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Publicaciones científicas SCI 2014

23 de diciembre de 2014

Spatial dynamics of bovine tuberculosis in the autonomous community of madrid, Spain (2010-2012)

PLoS ONE 9(12):e115632.

     Progress in control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is often not uniform, usually due to the effect of one or more sometimes unknown epidemiological factors impairing the success of eradication programs. Use of spatial analysis can help to identify clusters of persistence of disease, leading to the identification of these factors thus allowing the implementation of targeted control measures, and may provide some insights of disease transmission, particularly when combined with molecular typing techniques. Here, the spatial dynamics of bTB in a high prevalence region of Spain were assessed during a three year period (2010-2012) using data from the eradication campaigns to detect clusters of positive bTB herds and of those infected with certain … Leer más

de la Cruz ML., Perez AM., Bezos J., Pages E., Casal C., Carpintero J., Romero B., Dominguez L., Diaz R., Alvarez J. y Barker CM.

21 de diciembre de 2014

First molecular detection and characterization of herpesvirus and poxvirus in a Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens)

BMC Veterinary Research 10(1):968 .

     BackgroundHerpesvirus and poxvirus can infect a wide range of species: herpesvirus genetic material has been detected and amplified in five species of the superfamily Pinnipedia; poxvirus genetic material, in eight species of Pinnipedia. To date, however, genetic material of these viruses has not been detected in walrus (Odobenus rosmarus), another marine mammal of the Pinnipedia clade, even though anti-herpesvirus antibodies have been detected in these animals.Case presentationIn February 2013, a 9-year-old healthy captive female Pacific walrus died unexpectedly at L¿Oceanografic (Valencia, Spain). Herpesvirus was detected in pharyngeal tonsil tissue by PCR. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the virus belongs to the subfamily Gammaherpes… Leer más

Melero M., Garcia-Parraga D., Corpa JM., Ortega Jo., Rubio-Guerri C., Crespo JL., Rivera B. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

15 de diciembre de 2014

Post-stained Western blotting, a useful approach in immunoproteomic studies

Journal Of Immunological Methods 415:66-70.

     The precise localisation of immunogenic proteins on stained two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) gels is occasionally difficult, contributing to the erroneous identification of unrelated non-immunogenic proteins, which is expensive and time consuming. This inconvenience can be solved by performing immunoblotting using previously stained polyacrylamide gels. This approach was proposed nearly 20 years ago but is now almost forgotten. We have evaluated the suitability of this approach to identify immunogenic proteins from Lactococcus garvieae. Some of the immunogenic proteins identified in L. garvieae, such as Gls24, have been considered important as immunotarget in different bacterial species. Post-staining western blotting facilitated the c… Leer más

Reguera-Brito M., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Blanco MM., Aguado-Urda M. y Gibello A.

1 de diciembre de 2014

Molecular typing of Streptococcus suis isolates from Iberian pigs: A comparison with isolates from common intensively-reared commercial pig breeds

The Veterinary Journal 202(3):597-602.

     The Iberian pig (IP) is a traditional Spanish breed variety of the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) with high economic importance because of the value of the dry-cured products in national and international markets. The genetic characteristics of tonsillar and clinical Streptococcus suis isolates from the IP maintained under extensive or intensive management conditions were investigated. S. suis isolates from IP pigs were compared with S. suis isolates from intensively-farmed pigs of common breeds (CBP). S. suis was isolated from 48.4% of the IP tonsils examined, indicating wide distribution among IP pigs. Serotypes 1 (9.4%), 2 (8.6%) and 9 (7%) were the most commonly found, although a high percentage of S. suis … Leer más

Sanchez V., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Barcena C., Briones V., Dominguez L., Gottschalk M. y Vela AI..

1 de diciembre de 2014

Detection of mecC-Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates in river water: a potential role for water in the environmental dissemination

Environmental Microbiology 6(6):705-8.

     Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)is a public health concern due to limited treatment options. The recent description of a mecA homologue, mecC in human and cattle, led to studies to detect this new variant in human and other animal species. Detection of mecC in wild boar and fallow deer in a Spanish game estate led us to further investigate the presence of mecC-MRSA at this location. Samples from cattle, wild animals, workers and river water were tested. A further three mecC-MRSA isolates were obtained from river water. Molecular characterization (multilocus sequence typing and spa
typing) and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (broth microdilution) showed that isolates were similar to those detected in wild animal… Leer más

Porrero MC., Harrison EM., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Paterson GK., Diez-Guerrier A., Holmes MA. y Dominguez L..

1 de diciembre de 2014

Bluetongue in Spain: from the first outbreak to 2012

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 61(6):e1-e11.

     Outbreaks of bluetongue disease have occurred in Spain six times and have been caused by the following serotypes of bluetongue virus (BTV), in chronological order: BTV10, BTV2, BTV4, BTV1 and BTV8. Serotypes BTV1, BTV2 and BTV4 may have entered the country in Culicoides transported by wind; BTV8 via infected animal movements; and BTV10 across the Portuguese border. The evolution of each serotype has been different: BTV1, BTV4 and BTV10 spread throughout mainland Spain; BTV2 did not spread from the Balearic Islands to the Iberian Peninsula; and BTV8 has proven very poor at spreading throughout mainland Spain. The significant economic impact of the disease has led authorities to adopt control and eradication measures, which have evolved as ne… Leer más

Perez de Diego AC., Sanchez-Cordon PJ. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

29 de octubre de 2014

CTX-M-15-non-ST131 Escherichia coli isolates are mainly responsible of faecal carriage with ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in travellers, immigrants and those visiting friends and relatives

Clinical Microbiology And Infection 21(3):252.e1-4.

     Prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL) and/or carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (EPE and CPE) in stool samples from 75 travellers, 8 people visiting friends and relatives and 3 immigrants who had travelled or came from tropical or subtropical areas was determined. Thirty-one per cent (27/86) of the subjects were faecal carriers of EPE, and 37 EPE isolates were recovered (36 Escherichia coli, 1 Klebsiella pneumoniae). CTX-M-15 was the most prevalent enzyme (64.8%) mainly associated with E. coli belonging to phylogroup A and sequence type complex 10. Most of the ESBL-positive travellers (50%) had visited countries from Asia… Leer más

Valverde A., Turrientes MC., Norman F., San Martin E., Moreno L., Perez-Molina JA., Lopez-Velez R. y Canton R.

16 de octubre de 2014

Decompression sickness (`the bends`) in sea turtles

Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms 111(3):191-205.

     Decompression sickness (DCS), as clinically diagnosed by reversal of symptoms with recompression, has never been reported in aquatic breath-hold diving vertebrates despite the occurrence of tissue gas tensions sufficient for bubble formation and injury in terrestrial animals. Similarly to diving mammals, sea turtles manage gas exchange and decompression through anatomical, physiological, and behavioral adaptations. In the former group, DCS-like lesions have been observed on necropsies following behavioral disturbance such as high-powered acoustic sources (e.g. active sonar) and in bycaught animals. In sea turtles, in spite of abundant literature on diving physiology and bycatch interference, this is the first report of DCS-like symptoms and… Leer más

Garcia-Parraga D., Crespo JL., De Quiros YB., Cervera V., Marti-Bonmati L., Diaz-Delgado J., Arbelo M., Moore MJ., Jepson PD. y Fernandez A.

1 de octubre de 2014

Bovine tuberculosis: Historical perspective

Research In Veterinary Science 97 Suppl:S3-4.

