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Extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, collagen III, and collagen I) immunoexpression in goat tuberculous granulomas (Mycobacterium caprae)

Investigation published in Veterinary Research Communications

December 1st, 2022

The lesion resulting from the interaction between Mycobacterium and the host immune response is the tuberculous granuloma. Tuberculous granulomas, except in incipient stages, are partially or totally encapsulated by connective tissue. The aim of this study was to assess the immunoexpression of the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin, collagen III, and collagen I in granulomas caused by Mycobacterium caprae in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) to understand capsule development at different granuloma stages. For this purpose, a retrospective study of 56 samples of tuberculous granulomas in lung (n = 30) and mediastinal lymph node (n = 26) from 17 goats naturally infected with M. caprae in stages I (n = 15), II (n = 14) and III (n = 27) was carried out. Fibronectin immunoreaction was extracellular, fibrillar-reticular in the center of stage I, II and III granulomas and peripheral in stages II and III granulomas. Collagen III immunoexpression was extracellular and fibrillar in the center of stages I, II and III tuberculous granulomas in lung and mediastinal lymph node, and progressive expression was observed in the periphery of stages II and III granulomas. Finally, collagen I immunoexpression was extracellular and fibrillar, showing a progressive loss of central expression and an increase in peripheral expression in stage III granulomas compared to stage I granulomas. Immunoexpression of these extracellular matrix proteins could help understand fibrogenesis and dating in tuberculous granuloma in both animal models and human

Neila Mota C., Rebollada A., Bezos J., de Juan L., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A..

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Extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, collagen III, and collagen I) immunoexpression in goat tuberculous granulomas (Mycobacterium caprae)

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Extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, collagen III, and collagen I) immunoexpression in goat tuberculous granulomas (Mycobacterium caprae)


Universidad ComplutenseServicio de Patología y Veterinaria Forense (SAP). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Universidad ComplutenseDepartamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM).

Veterinary Research Communications
2.200 2022

NLMID: 8100520

PMID: 36136210

ISSN: 0165-7380

TITLE: Extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, collagen III, and collagen I) immunoexpression in goat tuberculous granulomas (Mycobacterium caprae)

JOURNAL: Vet Res Commun

NUMERACIÓN: 46(4):1147-1156

AÑO: 2022


AUTHORS: Neila Mota C., Rebollada A., Bezos J., de Juan L., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A..

Javier Bezos Garrido
Lucía de Juan Ferré
Lucas Domínguez Rodríguez
Antonio Manuel Rodríguez Bertos

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11259-022-09996-3


Neila Mota C., Rebollada A., Bezos J., de Juan L., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A. Extracellular matrix proteins (fibronectin, collagen III, and collagen I) immunoexpression in goat tuberculous granulomas (Mycobacterium caprae). Veterinary Research Communications. 46(4):1147-1156. 2022. (A). ISSN: 0165-7380. DOI: 10.1007/s11259-022-09996-3