5ª Reunión Científica Anual de Investigación de las Zoonosis en Europa

Meetings and Congresses


Health Surveillance Centre (VISAVET). Complutense University

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5th Annual Scientific Meeting on Zoonoses Research in Europe

Organizer: MED-VET-NET

Coordinator: VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre / Health Institute Carlos III

Place: Euroforum Infantes, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid, Spain

Date: From 3rd to 6th of June, 2009

Oficial meeting website: www.medvetnet.org/mvnconf09

Documentation: Program


Registration was closed 31 March.
If you still need to register and have contacted the Conference Administrators regarding this, enter here.

Poster instructions:

Posters should be no more than 90 cm wide and 120 cm high (A0 paper size will fit well).
NB your poster should be in portrait (vertical) format not landscape so that it will fit on the boards.

If you would like assistance with printing your poster please contact the Med-Vet-Net Communications Unit:
we will need to receive your poster (preferably in PDF format) at least one week before the start of the conference.

Fixings for posters will be provided by Med-Vet-Net administration at the conference.

A map of poster locations, organized by theme, will be provided in delegates´ conference packs.

For Med-Vet-Net projects a basic PowerPoint template is available.

(26/05/09: It is now too late to have your poster printed by the Communications Unit).

Abstract submission:

Abstract submission is now closed.
If you have any queries regarding abstracts please contact Conference Administration.

Keynote Abstracts: See abstracts.


Sponsorship information



Prices (Paying Delegates)
Full Delegate (with accommodation):
€800 (includes accommodation, meals, refreshments and conference registration)

Full Delegate (no accommodation):
€500 (includes all meals, refreshments, conference registration)

Day Delegate:
€300 per day (includes 1 night accommodation, 2 meals, refreshments, day registration)

Student Delegate:
€300 (includes all meals, refreshments, conference registration)

Gala dinner and tour (for all paying delegates):

Oral communications
Poster Communications
Keynote speakers
Antimicrobial resistance genes
Patrice Courvalin
Institut Pasteur. France

Antimicrobial resistance genes
Fernando Baquero
Hospital ´Ramon y Cajal´. Spain

Host-pathogen interactions at the molecular level
Brett Finlay
University of British Columbia. Canada

Listeria and functional genomics
Carmen Buchrieser
Institut Pasteur. France

Risk Modellings
Peter Teunis
National Institute for Public Health and the Enironment (RIVM). The Netherlands

Vector borne viral disease (esp. Bluetongue) and climate change
Peter Mertens
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). UK

Emerging Diseases. Epidemiological tools for its surveillance and control
José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaino
VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre (U.C.M.). Spain

See keynote speakers abstracts.

Comite Científico
John Threlfall
Trudy Wassenaar
Lucas Domínguez
Aurora Echeita
Bruno González-Zorn
Teresa Garate
Gilles Salvat
Wilfred van Pelt
Franco Ruggeri