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Management of an outbreak of brucellosis due to B.melitensis in dairy cattle in Spain

Investigation published in Research in Veterinary Science

April 1st, 2011

Brucella melitensis is a major human and animal pathogen, with a wide host range that includes all domestic ruminant species, although small ruminants are its preferred hosts. Outbreaks in cattle due to B. melitensis have become a worldwide emerging problem particularly difficult to control due to the lack of knowledge on the epidemiology in this host species and of an effective vaccine. However, combination of molecular tools and strict biosecurity measures can help to solve these difficulties and eventually eradicate the disease from infected herds. In the present report, management of an outbreak in Spain involving four farms, more than 2000 cattle and several human cases is described. Application of Multiple Locus VNTR Analysis (MLVA) allowed identifying the most likely source of infection. Stamping out and test-and-slaughter strategies were applied, proving their usefulness to control the outbreak depending on infection level, and without the need of other alternative measures

Alvarez J., Saez-Llorente JL., Garcia N., Serrat C., Perez-Sancho M., Gonzalez S., Ortega MJ., Gou J., Carbajo L., Garrido F., Goyache J. and Dominguez L..

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Management of an outbreak of brucellosis due to B.melitensis in dairy cattle in Spain

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Management of an outbreak of brucellosis due to B.melitensis in dairy cattle in Spain


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Zoonosis Emergentes, de Baja Prevalencia y Agresivos Biológicos (NED). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y MarinoLaboratorio Central de Sanidad Animal (Santa Fé-Granada) (LCSA). Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (MARM).

Generalitat de CatalunyaSección de Ganadería y Sanidad Animal. Centro de Fauna de Vallcalent (CFV). Departamento de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Natural. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Research in Veterinary Science
1.649 2011

NLMID: 401300

PMID: 20579679

ISSN: 0034-5288

TITLE: Management of an outbreak of brucellosis due to B.melitensis in dairy cattle in Spain

JOURNAL: Res Vet Sci

NUMERACIÓN: 90(2):208-11

AÑO: 2011


AUTHORS: Alvarez J., Saez-Llorente JL., Garcia N., Serrat C., Perez-Sancho M., Gonzalez S., Ortega MJ., Gou J., Carbajo L., Garrido F., Goyache J. and Dominguez L..

Julio Álvarez Sánchez
Nerea García Benzaquén
Marta Pérez Sancho
Sergio González Domínguez
Joaquín Goyache Goñi
Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2010.05.028


Alvarez J., Saez-Llorente JL., Garcia N., Serrat C., Perez-Sancho M., Gonzalez S., Ortega MJ., Gou J., Carbajo L., Garrido F., Goyache J. and Dominguez L. Management of an outbreak of brucellosis due to B.melitensis in dairy cattle in Spain. Research in Veterinary Science. 90(2):208-11. 2011. (A). ISSN: 0034-5288. DOI: 10.1016/j.rvsc.2010.05.028