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April, 2011 news

April 30th, 2011

Via publiDB

Prevalence of SOS-mediated control of integron integrase expression as an adaptive trait of chromosomal and mobile integrons

Mobile DNA publish this investigation article

BACKGROUND: Integrons are found in hundreds of environmental bacterial species, but are mainly known as the agents responsible for the capture and spread of antibiotic resistance determinants among Gram-negative pathogens. The SOS response is a regulatory network under control of the repressor protein LexA targeted at addressing DNA damage, thus promoting genetic variation in times of stress. We recently reported a direct link between the SOS response and the expression of integron integrases in Vibrio cholerae and a plasmid-borne class 1 mobile integron. SOS regulation enhances cassette swapp… Read more

April 27th, 2011

Via publiDB

Irene Iglesias Martín

Modelo epidemiológico de difusión de la influenza aviar altamente patógena (IAAP)

PhD Thesis defense by Irene Iglesias Martín at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

The aim of this thesis is to identify which areas present a higher risk of spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in Spain and to evaluate the consequences that this diffusion would involve, to contribute to the improvement surveillance and control plans against the disease, both wild and domesticated birds. To this aim, it has been developed a diffusion model of HPAI highly adapted to the structural characteristics of our poultry sector, which includes two different stages, the industrial poultry farming of chickens, and backyard poultry combined with no-chicken poultry farm wich … Read more

April 25th, 2011

Servicio de Informática y Comunicación

In memoriam of Isabel Mínguez-Tudela

In memoriam of Isabel Mínguez-Tudela

Senior Scientific Officer of Directorate-General for Research & Innovation. European Commission

On April 16th our admired and dear friend Isabel passed away in the Bordet Institute of Brussels after a long struggle against cancer. Isabel died as she was, working and fighting until the last moment for European research in animal health. Read more

April 15th, 2011

Via publiDB

Dos Veterinarias de SEVEMUR, en una desalojo chabolista

New post published in SEVEMUR Blog

Las películas en el cine, en la televisión, e incluso las series pueden darnos una idea de cómo es un poblado chabolista. Una de las muestras más directas, crueles y emotivas es la conocida “Ciudad de Dios”. En esta historia, no hay muertes y su escenario no está al otro lado del Atlántico, sino que es el poblado chabolista del Cañaveral en Madrid. El cometido de nuestras heroínas es el de recoger y salvar a los animales antes de que se produzca el derribo del poblado. Peripecia muy alejada de otras muchas, acontecidas en este tipo de espacios.… Read more

April 14th, 2011

Via publiDB

4th EWDA (European Wildlife Disease Association) Student Workshop 2011

New tools detect TB expansion and time trends in Iberian wild boar

Oral communication in 4th EWDA (European Wildlife Disease Association) Student Workshop 2011

April 13rd, 2011

Rosae Martín

VISAVET opens its doors to Russia

Russian experts from the livestock sector attended a Technical Workshop organized in collaboration between the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre and the company LIPTOSA

The event began at 9:30 am in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Complutense University. The Director of the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre, Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez, and the Director General of LIPTOSA, Antonio Martinez Sanchez welcomed the group of Russian experts in the field of swine and poultry production.… Read more

April 13rd, 2011

Via publiDB

Epidemiología y su aplicación al diagnóstico de campo de la tuberculosis bovina y caprina. Importancia del uso de pruebas complementarias

Oral communication in Actualización en tuberculosis bovina y caprina

April 11st, 2011

Rosae Martín

Elena Castellanos Rizaldos, Syva Award 2011 for the best doctoral thesis in Animal Health

Elena Castellanos Rizaldos, Syva Award 2011 for the best doctoral thesis in Animal Health

The research project "Molecular characterization of isolates of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis. Epidemiological map in Spain", was conducted at the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre

The XIV Edition of the Syva Price went to Elena Castellanos Rizaldos on July 9, 2010, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, at the Complutense University of de Madrid and it was led by Drs Martin Alicia Aranaz, Lucía de Juan Ferre and Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez , Director of the VISAVET Centre.… Read more

April 9th, 2011

Via publiDB

Madrid desmiente a Cavanilles y afirma que hay una epidemia mortal en delfines

Interview in levante-emv.com of Editorial Prensa Ibérica, S.A.

