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Quantitative Risk Assessment of African Swine Fever Introduction into Spain by Legal Import of Live Pigs

Investigación publicada en Pathogens

8 de enero de 2022

African swine fever (ASF) is a devastating infectious disease of pigs that is threatening the global swine industry at present. The current spread of ASF in Europe and its recent incursion into Germany pose a serious risk to Spain, one of the world’s leading pig producers. A quantitative stochastic risk assessment model was developed to estimate the probability of ASF introduction into Spain via the legal import of live pigs. The results suggest a low annual probability of ASF introduction into Spain (1.07 × 10−4), the highest risk being concentrated in Central European countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg) during the months of April and February. The methods and results presented herein could contribute to improving prevention and control strategies and, ultimately, would help reduce the risk of ASF introduction into Spain

Munoz-Perez C., Bosch BJ., Ito S., Martinez-Aviles M. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

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Quantitative Risk Assessment of African Swine Fever Introduction into Spain by Legal Import of Live Pigs

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Quantitative Risk Assessment of African Swine Fever Introduction into Spain by Legal Import of Live Pigs


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Inmunología Viral y Medicina Preventiva (SUAT). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Animal Health Research Center (INIA-CISA).

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3.700 2022

NLMID: 101596317

PMID: 35056024

ISSN: 2076-0817

TÍTULO: Quantitative Risk Assessment of African Swine Fever Introduction into Spain by Legal Import of Live Pigs

REVISTA: Pathogens

NUMERACIÓN: 11(1):76

AÑO: 2022


AUTORES: Munoz-Perez C., Bosch BJ., Ito S., Martinez-Aviles M. and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

Marta Martínez Avilés
José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno Rodríguez



Munoz-Perez C., Bosch BJ., Ito S., Martinez-Aviles M. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. Quantitative Risk Assessment of African Swine Fever Introduction into Spain by Legal Import of Live Pigs. Pathogens. 11(1):76. 2022. (A). ISSN: 2076-0817. DOI: 10.3390/pathogens11010076