     Bovine tuberculosis (TB) is a zoonotic disease which has implications for both public health and economic impacts due to decreased production, increased condemnation and mortality rates and cost of control programmes. TB transmission between cattle and humans has significantly decreased in countries where specific control programmes have been implemented. The knowledge about this disease has improved substantially in recent years and this fact has allowed the enhancement of TB diagnostic tools and control measures. Nevertheless, concerns remain regarding the epidemiology and immunology of the disease, with repercussions on its control and eradication process. The present special issue on bovine TB was conceived as a follow-up to the Europea… Leer más

Bezos J., Alvarez J., Romero B., de Juan L. y Dominguez L..

1 de octubre de 2014

Tuberculosis in domestic animal species

Research In Veterinary Science 97 Suppl:S78-85.

     M. bovis and M. caprae, members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC), are the major causative agents of tuberculosis in domestic animals. Notably, M. bovis exhibits a wide host range; the infection has been reported in many domesticated animals and free or captive wildlife. Despite most of them acting as spill-over hosts in particular epidemiological scenarios, some domesticated species as pigs, camelids and goats may display high rates of infection and possibly play a role in the inter-species transmission of the disease. The aim of this review is to make an updated overview of the susceptibility and the role in the transmission of the disease of the most common domesticated animals species such as small ruminants, pigs, horses… Leer más

Pesciarioli M., Alvarez J., Boniotti B., Cagiola M., Di Marco V., Marianelli C., Pacciarini M. y Pasquali P.

1 de octubre de 2014

Evaluation of the spatial and temporal distribution of and risk factors for Bluetongue serotype 1 epidemics in sheep Extremadura (Spain), 2007-2011

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 116(3):279-95.

     Extremadura has been one of the regions in Spain most severely affected by Bluetongue (BT) epidemics. The first incursion of BTV, which was successfully eradicated one year later, occurred in 2004, involving the BTV-serotype 4. However, a second incursion occurred in September 2007, this time involving serotype 1. Since then, the implementation of intensive vaccination programs have significantly reduced BTV-1 occurrence, but the disease has not been completely eradicated yet. This study aimed to provide, for the first time, a complete description of the spatial and temporal patterns of BTV-1 occurrence in sheep in Extremadura from 2007 to 2011 and to identify the risk factors that contributed to the seasonal occurrence of BTV-1 in this reg… Leer más

Pascual-Linaza AV., Martinez-Lopez B., Pfeiffer DU., Moreno JC., Sanz C. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de octubre de 2014

Farm-level risk factors for the occurrence, new infection or persistence of tuberculosis in cattle herds from South-Central Spain

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 116(3):268-278.

     Eradication of tuberculosis (TB) in cattle is a priority in the EU. However, and despite the resources invested, TB eradication is still a goal yet to be accomplished. As a consequence, the identification of risk factors contributing to TB transmission and persistence is key to a better understand and, ultimately, more cost-effectively control and eradicate this complex zoonotic disease worldwide. This study aimed to identify the factors contributing to the TB occurrence, new infection, and persistence in one of the most TB-prevalent regions in the South-Central part of Spain (SCS), Ciudad Real (CR), and for which high quality and detailed information on cattle and wild ungulate demographics, management, and sanitary status was available fo… Leer más

Martinez-Lopez B., Barasona JA., Gortazar C., Rodriguez-Prieto V., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. y Vicente J.

1 de octubre de 2014

Current ante-mortem techniques for diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis

Research In Veterinary Science 97S:S44-S52.

     Bovine tuberculosis (TB), mainly caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a zoonotic disease with implications for Public Health and having an economic impact due to decreased production and limitations to the trade. Bovine TB is subjected to official eradication campaigns mainly based on a test and slaughter policy using diagnostic assays based on the cell-mediated immune response as the intradermal tuberculin test and the gamma-interferon (IFN-γ) assay. Moreover, several diagnostic assays based on the detection of specific antibodies (Abs) have been developed in the last few years with the aim of complementing the current diagnostic techniques in the near future. This review provides an overview of the current ante-mortem diagnostic tools f… Leer más

Bezos J., Casal C., Romero B., Schroeder B., Hardegger R., Raeber A., Lopez L., Rueda P. y Dominguez L..

