive mucosa associated with a novel gammaherpesvirus in a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) stranded in the Western Mediterranean Sea
Investigación publicada en BMC Veterinary Research
Background: A wide variety of lesions have been associated with herpesvirus in cetaceans. However, descriptions of herpesvirus infections in the digestive system of cetaceans are scarce.
Case report: A young female striped dolphin stranded in the Valencian Community (Spain) on the 6th August 2021. The animal showed external macroscopic lesions suggestive of an aggressive interaction with bottlenose dolphins (rake marks in the epidermis). Internally, the main findings included congestion of the central nervous system and multiple, well-defined, whitish, irregularly shaped, proliferative lesion…
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8 de agosto de 2023
Servicio de Informática y Comunicación
Fallecimiento de Valentín Pérez, catedrático de veterinaria en la Universidad de León
Experto en sanidad animal y excelente profesor
El catedrático de veterinaria en la Universidad de León, Valentín Pérez Pérez, ha fallecido a los 57 años. Experto en sanidad animal y excelente profesor, fundamentalmente en el ámbito de la patología, destacan sus investigaciones en rumiantes con agentes infecciosos intracelulares como las micobacterias y su gran labor de asistencia técnica y colaboración con empresas.…
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7 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

Is Bradykinin 1-5 a Reliable Biomarker for Pain in Dogs?
Publicado un nuevo artículo de divulgación en Journal of Veterinary Forensic Sciences
Animal pain and suffering have long been evaluated in subjective terms, due to the inherent challenge of quantifying the signs. Such resources would be integral for legal purposes, as in the pursuit of cases of suspected animal mistreatment. In that spirit, and with focus on dogs, the present study sought to evaluate the viability of bradykinin (BK 1-5) as a biomarker for pain, in canine plasma. This work was based in central Spain. The main goal of this initiative was to determine whether BK 1-5 level by itself could be used as a biomarker for dogs with pain.
In total, 26 dogs that were ei…
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1 de agosto de 2023
Vía publiDB

First detection of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in juvenile Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) and description of the pathological findings
Journal of Fish Diseases publica este artículo de investigación
Flavobacterium psychrophilum affects many cultured fish species and is considered one of the most important bacterial pathogens causing substantial economic losses in salmonid aquaculture worldwide. Here, F. psychrophilum was identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and nested PCR as the aetiological agent causing mortality in diseased juvenile Siberian sturgeons (Acipenser baerii) reared on a freshwater fish farm. Diseased sturgeons were lethargic and displayed dark skin pigmentation, increased mucus production and the presence …
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