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Meningitis caused by an unusual genotype (ST3) of Streptococcus suis

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June 1st, 2013

We describe a case of meningitis due to Streptococcus suis with the unusual ST3 genotype. The bacterial pathogen was isolated from blood samples. S. suis genotype ST3 was initially isolated from carrier pigs, but it has not been previously associated with invasive human
infections. The patient developed serious endogenous bilateral endophthalmitis which resulted in severe visual deficiency

Vela AI., Aspiroz C., Fortuno B., Tirado G., Sierra J., Martinez R. and Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

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Meningitis caused by an unusual genotype (ST3) of Streptococcus suis

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Meningitis caused by an unusual genotype (ST3) of Streptococcus suis


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Identificación y Caracterización Microbiana (ICM). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Hospital Royo Villanova, Zaragoza.

Unidad de Medicina Interna. Hospital Royo Villanova, Zaragoza.

Unidad de Microbiología. Hospital Royo Villanova, Zaragoza.

Unidad de Oftalmología. Hospital Royo Villanova, Zaragoza.

2.864 2013

NLMID: 365307

PMID: 23242963

ISSN: 0300-8126

TITLE: Meningitis caused by an unusual genotype (ST3) of Streptococcus suis

JOURNAL: Infection

NUMERACIÓN: 41(3):701-3

AÑO: 2013

PUBLISHER: Springer Heidelberg

AUTHORS: Vela AI., Aspiroz C., Fortuno B., Tirado G., Sierra J., Martinez R. and Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

Ana Isabel Vela Alonso
José Francisco Fernández-Garayzabal Fernández

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s15010-012-0382-y


Vela AI., Aspiroz C., Fortuno B., Tirado G., Sierra J., Martinez R. and Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. Meningitis caused by an unusual genotype (ST3) of Streptococcus suis. Infection. 41(3):701-3. 2013. (A). ISSN: 0300-8126. DOI: 10.1007/s15010-012-0382-y