Spoligotype-specific risk of finding lesions in tissues from cattle infected by Mycobacterium bovis
BMC Veterinary Research publica este artículo de investigación
7 de abril de 2021
Although the pathogenic effect of members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in susceptible hosts is well known, differences in clinical signs and pathological findings observed in infected animals have been reported, likely due to a combination of host and pathogen-related factors. Here, we investigated whether Mycobacterium bovis strains belonging to different spoligotypes were associated with a higher risk of occurrence of visible/more severe lesions in target organs (lungs and/or lymph nodes) from infected animals. A large collection of 8889 samples belonging to cattle were classified depending on the presence/absence of tuberculosis-like lesions and its degree of severity. All samples were subjected to culture irrespective of the presence of lesions, and isolates retrieved were identified and subjected to spoligotyping. The association between the presence/severity of the lesions and the isolation of strains from a given spoligotype was assessed using non-parametric tests and Bayesian mixed multivariable logistic regression models that accounted for origin (region and herd) effects
Gómez-Buendía A., Romero B., Bezos J., Lozano F., de Juan L. y Alvarez J..
Servicio de Micobacterias (MYC). Centro de Vigilancia Sanitaria Veterinaria (VISAVET). Universidad Complutense (UCM). | |
Departamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad Complutense (UCM). | |