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The origins of antibacterial vaccines: Jaime Ferran and Cholera

Conference in 7th Congress of European Microbiologist. 26th Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology

July 10th, 2017

Gonzalez-Zorn B.


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Zoonosis de Transmisión Alimentaria y Resistencia a Antimicrobianos (ZTA). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Link to 7th Congress of European Microbiologist. 26th Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology


7th Congress of European Microbiologist. 26th Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology

July 9th-13rd, 2017

TITLE: The origins of antibacterial vaccines: Jaime Ferran and Cholera

TYPE: Oral communication

AUTHORS: Gonzalez-Zorn B.

Bruno González Zorn

DATE: July 10th, 2017


Gonzalez-Zorn B. The origins of antibacterial vaccines: Jaime Ferran and Cholera. 7th Congress of European Microbiologist. 26th Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology, Federation of European Microbiological Societies, Sociedad Española de Microbiología, July 10th, 2017. (Oral communication)