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Determination of patulin by diphasic dialysis extraction and thin-layer chromatography

Investigation published in Journal of Food Protection

January 1st, 1992

A quick, simple, and economical semiquantitative method has been devised for the detection of patulin in apple juice. The mycotoxin is extracted from the sample using ethyl acetate in a diphasic dialysis system. No purification or cleanup stages are required. Patulin is detected by thin-layer chromatography using a 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone-hydrazone solution as spray reagent. The limit of detection is 50 micrograms/L and recovery is 65% at 100 micrograms/L.

Prieta J., Moreno MA., Blanco JL., Suarez G. and Dominguez L..


Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Zoonosis Emergentes, de Baja Prevalencia y Agresivos Biológicos (NED). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

1.687 2005

NLMID: 7703944

ISSN: 0362-028X

TITLE: Determination of patulin by diphasic dialysis extraction and thin-layer chromatography

JOURNAL: J Food Prot

NUMERACIÓN: 55:1001-1002

AÑO: 1992

PUBLISHER: International Association for Food Protection

AUTHORS: Prieta J., Moreno MA., Blanco JL., Suarez G. and Dominguez L..

José Luis Blanco Cancelo
Guillermo Suárez Fernández
Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez


Prieta J., Moreno MA., Blanco JL., Suarez G. and Dominguez L. Determination of patulin by diphasic dialysis extraction and thin-layer chromatography. Journal of Food Protection. 55:1001-1002. 1992. (A). ISSN: 0362-028X.