KryptonInt Killing SuperIntegron to understand bacterial evolvability
Comunicación oral en Jornadas sobre la carrera investigadora. European Research Council: ¿cómo obtener una ERC?
22 de abril de 2021
Integrons are genetic platforms that enhance bacterial evolvability through the acquisition and stockpiling of new genes encoded in mobile elements named cassettes. They are found in the chromosomes of environmental bacteria but some have acquired mobility through their association to transposons and conjugative plasmids. These mobile integrons (MI) caused the unexpected rise of multidrug resistance that is now a major threat to modern medicine, and are good proof of the adaptive power of integrons. Class 1 integrons are the most relevant MI and the major experimental model. Yet little is known about the hundreds of sedentary chromosomal integrons (SCI) that have driven bacterial evolution for eons. The paradigm of SCI is the superintegron (SI), an extremely large integron located in the chromosome of Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of Cholera disease. Despite its role in the adaptability of one of the deadliest pathogens in history, the SI is poorly characterized because it is only functional in its native genetic background, yet its presence interferes with, and precludes all studies performed in V. cholerae. I propose to solve this paradoxical situation by deleting the SI, an ambitious project not only for its size (126 Kb) but because it is highly stabilized by 17 toxin-antitoxin systems. To do so, I have developed SeqDelTA, a novel method that is already giving excellent preliminary results. I will then use V. choleraeΔSI to study fundamental aspects of SCIs, yet out of reach. I will elucidate the functions encoded in SI cassettes to understand the role and adaptive value of integrons in nature; I will also unravel the genesis of cassettes: how a gene is exapted from its genetic context to become a mobile module; and I will explore the circulation of antibiotic resistance cassettes among humans, animals, food, and the environment with a novel biosynthetic tool (the I3C). KryptonInt will open and explore the historically inaccessible field of study of SCIs. historically inaccessible field of study of SCIs
Servicio de Zoonosis de Transmisión Alimentaria y Resistencia a Antimicrobianos (ZTA). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM). | |
Departamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM). | |
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KryptonInt Killing SuperIntegron to understand bacterial evolvability
Enlace a Jornadas sobre la carrera investigadora. European Research Council: ¿cómo obtener una ERC?