María García Martín
Laboratory Chief
Foodborne Zoonoses and Antimicrobial Resistance Unit
Técnico en Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Clínico

Research lines:
- Genetic characterization of antimicrobial resistance (ZTA)
- Genetic characterization of microorganisms populations (ZTA)
- Foodborne zoonoses in animals and animal derived products intended for human consumption (eggs, meat..), as well as water samples, mainly Salmonella spp. Campylobacter spp., Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli and Yersinia enterocolitica (ZTA)
- Antimicrobial resistances in pathogens, food-borne zoonotic agents and indicators (ZTA)

Last scientific publications:
- Smith P., Le Devendec L., Jouy E., Larvor E., Le Breton A., Picon-Camacho S., Zrncic S., Zupicic IG., Oraic D., Karatas S., Verner-Jeffreys D., Wokorac-Joseph A., Light E., van Essen-Zanbergen A., van Gelderen B., Voobergen-Laarman M., Haenen OLM., Veldman KT., Madsen L., Mouritsen KK., Smith-Svanevik C., Hakonsholm F., Vela AI., Garcia M., Florio D., Fioravanti M., Cortinovis L., Pretto T., Manfrin A. and Baron S.. Epidemiological cut-off values for Vibrio anguillarum MIC and disc diffusion data generated by standardised methods. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 155:109-123. 2023. (A)
- Lopez-Chavarrias V., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Barcena C., Olarra-Guillen A., Garcia M., Saez-Llorente JL., De Frutos C., Serrano T., Perez I., Moreno MA., Dominguez L. and Alvarez J.. Monitoring of Antimicrobial Resistance to Aminoglycosides and Macrolides in Campylobacter coli and Campylobacter jejuni From Healthy Livestock in Spain (2002-2018). Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:689262. 2021. (A)
- Quesada A., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Iglesias MR., Porrero MC., Martinez R., Florez-Cuadrado D., Campos MJ., Garcia M., Piriz S. and Dominguez L.. Detection of plasmid mediated colistin resistance (MCR-1) in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica isolated from poultry and swine in Spain. Research in Veterinary Science, 105:134-135. 2016. (A)
- Quesada A., Porrero MC., Tellez S., Palomo G., Garcia M. and Dominguez L.. Polymorphism of genes encoding PmrAB in colistin-resistant strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica isolated from poultry and swine. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 70(1):71-4. 2015. (A)
- Ugarte-Ruiz M., Gomez S., Porrero MC., Alvarez J., Garcia M., Comeron MC., Wassenaar TM. and Dominguez L.. Evaluation of four protocols for the detection and isolation of thermophilic Campylobacter from different matrices. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 113(1):200-8. 2012. (A)

Last outreach publications:
- Porrero MC., Garcia M., Cubillo I., Rivero E., Herrera L., Mariano E., Sanchez E., Inigo S., Garcia Mi., Dominguez L. and Moreno MA.. Salmonelosis y huevos. Profesión Veterinaria, 64:28-32, Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Madrid. 2006.
- Moreno MA., Porrero MC., Tellez S., Garcia M. and Dominguez L.. Salmonelosis ¿un peligro asumible?. Profesión Veterinaria, Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Madrid. 2005.
- Moreno MA., Las Heras A., Porrero MC., Teshager T., Herrero IA., Garcia M., Goyache J., Vela AI., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. and Dominguez L.. Estrategias para el futuro de la Sanidad Porcina: de los antibacterianos a las vacunas de diseño. Anaporc, XXII 218:8-45, Asociacion Nacional de Porcicultura Científica. 2002.

Last communications:
- Lozano F. and Garcia M.. orderDB review: cuándo, quién y cómo. Seminarios VISAVET 2023. 2023. (Oral communication)
- Ugarte-Ruiz M., Juez-García M., Alvarez J., Sanchez E., Garcia M., Inigo S., Maasoumi N., Rivero E., Martinez-Fernandez E., Porrero MC. and Dominguez L.. Detection and antimicrobial characterization of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica isolated from eggs at retail in Madrid, Spain from 2003 to 2019. One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 2020. (Oral communication)
- Rebollada A., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Mayoral-Alegre F., Maasoumi N., Tome-Sanchez I., Rivero E., Porras N., Garcia M., Dominguez L. and Rodriguez-Bertos A.. Changes on caecal mucosa morphology and microbiota in laying hens supplemented with a nutraceutical product obtained from olive oil production. 1st One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 2019. (Poster communication)
- Miguela-Villoldo P., Maasoumi N., Hernandez M., Moreno MA., Rodriguez-Lazaro D., Garcia M., Quesada M., Rivero E., Dominguez L. and Ugarte-Ruiz M.. Use of Quantitative Real-time PCR for Testing Trends of the mcr1 Colistin-resistance Gene in Spanish Pig Caecal Content. 1st One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 2019. (Poster communication)
- Moreno MA., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Barcena C., Garcia M., Esperon F., Tadeo JL. and Dominguez L.. One day-old chicks as a source of antimicrobial resistant bacteria for commercial laying hens farms. 7th Congress of European Microbiologist. 26th Congress of the Spanish Society for Microbiology. 2017. (Poster communication)