2024 outreach articles
DISCONTOOLS chapter on bovine tuberculosis
Online article
This Disease and Product Analysis (DPA) is policy neutral; we have adhered to the natural science evidence base. Disease: Mammalian tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic bacterial disease of animals, including humans, caused by host-adapted members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosiscomplex (MTBC). Regarding livestock and wildlife hosts, we refer mostly to infection with M. bovis and other animal-adapted variants, such as M. caprae. World Organisation of Animal Health (WOAH 2022, founded as OIE), EU Bovi…
Skuce R., Allen A., Ford T., Romero B., O Brien D., Gormley E., McCormack J., Sawyer J., Bezos J., O Hagan M., Miller M., Coffey M., Gordon S. and Olea Popelka F.
Do you want to market a new food? The European Union sets new guidelines
Online article
You may have heard of cell-cultured foods, krill oil or insects fit for human consumption. These may be good examples of what is now known as novel foods, a category that in the European Union includes those that, unlike traditional foods, have not been consumed in a significant way before May 1997…
Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d
Tuberculosis en ganado caprino: situación epidemiológica en España y avances en su diagnóstico
Roy A., Velasco-Reinaldos C. and Bezos J.
Claves para evitar una pandemia de gripe aviar
One Health, un enfoque necesario para mitigar el riesgo de adaptación del virus a los mamíferos
El virus de la influenza A continúa propagándose y ocasionando una elevada mortalidad en aves. Una vez constatada la transmisión del virus entre aves y mamíferos, así como a humanos, no podemos obviar la posible selección de cepas del virus con mutaciones que permitan su adaptación a los mamíferos y su propagación eficiente y a gran escala entre los humanos. La constante evolución de este virus a n…
Blog Madri+d de Seguridad Alimentaria y Alimentación
Fundación para el Conocimiento madri+d
¡Invasión silenciosa! Cómo las especies exóticas invasoras están cambiando nuestros ecosistemas
Unidad de Divulgación Científica y Transferencia
Universidad Complutense
Intradermal Tuberculin Test in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): Experimental use of Mycobacterial Antigens for the Diagnosis of Bovine Tuberculosis
The study aims to evaluate the potential use of mycobacterial ESAT6 and CFP10 antigens, Early Secretory Proteins (ESP) in the Skin Test used for bovine tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in Water Buffalo.
A pilot study was performed on 21 buffaloes from a TB outbreak and 11 buffaloes from a TB-free herd. Three concentrations of ESAT6-CFP10 (10, 20, and 30 µg) and two of ESP (50 and 100 µg) were inoculated in the Skin Test, along with PPDB, PPDA, and PBS as a negative control. Skin thickness was measur…
Martucciello A ., Mazzone P., Napolitano F., Bezos J., Grandoni F., Boniotti MB., Cagiola M., Cappelli G., Di Vuolo G., Galiero G., Signorelli F. and De Carlo E.
Journal of Buffalo Science
Lifescience Global Inc
¿Son los altos títulos de anticuerpos frente a la tuberculosis un indicador fiable de protección frente a la enfermedad?
ENZOEM y el grupo GISAZ de la Universidad de Córdoba, el Centro VISAVET de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Unidad de Inmunología del Instituto de Salud Carlos III estudiaron el efecto protector y terapéutico del complejo proteico P22 frente a la tuberculosis caprina, hasta la fecha únicamente utilizado para diagnóstico. Tras la inmunización de animales sanos y pre-infectados con micobacterias del Complejo Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, se expusieron a animales enfermos y excretores. La in…
Agullo-Ros I., Ortega J., Roy A., Moreno I., Gómez-Buendía A., Romero B., Ferreras-Colino E., de Juan L., Dominguez M., Dominguez L., Bezos J. and Risalde MA.
Tierras. Caprino
Grupo interempresas
Evaluación de una nueva estrategia para el diagnóstico humoral de la paratuberculosis caprina
La paratuberculosis (PTB) es una enfermedad con un gran impacto sanitario y económico en el ganado caprino y cuyo diagnóstico supone un gran desafío en la actualidad debido, entre otros factores, a la limitada capacidad de todas las técnicas ante-mortem disponibles para detectar la infección. Sin embargo, recientemente se ha evaluado una nueva estrategia diagnóstica que podría mejorar el diagnóstico humoral de la enfermedad en caprinos empleando muestras de suero o leche…
Velasco-Reinaldos C., Ortega J., Gómez-Buendía A., Grau A., Lopez M., Alvarez J., Romero B., de Juan L. and Bezos J.
Tierras. Caprino
Grupo interempresas
Ethical-philosophical considerations. Environmental health
Environmental health is the protection of the environment as well as human and animal health, given their close interrelations, also known as One Health. The degradation of environmental health has a negative impact on humans well-being. It has resulted in an alarming decline in biodiversity together with an increase in disease transmission between animals and humans. Environmental health protection involves decisions and actions that go beyond the fields of ecology or health, diving into philos…
de la Torre A. and Briones V.
Sistema Digital
Editorial Sistema
Trained immunity and mycobacteria: towards the future of global health
Once again, evidence has shown that even the most established dogmas can be questioned: the duality of innate immunity/no-immunological memory and acquired immunity/immunological memory has been challenged in recent years by revealing the existence of certain memory traits in the innate response. For this reason, a new
concept has emerged in the immunology field: trained immunity. This immune response would be based on the epigenetic/metabolic reprogramming of certain innate immune cells (such …
Perez-Sancho M., Garcia-Seco T., Sánchez-Morales L., Moreno I., Dominguez M., Goyache J. and Dominguez L.
Anales de la Real Academia de Doctores de España
Real Academia de Doctores de España
Coagulation factor V deficiency. From mutation to cure by advanced therapies
This work represents a retrospective and updated review in a scientific context of itself Advanced Therapies group of the Complutense University of Madrid. The project, which began almost 7 years ago, has pursued the establishment of gene and cell therapy protocols for the treatment of coagulation factor V deficiency. This “trip” has been possible thanks to the Association for the Research and Cure of Factor V Deficiency, A Hope for Celia, through micro sponsorship or crowdfunding and through pr…
Lirias A., Bernal S., Serrano LJ., Bermejo-Alvarez P., Miguel-Batuecas A., Garcia-Olmo D., Garcia-Arranz M., Garcia-Bravo M., Segovia JC., Gonzalez-Brusi L., de Pablo-Moreno JM., Rodriguez-Bertos A., Garcia-Torralba A., Extremera MJ., Camero MD., Revuelta L. and de Pablo-Moreno JA.
Anales de la Real Academia de Farmacia
Real Academia de Farmacia