June, 2007 news
June 28th, 2007
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Utilización de las herramientas diagnósticas en la investigación epidemiológica
Conference in Curso de Veterinario de Explotación
June 27th, 2007
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Med-Vet-Net 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting
Communications in this event:
- Antibiogramme of Mycobacterium bovis and M. caprae isolates of animal origin
June 26th, 2007
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Strategies to control bovine tuberculosis in Asian countries
Oral communication in 2nd International Symposium on Infectious Diseases and Health Sciences
June 21st, 2007
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Utilización de la herramientas diagnósticas en la investigación epidemiológica
Oral communication in Curso de Veterinario de Explotación
June 18th, 2007
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The book Microbiología Veterinaria edited by Inter Médica includes this chapter
June 14th, 2007
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Detección del virus en Apis Mellifera por RT-PCR en tiempo real
Deborah Kukielka Zunzunegui defended this presentation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid in order to obtain the Master of Research
Detección y cuantificación de virus que afectan a las abejas en España: desarrollo de técnicas RT-PCR en tiempo real para poder determinar la presencia de diversos virus que afectan a las abejas en el territorio Español. Estudio de la prevalencía en estos virus y su detección…
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June 14th, 2007
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Communications in I Jornada Técnica de ADIVETER:
- Problemática de la Salmonella en el sector porcino
- Normativa sobre Salmonella en la producción ganadera
June 12nd, 2007
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Short communication. First report of black queen-cell virus detection in honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Spain
Spanish journal of agricultural research publish this article
The black queen-cell virus (BQCV) is a RNA virus recently classified within the Family Dicistroviridae, genus Cripavirus. Although BQCV is found worldwide, it has never been previously reported in Spain in spite of the fact that this country is the main producer of honey bees (Apis mellifera) in the European Union. This study presents a
clinical and laboratory description of a BQCV outbreak in honey bees within an apiary made up of 80 colonies in the province of Toledo (Spain). Mortality was associated with signs of diarrhoea, enlarged abdomen, oedema in the midgut, and distended rectum fille…
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June 8th, 2007
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Control de los principales patógenos en alimentos: Listeria y Salmonella (II)
New online article published in Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
Los modelos de prevención de Listeria y Salmonella han generado una enorme revolución en el control de calidad y seguridad de los alimentos. Estos modelos permiten crear nuevas pautas, que introducen cambios en los sistemas de producción y transformación...…
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June 8th, 2007
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Curso de Formación de Formadores "Diagnóstico, prevención y tratamiento de enfermedades exóticas animales"
Communications in this event:
- Importancia de la formación continuada II: simulacros
- Importancia de la formación continuada I: simulación
- Planes de control y erradicación de enfermedades infecciosas animales
- Prevención de enfermedades: análisis de riesgo. Aplicación
- Redes de vigilancia sanitaria. Modelo para fiebre aftosa
June 6th, 2007
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Salmonelosis en las distintas producciones. Situación actual
Oral communication in I Jornada Nacional sobre Salmonelosis
June 4th, 2007
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Auxiliary Slaughterhouse Technicians in Madrid
Communications in this event:
- Enfermedad de las vacas locas
- Conceptos generales sobre EETs: introducción
- Conceptos generales sobre seguridad y riesgo en matadero
- Conceptos generales sobre brucelosis
- Conceptos generales sobre zoonosis víricas
- Conceptos generales sobre tuberculosis
- Conceptos generales sobre listeriosis
- Conceptos generales sobre colibacilosis (VTEC)
- Control de Salmonella en post-producción
- Control de Salmonella en matadero
- Conceptos generales sobre salmonelosis
- Conceptos generales: zoonosis de transmisión alimentaria
- Nociones sobre hongos y micotoxinas
- Acción de los agentes químicos frente a las bacterias
- Acción de los agentes físicos frente a bacterias
- Nociones sobre epidemiología y ecología bacteriana
- Nociones sobre fisiología bacteriana: estructuras y funciones
- Nociones de Microbiología: conceptos e historia
- Introducción al cultivo microbiano
June 1st, 2007
Sergio González Domínguez
Antimicrobials course: Human and Veterinary persperctive
The use of antimicrobials in human and veterinary medicine and interrelationship between them.
A training course will be held at the Veterinary Faculty of Cáceres from 10th to 12th of July 2007.…
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June 1st, 2007
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Short communication. First report of black queen-cell virus detection in honey bees (Apis mellifera) in Spain
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research publish this investigation article
The black queen-cell virus (BQCV) is a RNA virus recently classified within the Family Dicistroviridae, genus Cripavirus. Although BQCV is found worldwide, it has never been previously reported in Spain in spite of the fact that this country is the main producer of honey bees (Apis mellifera) in the European Union. This study presents a clinical and laboratory description of a BQCV outbreak in honey bees within an apiary made up of 80 colonies in the province of Toledo (Spain). Mortality was associated with signs of diarrhoea, enlarged abdomen, oedema in the midgut, and distended rectum filled…
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June 1st, 2007
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Beta-lactam resistance in Haemophilus parasuis Is mediated by plasmid pB1000 bearing blaROB-1
Investigation published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
beta-Lactam resistance in Haemophilus parasuis is an emerging phenomenon that has not yet been characterized from a molecular perspective. Clinical high-level beta-lactam-resistant isolates from Spain bore a novel plasmid, pB1000, expressing a functionally active ROB-1 beta-lactamase. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was applied for the first time to H. parasuis and showed that beta-lactam resistance is due to clonal spread of a resistant strain, BB1018, bearing pB1000…
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June 1st, 2007
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Aerococcus suis sp. nov., isolated from clinical specimens from swine
Investigation article published in International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Biochemical and molecular genetic studies were performed for five isolates of unknown Gram-positive, catalase-negative, cocci-shaped micro-organisms obtained from clinical samples from pigs. The micro-organisms were tentatively identified as Aerococcus species on the basis of the results from cellular morphological and biochemical tests. 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies confirmed the provisional identification of the isolates as members of the genus Aerococcus, but the micro-organism did not correspond to any recognized species of this genus. The nearest phylogenetic relatives of these unknown…
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June 1st, 2007
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Evaluación del riesgo de entrada en España del subtipo H5N1 del virus de la Influenza Aviar en otoño
Marta Martínez Avilés defended this presentation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid in order to obtain the Master of Research
June 1st, 2007
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Puntos críticos en ganado vacuno de leche: el salto de la normativa a la realidad
Ganadería publish this article