1 de octubre de 2014

Bovine tuberculosis: within-herd transmission models to support and direct the decision-making process

Research In Veterinary Science 97 Suppl:S61-8.

     Use of mathematical models to study the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases is becoming increasingly common in veterinary sciences. However, modeling chronic infectious diseases such as bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is particularly challenging due to the substantial uncertainty associated with the epidemiology of the disease. Here, the methodological approaches used to model bTB and published in the peer-reviewed literature in the last decades were eviewed with a focus on the impact that the models` assumptions may have had on their results, such as the assumption of density vs. frequency-dependent transmission, the existence of non-infectious and non-detectable stages, and the effect of extrinsic sources of nfection (usually associa… Leer más

Alvarez J., Bezos J., de la Cruz ML., Casal C., Romero B., Dominguez L., de Juan L. y Perez AM.

1 de septiembre de 2014

Campylobacter Shared Between Free-Ranging Cattle and Sympatric Wild Ungulates in a Natural Environment (NE Spain)

Ecohealth 11(3):333-42.

     Campylobacter infections are a public health concern and an increasingly common cause of food-borne zoonoses in the European Union. However, little is known about their spill-over from free-ranging livestock to sympatric wild ungulates, especially in regards to uncommon Campylobacter species. In this study, we aim to determine the prevalence of C. coli, C. jejuni and other C. spp. in game ungulates (wild boar Sus scrofa and Iberian ibex Capra pyrenaica) and free-ranging sympatric cattle in a National Game Reserve in NE Spain. Furthermore, we explore the extent to which Campylobacter species are shared among these co-habiting hosts. Faecal samples from Iberian ibex (n = 181) were negative for C. spp. By direct plating, two wild boars out of … Leer más

Navarro-Gonzalez N., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Porrero MC., Zamora L., Mentaberre G., Serrano E., Mateos A., Lavin S. y Dominguez L..

26 de agosto de 2014

Isolation and characterization of Babesia pecorum sp. nov. from farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus)

Veterinary Research 45:78.

     The diversity of Babesia species infecting cervids in parts of central and southern Spain was analyzed by collecting blood from farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus). Babesia sp. was isolated in vitro from two red deer herds in Cádiz and Ciudad Real. The number of Babesia sp. carriers differed between the two herds: 36/77 in Cádiz and 1/35 in Ciudad Real. Hyalomma lusitanicum was the most prevalent tick species identified on the Cádiz farm vegetation and on sampled animals, and is therefore a candidate vector. The molecular characteristics of 21 isolates were determined by complete (8 isolates) or partial (13 isolates) 18S rRNA gene sequencing. The sequences were highly similar (over 99.4% identity) and 6 sequence types were identified at the le… Leer más

Jouglin M., Fernandez de Mera IG., de la Cotte N., Ruiz-Fons F., Gortazar C., Moreau E., Bastian S., de la Fuente J. y Malandrin L.

15 de agosto de 2014

Epidemiological investigation of bovine tuberculosis herd breakdowns in Spain 2009/2011

PLoS ONE 9(8):e104383.

     We analyzed the most likely cause of 687 bovine tuberculosis (bTB) breakdowns detected in Spain between 2009 and 2011 (i.e., 22% of the total number of breakdowns detected during this period). Seven possible causes were considered: i) residual infection; ii) introduction of infected cattle from other herds; iii) sharing of pastures with infected herds; iv) contiguous spread from infected neighbor herds; v) presence of infected goats in the farm; vi) interaction with wildlife reservoirs and vii) contact with an infected human. For each possible cause a decision tree was developed and key questions were included in each of them. Answers to these key questions lead to different events within each decision tree. In order to assess the likelihoo… Leer más

Guta S., Casal J., Napp S., Saez-Llorente JL., Garcia-Saenz A., Perez de Val B., Romero B., Alvarez J. y Allepuz A.

