Inicio \ Investigación \ Publicaciones científicas \ 1991

Publicaciones científicas SCI 1991

1 de noviembre de 1991

Transformation of sterigmatocystin and O-methylsterigmatocystin by aflatoxigenic and nonaflatoxigenic field isolates of the Aspergillus flavus group

Mycopathologia 116(2):71-5.

     Transformation of sterigmatocystin and O-methylsterigmatocystin (two metabolic aflatoxin precursors) to aflatoxins by aflatoxigenic and nonaflatoxigenic field isolates of Aspergillus flavus was studied. The 24 nonaflatoxigenic isolates investigated failed to transform both precursors. Among the 8 aflatoxin-producing isolated used, 7 transformed both precursors whereas the remaining failed to transform both. According to these results, the usefulness of the measurement of enzymatic activities related to aflatoxin production in understanding the true status of conflictive field isolates is discussed… Leer más

Pro MJ., Moreno MA. y Suarez G.

22 de octubre de 1991

Detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1) by immunoblot combined with a semiautomated electrophoresis system

Journal Of Immunological Methods 144(2):197-202.

     An immunoblot technique combined with a semi-automated electrophoresis system has been developed for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins and toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1). The advantages of this method over other detection techniques include speed, sensitivity (10 ng/ml) and specificity. The use of semiautomated electrophoresis permits the routine detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins and TSST-1… Leer más

Orden JA., Goyache J., Hernandez FJ., Domenech A., Suarez G. y Gomez-Lucia E.

1 de julio de 1991

Pathogenesis of lymphoid lesions in murine experimental listeriosis

Journal Of Comparative Pathology 105(1):1-15.

     Adult female Swiss albino mice were infected intraperitoneally or subcutaneously with Listeria monocytogenes Serovar 4b or 1/2a and killed at intervals. Thymus, spleen, Peyer`s patches and a variety of lymph nodes, including the jejunal (mesenteric), mediastinal, lumbar, mandibular and superficial inguinal, were examined by histopathology and by immunocytochemistry for detection of L. monocytogenes antigen. Similar results were obtained with both Serovars and by both routes of inoculation used. In the spleen, L. monocytogenes was detected, by immunoperoxidase staining, as soon as 4 h after inoculation, inside phagocytic cells located predominantly in the marginal zone of the white pulp. This was followed by inflammation, necrosis and deplet… Leer más

Marco A., Domingo M., Prats M., Briones V., Pumarola M. y Dominguez L..

1 de febrero de 1991

Different media and methodologies for the detection of aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus strains isolated from trout feed

Mycopathologia 113(2):121-5.

     We have studied the aflatoxin producing capacity of 41 Aspergillus flavus strains isolated from the mycoflora present of natural media (wheat, rice and mixed feed) synthetic medium (Aflatoxin Producing Ability Medium) and semisynthetic media (Coconut Agar Medium and Glucose Yeast Extract Agar) were compared. Aflatoxins were analysed on days 4 and 8 post-inoculation under an incubation temperature of 28 degrees C. A total of 30 strains (75.7%) were producers on natural media as detected by Thin Layer Chromatography: 23 strains on wheat, 27 on rice and 12 on mixed feed. The results by qualitative fluorescence tests on synthetic and semisynthetic media were: 3 strains positive on Coconut Agar Medium (CAM) 1 on Glucose Yeast Extract Agar (GY + … Leer más

Cutuli MT., Cuellar A., Camara M., Mateos A. y Suarez G.

Science Publication
ISI Scientific Publications
Total Last 60 mo. Last 12 mo.
1 ZTA 257 SUAT 64 MYC 15
2 ICM 244 MYC 55 SUAT 12
3 MYC 240 ZTA 49 ICM 7
4 SUAT 229 ICM 45 ZTA 6
5 NED 76 SAP 29 SAP 5
  VISAVET 1169 311 53

Impact Factor Average
Total Last 60 mo. Last 12 mo.
1 ZTA 3.86 ZTA 5.126 ZTA 4.633
2 SAP 3.232 SUAT 4.073 MYC 3.667
3 SUAT 2.952 ICM 3.68 SUAT 3.658
4 MYC 2.826 MYC 3.678 SEVISEQ 3
5 DICM 2.776 SAP 3.342 ICM 2.614
VISAVET 3.229 4.697 3.637

ISI Scientific Publications
Total Last 60 mo.
1 Transbound Emerg Dis 96 Front Vet Sci 33
2 Vet Microbiol 90 Transbound Emerg Dis 24
3 Prev Vet Med 77 Animals 15
4 Front Vet Sci 67 PLoS ONE 13
5 PLoS ONE 60 Sci Rep 12
  All journals 358   All journals 37