Usefulness of MALDI-TOF MS as a Diagnostic Tool for the Identification of Streptococcus Species Recovered from Clinical Specimens of Pigs
Investigation article published in PLoS ONE
January 26th, 2017
The application of MALDI-TOF MS for identifying streptococcal isolates recovered from clinical specimens of diseased pigs was evaluated. For this proposal, the MALDI BDAL Database (Bruker Daltoniks, Germany) was supplemented with the main spectrum profiles (MSP) of the reference strains of S. porci, S. porcorum and S. plurextorum associated with pneumonia and septicemia. Although these three species showed similar MALDI profiles, several peaks were recognized that can be useful for their differentiation: S. porci (4113, 6133, 7975 and 8228 m/z Da), S. plurextorum (3979, 4078, 4665, 6164, 6491, 6812, 7959 and 9330 m/z Da) and S. porcorum (3385, 3954, 4190, 6772, 7908, and 8381 m/z Da). After adding these MSPs, an evaluation was conducted to determine the accuracy of MALDI-TOF MS for the identification of streptococci from diseased pigs using 74 field isolates. Isolates were identified as S. suis, S. porcinus, S. dysgalactiae, S. hyovaginalis, S. porcorum, S. alactolyticus, S. hyointestinalis and S. orisratti. This is the first time that the latter three species have been reported from clinical specimens of pigs. Overall, there was good concordance (95.9%) between the results obtained from MALDI-TOF MS identification (best hint) and those from genotyping. Our results demonstrate the good performance of MALDI-TOF MS (100% sensitivity and specificity) for identifying most of the species of streptococci that can frequently be isolated from diseased pigs. However, conflicting results were observed in the correct identification of some isolates of S. dysgalactiae and S. alactolyticus
Perez-Sancho M., Vela AI., Garcia-Seco T., Gonzalez S., Dominguez L. and Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..
Servicio de Identificación y Caracterización Microbiana (ICM). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM). | |
Campus MONCLOA. | |
Departamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM). | |