15 de agosto de 2014

Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in free-living wild animals in Spain

Applied And Environmental Microbiology 80(16):4865-70.

     The presence of methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) have been analysed in different free-living wild animals to assess the genetic diversity and predominant genotypes on each animal species. Samples were taken from the skin and/or nares and isolates were characterized by spa typing, MLST and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The proportion of MSSA carriers was 5.00%, 22.93%, 19.78% and 17.67% in Eurasian griffon vulture, Iberian ibex, red deer and wild boar, respectively (P = 0.057). A higher proportion of isolates (P = 0.000) were recovered from nasal samples (78.51%) than skin samples (21.49%), but the 9.26% of red deer and 18.25% of wild boar would have been undetected if only nasal samples had been tested. Sixty-thr… Leer más

Porrero MC., Mentaberre G., Sanchez S., Fernandez-Llario P., Casas-Diaz E., Mateos A., Vidal D., Lavin S., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. y Dominguez L..

6 de agosto de 2014

A new approach for rapidly assessing the risk of Aujeszky`s disease reintroduction into a disease-free spanish territory by analysing the movement of live pigs and potential contacts with wild boar

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 61(4):350-61.

     Aujeszky`s disease (AD) causes significant economic losses in the Spanish pig sector due to import trade restrictions imposed by disease-free countries. Most regions of Spain have achieved `low AD prevalence` status as a result of an intensive national AD eradication programme involving vaccination and other measures. However, to achieve AD-free status that would eliminate trade restrictions, vaccination must be stopped. For this final stage of eradication, up to date and reliable estimates of the risk of AD reintroduction are essential. Here, we propose an approach based on spatio-temporal scan statistics that the assesses risk of AD reintroduction in a disease-free territory by analysing the two most frequent risk pathways: movement of li… Leer más

Vicente-Rubiano M., Martinez-Lopez B., Sanchez-Vizcaino F. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de agosto de 2014

Pleuromutilins: use in food-producing animals in the European Union, development of resistance and impact on human and animal health

The Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 69(8):2022-31.

     Pleuromutilins (tiamulin and valnemulin) are antimicrobial agents that are used mainly in veterinary medicine, especially for swine and to a lesser extent for poultry and rabbits. In pigs, tiamulin and valnemulin are used to treat swine dysentery, spirochaete-associated diarrhoea, porcine proliferative enteropathy, enzootic pneumonia and other infections where Mycoplasma is involved. There are concerns about the reported increases in the MICs of tiamulin and valnemulin for porcine Brachyspira hyodysenteriae isolates from different European countries, as only a limited number of antimicrobials are available for the treatment of swine dysentery where resistance to these antimicrobials is already common and widespread. The loss of pleuromutili… Leer más

van Duijkeren E., Greko C., Pringle M., Baptiste K., Catry B., Jukes H., Moreno MA., Matias-Ferreira MC., Pyorala S., Rantala M., Ruzauskas M., Sanders P., Teale C., Threlfall EJ., Torren-Edo J. y Torneke K.

1 de agosto de 2014

Opinions of Spanish pig producers on the role, the level and the risk to public health of antimicrobial use in pigs

Research In Veterinary Science 97(1):26-31.

     Antimicrobial use is a major driver of antimicrobial resistance and prescribers (physicians and veterinarians) and end users (patients, food producers and pet owners) are the cornerstones of this scenario. Intensive pig farming is a livestock activity that has a high antimicrobial use. This study is based on the opinions of pig producers. The study was done at national level and comprised two independent cross-sectional surveys using a questionnaire-based methodology and face-to-face interviews carried out between April and October, 2010. The collected data, which consisted of opinions of producers on 48 farrow-to-finish farms and 62 finisher farms, showed that, irrespective of farm type, pig producers in Spain have an imperfect knowledge o… Leer más

Moreno MA.

