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Detection and characterization of clinical and fecal Escherichia coli isolates in laying hens

PhD Thesis defense by Magdalena Gibert Perelló at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid

July 10th, 2009

The main objective of this study was the characterization of clinical (causing colibacillosis in lying hens) and faecal E. coli isolates. After performing the isolation and biochemical identification of the strains, analysis of serogroup, antimicrobial sensitivity, patotype (detection of virulence factors by PCR) and pulsotype (using Pulsed Field-Gel Electrophoresis, PFGE) was carried out. Furthermore, presence or absence of virulence factors and molecular characterization were analyzed by a comparative study with faecal isolates

Detection and characterization of clinical and fecal Escherichia coli isolates in laying hens

Magdalena Gibert Perelló PhD Thesis: Detection and characterization of clinical and fecal Escherichia coli isolates in laying hens Magdalena Gibert Perelló

TITLE: Detección y caracterización de aislados de Escherichia coli de origen clínico y fecal en gallinas ponedoras

TYPE: PhD Thesis

AUTHOR: Magdalena Gibert Perelló

DIRECTORS: Briones V., Dominguez L. and Tellez S.

DATE: July 10th, 2009



Magdalena Gibert Perelló. Detección y caracterización de aislados de Escherichia coli de origen clínico y fecal en gallinas ponedoras. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. July 10th, 2009. (PhD Thesis)