Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez
Miembro del Consejo Asesor Externo del CEIGRAM. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Académico Correspondiente (Sección de Ciencias Básicas). Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias de Castilla y León
Tutor de Doctorado en Ciencias en el Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias de la Producción y de la Salud Animal. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Comité Asesor para el acceso a instalaciones del CISA. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
Representante de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid para formar parte del Patronato de la Fundación IMDEA Alimentación. Universidad Complutense (UCM)
Miembro del panel de evaluadores externos del Programa Manuel Colmeiro. Xunta de Galicia
Coordinador del Cluster de Agroalimentación y Salud. CEI Campus Moncloa
Miembro. Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Sanidad Animal (Vet+i)
Académico de Número de la Real Academia de Doctores de España. Real Academia de Doctores de España (RADE)
Full Professor (UCM)
PhD in Veterinary Sciences
Degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Professor Lucas Domínguez was born in 1955 in Cabezuela del Valle (Cáceres). He has a degree and a PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid (Extraordinary PhD Award 1983-1984). He has carried out postdoctoral stays at the Universities of Leicester and Reading (United Kingdom). He has obtained the position of Full Professor in the area of Animal Pathology I (currently Animal Health) in 1988. He obtained the I Jacumar Award for Research in Aquaculture 2001 and the ANAPORC Prize 2001.
He has held the position of Director of the Department of Animal Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCM) and Director of the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre (UCM) for 13 and 9 consecutive years, respectively. Under his direction the center has specialized in the surveillance of the main zoonotic and epizootic diseases of interest in Spain. Currently, VISAVET hosts the European Reference Laboratory for Bovine Tuberculosis (EU-RL), the Reference Laboratories for African Equine Pest and African Swine Fever of the OIE and the Veterinary Surveillance Network for Resistance to Antibiotics (VAV). Under his direction, VISAVET has participated in the creation of the Food Institute (Food Safety) of the IMDEA and, together with the Agri-Food and Health Cluster, has participated in the Campus of International Excellence (CEI Moncloa) project developed by both the Universidad Complutense and the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Professor Lucas Domínguez has also participated in the creation of the Spanish Network of Biological Alert Laboratories (RELAB).
Throughout his career he has directed numerous research projects with public and private funding and has directed 37 doctoral theses (12 of them have awards).
He has collaborated in the publication of more than 350 research works, most of them in journals with the highest impact in the area, mainly in the field of diagnosis, detection, classification, characterization, epidemiology, control and eradication of facultative intracellular pathogenic zoonotic bacteria (Listeria, Salmonella, Mycobacterium). He has also been a co-author in several books, monographs and articles on issues of Animal Health and Public Health and also authored several microbiological manuals. He has been part and is currently part of several Task Commissions of different national and international Agencies related to Animal Health, Public Health, Microbial Taxonomy, Veterinary Drugs and Food Safety and Nutrition. He is an advisor for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Area of Environment, Land Planning and Health of the Community of Madrid and the Area of Agriculture and Livestock of Castilla y Leon.
He has held the position of Director of the Department of Animal Health of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCM) and Director of the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre (UCM) for 13 and 9 consecutive years, respectively. Under his direction the center has specialized in the surveillance of the main zoonotic and epizootic diseases of interest in Spain. Currently, VISAVET hosts the European Reference Laboratory for Bovine Tuberculosis (EU-RL), the Reference Laboratories for African Equine Pest and African Swine Fever of the OIE and the Veterinary Surveillance Network for Resistance to Antibiotics (VAV). Under his direction, VISAVET has participated in the creation of the Food Institute (Food Safety) of the IMDEA and, together with the Agri-Food and Health Cluster, has participated in the Campus of International Excellence (CEI Moncloa) project developed by both the Universidad Complutense and the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. Professor Lucas Domínguez has also participated in the creation of the Spanish Network of Biological Alert Laboratories (RELAB).
Throughout his career he has directed numerous research projects with public and private funding and has directed 37 doctoral theses (12 of them have awards).
He has collaborated in the publication of more than 350 research works, most of them in journals with the highest impact in the area, mainly in the field of diagnosis, detection, classification, characterization, epidemiology, control and eradication of facultative intracellular pathogenic zoonotic bacteria (Listeria, Salmonella, Mycobacterium). He has also been a co-author in several books, monographs and articles on issues of Animal Health and Public Health and also authored several microbiological manuals. He has been part and is currently part of several Task Commissions of different national and international Agencies related to Animal Health, Public Health, Microbial Taxonomy, Veterinary Drugs and Food Safety and Nutrition. He is an advisor for the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the Area of Environment, Land Planning and Health of the Community of Madrid and the Area of Agriculture and Livestock of Castilla y Leon.
