Scientific Summer Campus
August 1st, 2010
First activity of the Agri-Food and Health Cluster of CEI Moncloa.

Students in VISAVET BSL3 (Img: Carlos Ancochea)
The Health Surveillance Centre of Complutense University (VISAVET) participated actively in the Scientific Summer Campus 2010 to develop in its installations one project of the Campus International Excellence of Moncloa (CEI): “Infectious diseases between animals and humans”.
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education have carried out the program “Scientific Summer Campus” to potentiate the interest in the science, technology and the innovation for the students of the fourth course of the ESO and the first year of Bachillerato.
The project of the Scientific Summer Campus was developed simultaneously, in the Departments and Centres of Research of the six selected campuses (as Campuses of International Excellence) which are in Andalucía, Asturias, Cantabria, Cataluña, Galicia and Madrid. The activities took place over the month of July 4th to the 31st , 2010.
The VISAVET Centre of Complutense University took part in this event, with the project: “infectious diseases between animals and humans”.
The main objective of this activity was to improve the comprehension above the research activities, developed by the Animal Health laboratory and Food Safety, from the applied methods to the utility of the obtained results for the society.

The students in one activity of the Scientific Summer Campus (Img: Carlos Ancochea)
The different Meetings were oriented for the students to get to acquire the knowledge about how a lab of biological safety is, and how the work is performed in it. At the same time, there were several speeches to increase the knowledge of the students about themes such as important diseases that are transmitted among the men and the animals (zoonosis), some existing options for its treatment, the prevention and control of infectious illnesses, and also about the research activities carried out in the centre. On the other hand, an experimental practice of a clinical microbiological analysis was performed in the facilities of a BSL3.
The other project of CEI-Moncloa, namely “Teledetection and global change” was developed at the Maths School of the Complutense University.
You can read more about Campus of Internacional Excellence: CEI Campus Moncloa
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre
Complutense University