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Identification of a novel peptide that determines plasmid host-species specificity

Poster presentado en ISPB2022: International Symposium on Plasmid Biology 2022

18 de septiembre de 2022

Wedel E., Bernabe-Balas C., Pulido-Vadillo M., Matamoros BR., Fernandez-Favieres FJ., Montero N., Mazel D. y Gonzalez-Zorn B.

Antimicrobial resistance in bacteria is one of the biggest threats to Public Health worldwide. Plasmid facilitate the vertical and horizontal spread of antimicrobial resistance genes between different bacteria. The host-range and the adaptation of a plasmid to new host determine the impact of plasmid in the spread of resistance. In this work, we describe a new peptide that prevents the adaptation of a narrow-host range plasmid pB1000, usually found in Pasteurellaceae to the novel host Eschericia coli. As an adaptive mechanism, the disruption of this peptide by ISs from the E. coli chromosome increases the stability of pB1000. Depending on the ISs itself the plasmid host-range is expanded or shifted


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Zoonosis de Transmisión Alimentaria y Resistencia a Antimicrobianos (ZTA). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Institut PasteurInstitut Pasteur.

Enlace a ISPB2022: International Symposium on Plasmid Biology 2022


ISPB2022: International Symposium on Plasmid Biology 2022

18-23 septiembre de 2022

TÍTULO: Identification of a novel peptide that determines plasmid host-species specificity

TIPO: Comunicación en póster

AUTORES: Wedel E., Bernabe-Balas C., Pulido-Vadillo M., Matamoros BR., Fernandez-Favieres FJ., Montero N., Mazel D. y Gonzalez-Zorn B.

Mario Pulido Vadillo
Francisco Javier Fernández-Favieres
Bruno González Zorn

FECHA: 18 de septiembre de 2022


Wedel E., Bernabe-Balas C., Pulido-Vadillo M., Matamoros BR., Fernandez-Favieres FJ., Montero N., Mazel D. y Gonzalez-Zorn B. Identification of a novel peptide that determines plasmid host-species specificity. ISPB2022: International Symposium on Plasmid Biology 2022, International Society for Plasmid Biology, Center for Integrative Biology, Madrid, España, 18 de septiembre de 2022. (Comunicación en póster)