Research lines:
- Integrated monitoring and control of Toxoplasma gondii and Hepatitis E virus in food supply chains (NED)
- Application of MALDI-TOF technique in the clinical microbiology and Agri-food field (ICM)
- Diagnosis of leishmaniasis in the animal reservoir (NED)
- Diagnosis of Q fever in livestock and wildlife using direct and indirect tests. (NED)
- Diagnosis of swine brucellosis (NED)
- New strategies for diagnosis and control of bovine, ovine and caprine brucellosis (NED)
- Epidemiological surveillance of zoonotic tick-borne pathogens (NED)
- Tuberculosis control (MYC)
- Genetic characterization of antimicrobial resistance (ZTA)
- Genetic characterization of microorganisms populations (ZTA)
- Foodborne zoonoses in animals and animal derived products intended for human consumption (eggs, meat..), as well as water samples, mainly Salmonella spp. Campylobacter spp., Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Yersinia enterocolitica (ZTA)
- Molecular characterizacion studies of the Mycobacterium avium complex (MYC)
- Clinical diagnosis (ICM)
- Tuberculosis diagnosis (MYC)
- Molecular epidemiology of tubeculosis (MYC)
- Molecular typing (ICM)
- Antimicrobial resistances in pathogens, food-borne zoonotic agents and indicators (ZTA)
- Diagnosis of other mycobacteriosis (MYC)
- Design of methods for detection of biological threat agents (NED)
- Bacterial taxonomy (ICM)
Last PhD thesis supervised:
- Agustín Miguel Rebollada Merino. Brucellosis (Brucella suis, B. ovis, B. ceti) in domestic animals and wildlife: New aspects of epidemiology, immune response, and pathology. 2023.(Doctorado Internacional)
- Pedro Miguela Villoldo. Identification and characterization of colistin resistant bacteria from food-producing animals in Spain. Assessment of its persistance and possible dissemination. 2023.(Doctorado Internacional)
- Aránzazu Buendía Andrés. Determination of reference intervals of haematological, biochemical and oxidative stress parameters in horses residing in equestrian centers in central Spain. 2022.
- Eliazar Camino Gutiérrez. Strategies for the prevention and control of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in the equine population of Spain. 2021.(Doctorado Internacional)
- Álvaro Roy Cordero. Evaluation of new vaccines against tuberculosis in goats and advances in their immunological diagnosis. 2020.(Doctorado Internacional y Doctorado Industrial)
Last outreach publications:
- Agullo-Ros I., Ortega J., Roy A., Moreno I., Gómez-Buendía A., Romero B., Ferreras-Colino E., de Juan L., Dominguez M., Dominguez L., Bezos J. and Risalde MA.. ¿Son los altos títulos de anticuerpos frente a la tuberculosis un indicador fiable de protección frente a la enfermedad?. Tierras. Caprino, 45, Grupo interempresas. 2024.
- Velasco-Reinaldos C., Roy A., Ortega J., Romero B., Alvarez J., Dominguez M., Moreno I., Diez-Guerrier A., de Juan L., Dominguez L. and Bezos J.. Mejorando el diagnóstico para ayudar en la erradicación de la tuberculosis en los rumiantes domésticos: el proyecto internacionalo imdiTBap. Ruminews, Noviembre 2023, Agrinews. 2023.
- Barcena C., Cabanes D., Gonzalez S., Martinez I., Garcia N., Rodriguez-Bertos A., Goyache J., de Juan L. and Dominguez L.. SEVEMUR 2007-2022: 15 años de VISAVET en la gestión del Servicio Veterinario de Urgencia del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Profesión Veterinaria, 98:18-24, Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Madrid. 2022.
- Kosowska A., Barasona JA., Barroso-Arevalo S., Rivera B., Dominguez L. and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM.. Método de muestreo sencillo y seguro para monitorizar el virus de la peste porcina africana. Porcinews, 4, Agrinews. 2022.
- Camino E., Buendia A., Dorrego-Rodriguez A., Pozo P., de Juan L., Dominguez L. and Cruz F.. Epidemiological situation of equine piroplasmosis in Spain: where is the risk?. Equine Veterinary Journal, 53:43-44, Wiley & Sons, Inc.. 2021.
Last communications:
- Perello-Jiménez A., Mihaja-Ratsoavina F., Ancochea C., Hernandez-Carrillo J., Gonzalez S., Garcia N., Diez-Guerrier A., Gortazar C., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Promoting university education in low-income countries by artificial intelligence-based translation. XVII Congreso Internacional de Educación, Investigación e Innovación. 2024. (Oral communication)
- Garcia-Seco T., Perez-Domingo A., Buendia A., Sánchez-Morales L., Cruz F., Herranz-Benito C., Diaz-de Frutos M., Dominguez M., Zamora L., Moreno I., Dominguez L. and Perez-Sancho M.. Inmunidad entrenada: una nueva aproximación para el control de Streptococcus suis. XXVII Simposio Nacional AVEDILA. 2024. (Oral communication)
- Velasco-Reinaldos C., Roy A., Alvarez J., Dominguez M., Moreno I., Martin AB., Ciordia S., de Juan L., Dominguez L., Romero B. and Bezos J.. Análisis proteómico de las tuberculinas y evaluación de antígenos alternativos. XXVII Simposio Nacional AVEDILA. 2024. (Oral communication)
- Garcia-Seco T., Perez-Domingo A., Buendia A., Sanchez-Morales I., Cruz F., Herranz-Benito C., Diaz-de Frutos M., Dominguez M., Zamora L., Moreno I., Dominguez L. and Perez-Sancho M.. Relevancia de la forma de presentación de las micobacterias en la inducción de inmunidad entrenada en modelo ratón. III Congreso Internacional de Sanidad y Bienestar Animal. 2024. (Poster communication)
- Perez-Sancho M., Herranz-Benito C., Garcia-Seco T., Perello-Jiménez A., Diez-Guerrier A., Martinez-Murcia A., Dominguez M., Moreno I., Gortazar C. and Dominguez L.. Optimización de la técnica de recogida y procesamiento de muestras ambientales basadas en esponjas para la detección molecular de patógenos. XXVII Simposio Nacional AVEDILA. 2024. (Poster communication)