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Systematic review of surveillance systems and methods for early detection of exotic, new and re-emerging diseases in animal populations

Investigation published in Epidemiology and Infection

July 1st, 2015

In this globalized world, the spread of new, exotic and re-emerging diseases has become one of the most important threats to animal production and public health. This systematic review analyses conventional and novel early detection methods applied to surveillance. In all, 125 scientific documents were considered for this study. Exotic (n = 49) and re-emerging (n = 27) diseases constituted the most frequently represented health threats. In addition, the majority of studies were related to zoonoses (n = 66). The approaches found in the review could be divided in surveillance modalities, both active (n = 23) and passive (n = 5); and tools and methodologies that support surveillance activities (n = 57). Combinations of surveillance modalities and tools (n = 40) were also found. Risk-based approaches were very common (n = 60), especially in the papers describing tools and methodologies (n = 50). The main applications, benefits and limitations of each approach were extracted from the papers. This information will be very useful for informing the development of tools to facilitate the design of cost-effective surveillance strategies. Thus, the current literature review provides key information about the advantages, disadvantages, limitations and potential application of methodologies for the early detection of new, exotic and re-emerging diseases

Rodriguez-Prieto V., Vicente-Rubiano M., Sanchez-Matamoros A., Rubio-Guerri C., Melero M., Martinez-Lopez B., Martinez-Aviles M., Hoinville L., Vergne T., Comin A., Schauer B., Dorea F., Pfeiffer DU. and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

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Systematic review of surveillance systems and methods for early detection of exotic, new and re-emerging diseases in animal populations

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Systematic review of surveillance systems and methods for early detection of exotic, new and re-emerging diseases in animal populations


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Inmunología Viral y Medicina Preventiva (SUAT). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

CEI Campus MoncloaCEI Campus Moncloa.

University of California-DavisUniversity of California-Davis (UCDAVIS).

Department for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsAnimal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA). Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

Royal Veterinary CollegeVeterinary Epidemiology and Public Health. Royal Veterinary College (RVC).

National Veterinary InstituteNational Veterinary Institute (SVA).

Friedrich Loeffler Institut-Bundesforschungsinstitut fuer TiergesundheitInstitute of Epidemiology. Friedrich Loeffler Institut-Bundesforschungsinstitut fuer Tiergesundheit (FLI).

Epidemiology and Infection
2.515 2015

NLMID: 8703737

PMID: 25353252

ISSN: 0950-2688

TITLE: Systematic review of surveillance systems and methods for early detection of exotic, new and re-emerging diseases in animal populations

JOURNAL: Epidemiol Infect

NUMERACIÓN: 143(10):2018-42

AÑO: 2015

PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press

AUTHORS: Rodriguez-Prieto V., Vicente-Rubiano M., Sanchez-Matamoros A., Rubio-Guerri C., Melero M., Martinez-Lopez B., Martinez-Aviles M., Hoinville L., Vergne T., Comin A., Schauer B., Dorea F., Pfeiffer DU. and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

Marta Martínez Avilés
José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno Rodríguez

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S095026881400212X


Rodriguez-Prieto V., Vicente-Rubiano M., Sanchez-Matamoros A., Rubio-Guerri C., Melero M., Martinez-Lopez B., Martinez-Aviles M., Hoinville L., Vergne T., Comin A., Schauer B., Dorea F., Pfeiffer DU. and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Systematic review of surveillance systems and methods for early detection of exotic, new and re-emerging diseases in animal populations. Epidemiology and Infection. 143(10):2018-42. 2015. (R). ISSN: 0950-2688. DOI: 10.1017/S095026881400212X