The Unit for Clinical Trials (SEC) is in charge of the design, management and coordination of the field studies involving the use of experimental animals, both for studies of VISAVET or other public or private research centers o companies. Furthermore, SEC promotes animal welfare during the trials and ensure compliance with the experimental protocols to reach the objectives of the studies. Regarding the research activities, SEC is focused on the development of experimental models, including in vitro alternatives, for the evaluation of different biologics for Animal Health, mainly diagnosis reactives and vaccines. In this sense, SEC develop studies about natural transmission models of infection and indicators of efficacy and protection using different immunological techniques and novel systems for the evaluation of the pathogenicity and virulence of the microorganisms.
Last scientific publications:
- Velasco-Reinaldos C., Ortega J., Gómez-Buendía A., Grau A., Lopez M., Alvarez J., Romero B., de Juan L. and Bezos J.. Evaluation of the Effect of a Recent Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test on the Humoral Diagnosis of Paratuberculosis Using Serum and Milk Samples from Goats. Veterinary sciences, 11(3):105. 2024. (A)
- Velasco-Reinaldos C., Ortega J., Rincón-Fernández de la Puente J., Romero B., de Juan L., Dominguez L., Dominguez M., Moreno I., Alvarez J. and Bezos J.. Effect of a recent intradermal test on the specificity of P22 ELISA for the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis. Frontiers in veterinary science, 11:1-7. 2024. (A)
- Ortega J., Infantes-Lorenzo JA., Roy A., de Juan L., Romero B., Moreno I., Dominguez M., Dominguez L. and Bezos J.. Factors affecting the performance of P22 ELISA for the diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis in milk samples. Research in Veterinary Science, 145:40-45. 2022. (A)
- Ortega J., Roy A., Díaz-Castillo A., de Juan L., Romero B., Saez-Llorente JL., Dominguez L., Regal P., Infantes-Lorenzo JA., Alvarez J. and Bezos J.. Effect of the topical administration of corticosteroids and tuberculin pre-sensitisation on the diagnosis of tuberculosis in goats. BMC Veterinary Research, 18(1):58. 2022. (A)
- Garcia-Seco T., Montbrau C., Fontseca M., March R., Sitja M., Dominguez L. and Bezos J.. Efficacy of a Salmonella enterica serovar Abortusovis (S. Abortusovis) inactivated vaccine in experimentally infected gestating ewes. Research in Veterinary Science, 135:486-494. 2021. (A)
Last outreach publications:
- Garcia-Seco T. and Bezos J.. Aborto ovino causado por Salmonella Abortusovis (aborto paratifoide). Albèitar Portugal, Grupo Asis. 2019.
- Roy A., Gonzalez S., Romero B., de Juan L., Dominguez L. and Bezos J.. Método de segregación como medida de control y erradicación de la tuberculosis caprina (y II). Albéitar, 215:26-28, Asís. 2018.
- Roy A., Gonzalez S., Romero B., de Juan L., Dominguez L. and Bezos J.. Método de segregación como medida de control y erradicación de la tuberculosis caprina. Albéitar, 214:20-22, Servet-Grupo Asís Biomedia S.L... 2018.
Last communications:
- Bezos J.. Tétanos. Infequus Podcast. 2022. (Oral communication)
- Samper-Cativiela C., Prieto ME., Collado S., Saez JL. y Alvarez J.. Factors associated with Salmonella detection in the frame of National Control Plans (NCP) in breeding and laying hen flocks in Spain. One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 2021. (Oral communication)
- Roy A., Infantes-Lorenzo JA., Dominguez L., Gonzalez S., Lozano F., Romero B., de Juan L. y Bezos J.. Estudio piloto de segregación en una explotación caprina con alta prevalencia de tuberculosis y de alto valor genético. II Congreso Nacional de Sanidad Animal. 2018. (Poster communication)
- Bezos J.. Servicios de ensayos clínicos del Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Foro de colaboración público-privada en sanidad animal en rumiantes. 2017. (Oral communication)
- Bezos J. y Diez-Guerrier A.. In vivo tuberculosis diagnosis: skin test and blood collection for IFN detection. Practical session. Assessment on Eradication Programme for Bovine Tuberculosis. 2017. (Oral communication)