El Grupo de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria de la Cátedra de Sanidad Animal de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid confirmó ayer a Levante-EMV que hay una auténtica epidemia mortal de morbillivirus en la colonia de 16.000 delfines listados que viven en aguas de la costa mediterránea. La afirmación se sustenta en los resultados de los análisis realizados a más de la mitad de los ejemplares muertos. El grupo que dirige el catedrático José Manuel Sánchez Vizcaíno ha localizado el virus en la piel, encéfalo, timo, pulmón, ganglios pulmonares, riñón, bazo y vejiga de ejemplares varados en Peñisc… Read more

April 5th, 2011

Via publiDB



Conference in Curso "Pequeños Seres, Grandes Problemas"

April 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Journal of Clinical Microbiology

Utility of a Panviral Microarray for Detection of Swine Respiratory Viruses in Clinical Samples

Journal of Clinical Microbiology publish this investigation article

Several factors have recently converged elevating the need for highly parallel diagnostic platforms that have the ability to detect many known, novel, and emerging pathogenic agents simultaneously. Panviral DNA microarrays represent the most robust approach for massively parallel viral surveillance and detection. The Virochip is a panviral DNA microarray that is capable of detecting all known viruses, as well as novel viruses related to known viral families in a single assay, and has been used to successfully identify known and novel viral agents in clinical human specimens. However, the usefu… Read more

April 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Research in Veterinary Science

Phylogenetic analysis of a new Cetacean morbillivirus from a short-finned pilot whale stranded in the Canary Islands

Investigation published in Research in Veterinary Science

Cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) is considered the most pathogenic virus in cetaceans. Three strains have been already described: the dolphin morbillivirus (DMV), the porpoise morbillivirus (PMV) and the tentatively named pilot whale morbillivirus (PWMV). This study describes the molecular characterization of a strain of CeMV detected in the brain of a short-finned pilot whale that had stranded in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean around the Canary Islands and that showed lesions compatible with morbilliviral disease. Sequences for the nucleoprotein, phosphoprotein, fusion protein and haemagglutinin gen… Read more

April 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Research in Veterinary Science

Management of an outbreak of brucellosis due to B.melitensis in dairy cattle in Spain

Investigation published in Research in Veterinary Science

Brucella melitensis is a major human and animal pathogen, with a wide host range that includes all domestic ruminant species, although small ruminants are its preferred hosts. Outbreaks in cattle due to B. melitensis have become a worldwide emerging problem particularly difficult to control due to the lack of knowledge on the epidemiology in this host species and of an effective vaccine. However, combination of molecular tools and strict biosecurity measures can help to solve these difficulties and eventually eradicate the disease from infected herds. In the present report, management of an ou… Read more

April 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Caracterización y eliminación del último caso de tuberculosis en ganado bovino detectado en las Islas Canarias. Aplicación de técnicas rutinarias y complementarias de diagnóstico en la erradicación del último foco

Boletín de Anembe publish this article

La tuberculosis del ganado bovino es una enfermedad bacteriana de curso crónico y sintomatología inespecífica causada por cualquiera de las micobacterias incluidas en el complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. bovis, M. caprae, M. tuberculosis, M. microti, M. pinnipedi, M. africanum y M. canettii). La vía más frecuente de infección en esta especie animal es mediante la inhalación de aerosoles que contienen la bacteria y, por tanto, las lesiones piogranulomatosas características de la enfermedad se suelen localizar en aparato respiratorio y linfonodos asociados, lo que determina también los sig… Read more

April 1st, 2011

Via publiDB

Protocolo de utilización e informe de valoración del uso de pistolas de inoculación intradérmica

Protocolo de utilización e informe de valoración del uso de pistolas de inoculación intradérmica

This book has been published by Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (MARM) - VISAVET

La tuberculosis bovina, causada por la infección del ganado bovino por miembros del complejo M. tuberculosis, es una enfermedad de gran importancia desde el punto de la Salud Pública (ya que es una enfermedad zoonósica, es decir, transmisible al hombre) y de la Sanidad Animal (debido a las pérdidas directas e indirectas a las que da lugar). Por todo ello es una enfermedad prioritaria en la mayor parte de países desarrollados en los que todavía está presente, a la que se dedican grandes esfuerzos en forma de programas de erradicación. Estos programas están basados en la detección y eliminación … Read more

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