1 de agosto de 2014

Tonsils of the soft palate do not mediate the response of pigs to oral vaccination with heat inactivated Mycobacterium bovis

Clinical And Vaccine Immunology 21(8):1128-36.

     Mycobacterium bovis causes animal tuberculosis (TB) in cattle, humans, and other mammalian species, including pigs. The goal of this study was to experimentally assess the response of pigs with and without tonsillectomy to oral vaccination with heat-inactivated M. bovis and challenge with a virulent M. bovis field strain; to compare pig and wild boar responses using the same vaccination model as previously used in Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa); and to evaluate the use of several ELISA and lateral flow tests for in vivo TB diagnosis in pigs, and verify if these tests are influenced by oral vaccination with inactivated M. bovis. At necropsy, lesion and culture scores were 20-43% higher in the controls compared to vaccinated pigs. Massive M.… Leer más

Beltran-Beck B., Romero B., Boadella M., Casal C., Bezos J., Mazariegos M., Martin M., Galindo RC., Perez de la Lastra JM., Villar M., Garrido JM., Sevilla AI., Asensio F., Sicilia J., Lyashchenko KP., Dominguez L., Juste RA., de la Fuente J. y Gortazar C.

1 de agosto de 2014

Lack of Evidence of Spill-Over of Salmonella enterica Between Cattle and Sympatric Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) from a Protected Area in Catalonia, NE Spain

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 61(4):378-84.

     Salmonella enterica is a zoonotic agent of worldwide importance found in a wide range of wild hosts. However, its prevalence in many popular game species has never been assessed. Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) is the main game caprinae of the Iberian Peninsula and around two thousand individuals are hunted every year for trophy or for home consumption. In this work, 313 Iberian ibexes from the Ports de Tortosa i Beseit National Game Reserve (NE Spain) were tested for Salmonella enterica in faeces, and anti microbial susceptibility was determined. The exact location of shooting or capture was recorded with a GPS device to study the links of Salmonella infection with cattle presence and human proximity. Additionally, samples were taken from c… Leer más

Navarro-Gonzalez N., Velarde R., Porrero MC., Mentaberre G., Serrano E., Mateos A., Dominguez L. y Lavin S.

1 de agosto de 2014

Mathematical formulation and validation of the Be-FAST model for Classical Swine Fever Virus spread between and within farms

Annals Of Operations Research 219:25-47.

     Classical Swine Fever is a viral disease of pigs that causes severe restrictions on the movement of pigs and pig products in the affected areas. The knowledge of its spread patterns and risk factors would help to implement specific measures for controlling future outbreaks. In this article, we describe in detail a spatial hybrid model, called Be-FAST, based on the combination of a stochastic Individual-Based model (modeling the interactions between the farms, considered as individuals) for between-farm spread with a Susceptible-Infected model for within-farm spread, to simulate the spread of this disease and identify risk zones in a given region. First, we focus on the mathematical formulation of each component of the model. Then, in order … Leer más

Ivorra B., Martinez-Lopez B., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. y Ramos AM.

15 de julio de 2014

Interferon-gamma responses in sheep exposed to virulent and attenuated Brucella melitensis strains

Veterinary Immunology And Immunopathology 160(1-2):123-8.

     Antibody detection is the basis of large-scale sheep brucellosis diagnosis because of its sensitivity and specificity. In contrast, information on the cellular mediated immune (CMI) response triggered after Brucella melitensis infection, a cornerstone in the protection against this pathogen, is more limited, particularly regarding the effect of the virulence of the infecting strain in the induced CMI reaction. Here, the interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) profiles evoked after exposure by different routes to virulent (H38) and attenuated (Rev.1) B. melitensis strains in 14 pregnant sheep and 87 ewe lambs, respectively, were characterized accounting for different host- related factors, and compared with their serological response and with the basa… Leer más

Perez-Sancho M., Duran-Ferrer M., Garcia-Seco T., Macias P., Garcia N., Martinez I., Ruiz E., Legaz E., Diez-Guerrier A., Gonzalez S., Dominguez L. y Alvarez J..

