The Complutense University enables the online application for equine rhinopneumonitis analysis
VISAVET is a center authorized by the the regional government of Madrid for the analysis of equine diseases included in the national control and surveillance programs
March 9th, 2021
In order to facilitate the diagnosis of equine Herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) in the current outbreak of equine
rhinopneumonitis in Spain, the Equine Health Surveillance Unit (SEVISEQ) of the VISAVET center of theComplutense University of Madrid enables this identification online through its website.
VISAVET is an authorized center to perform control of the diseases included in Annex II of Spanish Royal Decree 804/2011, of June 10, which regulates the zootechnical, health and animal welfare management of equine farms and it establishes the equine health plan within the scope of the Community of Madrid. The online system is just available for horses with clinical signs residing in the Community of Madrid prior notification to the Official Services, or for asymptomatic horses from all over Spain that require testing prior to a national or international movement.
This diagnosis, together with the treatment carried out by the Equine Medicine Service of the Complutense Veterinary Clinic Hospital is a joint response of this University to the current outbreak that has led to the complete cancelation of all National and European equestrian activity.
More information:
- Guia de ayuda para la solicitud online de análisis del servicio SEVISEQ
- Condiciones y términos de uso específicos del servicio on-line de análisis "Detección de ADN de Herpesvirus equino tipo 1 (HVE-1) y tipo 4 (HVE-4) en équidos (Rinoneumonitis equina) mediante PCR a tiempo real"
- Real Decreto 804/2011, de 10 de junio, por el que se regula la ordenación zootécnica, sanitaria y de bienestar animal de las explotaciones equinas y se establece el plan sanitario equino
- Brote de rinoneumonitis equina 2021 en España
- El Servicio de Medicina Equina del Hospital Clínico Veterinario Complutense, uno de los tres hospitales a nivel nacional que está controlando el actual brote de Herpes Virus Equino tipo 1
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- El Hospital Veterinario Complutense, implicado con el brote de herpesvirus equino -
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Complutense University