Animal Pathology and veterinary forensic unit currently works on routine diagnosis of infectious and nutritional outbreaks that originate in animal production, mainly pigs, small ruminants and aquaculture. We actively participate in the description of the pathological mechanisms that occur in the development of new vaccines and drug treatments , both experimentally and farms, identifying potential adverse effects.
Our group has wide experience in the field of experimental cancer models both the histopathological and immunohistochemical studies, as well as the application of new diagnostic tools such as PROFILING AND IMAGING (MALDI TOF). Actually, our major effort is focused on the development and application of these new technologies to the field of pathology image.
Our group has wide experience in the field of experimental cancer models both the histopathological and immunohistochemical studies, as well as the application of new diagnostic tools such as PROFILING AND IMAGING (MALDI TOF). Actually, our major effort is focused on the development and application of these new technologies to the field of pathology image.
Research lines:
Last scientific publications:
- Porras N., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Barasona JA., Gómez-Buendía A., Cadenas-Fernández E. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Histopathologic evaluation system of African swine fever in wild boar infected with high (Arm07) and low virulence (Lv17/WB/Riel) isolates. Veterinary Pathology, 3009858241266944. 2024. (A)
- Fuertes-Recuero M., Vazquez-Fernandez E., Lizasoain-Sanz G., Arroba-Alonso A., Sanchez-Lopez A., Martinez-de Merlo E., Suarez-Redondo M. and Ortiz-Diez G.. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma treated with surgical resection, toceranib phosphate and firocoxib in a dog: a case report. Veterinary Research Communications, 48(3):1921-1927. 2024. (A)
- Rebollada A., Giorda F., Pumarola M., Martino L., Gómez-Buendía A., Romani-Cremaschi U., Casalone C., Mattioda V., Di Nocera F., Lucifora G., Petrella A., Dominguez L., Domingo M., Grattarola C. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Neurobrucellosis (Brucella ceti) in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba): Immunohistochemical studies on immune response and neuroinflammation. Veterinary Pathology, 17:3009858241250336. 2024. (A)
- Rebollada A., Barcena C., Porras N., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Forensic findings in urban red fox mortality in the metropolitan area of Madrid, 2014-2022. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation , 36(4):510-514. 2024. (A)
- Rebollada A., Gómez-Buendía A., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Forensic investigations of suspected livestock depredation by vultures: scientific tools for compensation programmes. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 209:22-30. 2024. (A)
Last PhD thesis:
- Agustín Miguel Rebollada Merino. Brucellosis (Brucella suis, B. ovis, B. ceti) in domestic animals and wildlife: New aspects of epidemiology, immune response, and pathology. 2023. (Doctorado Internacional)
- Víctor Briones Dieste. Estudio de un método indirecto para el diagnóstico de la Listeriosis. 1990. (Premio Extraordinario de la Tesis curso 90/91)
Last outreach publications:
- David RA., Piedrola O., Cabanes D., Ramirez S., Montes MJ., Perez AA., Blazquez JA., Briones V., Lacey N. and Barcena C.. Is Bradykinin 1-5 a Reliable Biomarker for Pain in Dogs?. Journal of Veterinary Forensic Sciences, LibraryPress@UF. 2023.
- Rebollada A., Cruz F. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Principales patologías que se pueden encontrar en un caballo de tiro. El caballo de tiro y arrastre valenciano. Evaluación de su actividad física. Ed. 1. 130-151, Universidad de León. 2023.
- Lomillos JM., Rebollada A., Rodriguez-Bertos A. and Alonso ME.. Beneficios de la aplicación del carro unifeed en ganado vacuno extensivo de lidia. Mundo Ganadero, Eumedia. 2021.
- Rebollada A., Gonzalez S., Barcena C., Porras N., Garcia-Real I., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Estudio forense de sospecha de abuso animal en perros y gatos de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2014-2019. Profesión Veterinaria, 95:10-25, Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Madrid. 2021.
- Moreno I., Garcia N., de la Cruz ML., Martinez I., Pozo P., Fernandez-Manzano A., Infantes-Lorenzo JA., Rodriguez-Bertos A., Dominguez L. and Dominguez M.. Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la Leishmaniosis mediante la Técnica de Inmunofluorescencia Indirecta (IFI). Brote de Leishmaniasis en Fuenlabrada y Otros Municipios de la Comunidad de Madrid. El papel de las liebres y los conejos como reservorios. Ed. 1. Comunidad de Madrid. 2017.
Last communications:
- Rebollada A.. Nucleic Acid–Based Analyses Integration into Diagnostic Pathology and Research. Seminarios VISAVET 2024. 2024. (Oral communication)
- Porras N., Rodriguez-Bertos A. y Torre G.. Pathology in animal tuberculosis. EURL Training Mobility. 2024. (Oral communication)
- Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Aspectos generales de la inmunología de la tuberculosis. Respuesta inmune natural y adquirida. Diagnóstico anatomopatológico de la tuberculosis. Estudio de las lesiones macroscópicas e histológicas. Descripción del cuadro lesional. Curso de formación en los aspectos teóricos, prácticos y de base legal en el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina. 2024. (Oral communication)
- Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Cuándo solicitar una necropsia forense; discusión de casos. Jornadas de formación pericial veterinaria y maltrato animal. 2024. (Oral communication)
- Gonzalez-Gonzalez N. y Najera-Comillas S.. Estudio inmunohistoquímico de un linfoma T intestinal epiteliotrópico en un caballo de raza Percherón.. XVI Congreso de Investigación de Estudiantes de Grado en Ciencias de la Salud. XX Congreso de Ciencias Veterinarias y Biomédicas. I Congreso de Ciencias Experimentales en el Campo de la Salud. 2024. (Oral communication)