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Mycobacteria Unit
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Universidad Complutense
Av. Puerta de Hierro s/n. 28040 Madrid. Spain

e-mail Mycobacteria Unit

Head office phone: (+34) 913 944 033

Laboratory phone: (+34) 913 943 975

Fax: (+34) 913 943 795

The Mycobacteria Unit (MYC) routinely conducts immunological, bacteriological, and molecular diagnosis of infections caused by mycobacteria, primarily tuberculosis. Additionally, it carries out field and experimental studies to evaluate diagnostic techniques and vaccines for the design of control and eradication strategies, as well as molecular epidemiology studies based on different techniques including sequencing. Therefore, the main research lines of the group involve the development, evaluation and fine-tuning of methodologies for in vivo and in vitro diagnosis of infections caused by mycobacteria, as well as the development of new technology for molecular characterization studies. MYC also collaborates with the Official Veterinary Services of Spain to design strategies that improve control and eradication programs for tuberculosis in domestic ruminants, as well as in the improvement of diagnosis and control in other domestic and wildlife species. Additionally, MYC participates in training courses and conferences on various aspects of tuberculosis aimed at veterinarians and livestock farmers. Thanks to the professional trajectory of this group, the VISAVET Centre was designated in 2008 as the European Union Reference Laboratory for bovine tuberculosis, under the auspices of the European Commission, providing technical support to all National Reference Laboratories (NRL) as well as the official veterinary services of the European Union. Furthermore, in 2023, it was also designated as the Reference Laboratory for mammalian tuberculosis by the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), expanding its technical and scientific work beyond the European context.



Last outreach publications:


Mycobacteria Unit

Head of unit

Beatriz Romero Martínez

PhD in Veterinary Sciences

Head of laboratory

Francisco Javier Lozano Barrilero
Técnico Superior en Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Clínico
Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez
Full Professor UCM
PhD in Veterinary Sciences
Lucía de Juan Ferré
Associate Professor
PhD in Veterinary Sciences
Javier Bezos Garrido
Associate Professor
PhD in Veterinary Sciences
Carmen Bárcena Asensio
PhD in Veterinary Sciences
Nuria Moya Álvarez

Nuria Moya Álvarez

Degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Tatiana Alende García

Tatiana Alende García

Técnico Superior en Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Clínico
Alexandra Gutiérrez Tobaruela

Alexandra Gutiérrez Tobaruela

Técnico Superior en Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Clínico
Cristina Viñolo Águeda

Cristina Viñolo Águeda

Técnico Superior en Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Clínico
Daniela de la Cruz Curazzi

Daniela de la Cruz Curazzi

Técnico Superior en Anatomía Patológica y Citología
Laura Sánchez Martín

Laura Sánchez Martín

Técnico Superior en Anatomía Patológica y Citología
Pilar Pozo Piñol

Pilar Pozo Piñol

Degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Alberto Antoine Díez Guerrier

Alberto Antoine Díez Guerrier

Assistant Professor UCM
Degree in Veterinary Medicine (DVM)

MYC Outreach Publication Indicators
Last 12 mo.
Last 60 mo.
Last 12 mo.
Last 60 mo.