

Integrated solutions for tuberculosis
control in animals combining vaccination
and multi-species diagnostics

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Objectives image

Aim and objectives:

The overall objective is to take the results of the TB-STEP project - “Strategies for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis”, funded under FP7-KBBE-2007 with project number 212414, where most of the WildTBVac partners were involved, and build a pre-commercial set of TB control solutions by means of testing the technical and economical viability of the aforementioned integrated approach.

WildTBVac specific objectives are the following:

  • To standardize and optimize the production of a TB Vaccine (prototype resulting of the TB-STEP project).
  • To evaluate several vaccine-compatible diagnostic strategies (also resulting from the TB-STEP project) that will include multi-species DIVA tests (wild boar, domestic pigs, cattle).
  • To assess the field efficacy of integrated TB control strategies including oral vaccination for TB control in wild boar.
  • Assess the safety and immunogenicity of vaccine in wildlife.
  • To evaluate the field efficacy of integrated TB control strategies including oral vaccination for TB control in domestic and feral pigs.
  • To define the exploitation and commercialization strategy including clear technology transfer approaches and development of a market oriented business.

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