7 de julio de 2014

Parenteral administration of attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium DeltaznuABC is protective against salmonellosis in piglets

Vaccine 32(32):4032-8.

     A major cause of salmonellosis in humans is the contamination of pork products. Infection in pigs can be controlled using bio-security programs, but they are not sufficient in countries where a high level of infection is recorded. In this context, the use of vaccines can represent a valid supplementary method of control. Recently, we have demonstrated that an attenuated strain of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (Salmonella Typhimurium ΔznuABC) is protective against systemic and enteric salmonellosis in mouse and pig infection models, candidating this strain as an oral attenuated vaccine. In this study, we compared the efficacy of this attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium strain when administered orally or parenterally. Furthermore… Leer más

Ruggeri J., Pesciarioli M., Gaetarelli B., Scaglione FE., Pregel P., Ammendola S., Battistoni A., Bollo E., Alborali GL. y Pasquali P.

3 de julio de 2014

Modular framework to assess the risk of African swine fever virus entry into the European Union

BMC Veterinary Research 10(1):145.

     Background: The recent occurrence and spread of African swine fever (ASF) in Eastern Europe is perceived as a serious risk for the pig industry in the European Union (EU). In order to estimate the potential risk of ASF virus (ASFV) entering the EU, several pathways of introduction were previously assessed separately. The present work aimed to integrate five of these assessments (legal imports of pigs, legal imports of products, illegal imports of products, fomites associated with transport and wild boar movements) into a modular tool that facilitates the visualization and comprehension of the relative risk of ASFV introduction into the EU by each analyzed pathway.
Results: The framework`s results indicate that 48% of EU countries are… Leer más

Mur L., Martinez-Lopez B., Costard S., de la Torre A., Jones BA., Martinez-Aviles M., Sanchez-Vizcaino F., Munoz MJ., Pfeiffer DU., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. y Wieland B.

1 de julio de 2014

Prevalence and molecular characterization of New Delhi metallo-Beta-lactamases NDM-1, NDM-5, NDM-6 and NDM-7 in multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae from India

International Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents 44(1):30-7.

     The growing prevalence of carbapenem resistance in Enterobacteriaceae worldwide is a major concern. New Delhi metallo-Beta-lactamase (NDM)-mediated carbapenem resistance has been identified in Enterobacteriaceae from numerous countries including those of the Indian subcontinent. Currently, seven NDM β-lactamase variants (NDM-1 to -7) have been identified. This study evaluated the detection and molecular characterisation of NDM variants in Enterobacteriaceae at a tertiary care hospital in India. A total of 464 isolates were tested; 57 (12.3%) were resistant or showed reduced susceptibility to imipenem and meropenem. All carbapenem-resistant isolates were blaNDM-positive by PCR, but 13 isolates bore variants that differed in sequence fro… Leer más

Rahman M., Shukla S., Prasad KN., Ovejero CM., Pati BK., Triphati A., Singh A., Srivastava AK. y Gonzalez-Zorn B..

1 de julio de 2014

Streptococcus cuniculi sp. nov., isolated from the respiratory tract of wild rabbits

International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology 64(Pt 7):2486-90.

     Biochemical and molecular genetic studies were performed on four unknown Gram-positive catalase-negative coccus-shaped organisms isolated from tonsils (n=3) and nasal samples (n=1) of four wild rabbits. The microorganism was identified as a streptococcal species based on its cellular morphological and biochemical tests. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed its identification as a member of the genus Streptococcus, but the organism did not correspond to any recognized species of this genus. The closest phylogenetic relative of the unknown cocci from wild rabbits was Streptococcus acidominimus (97.9% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to the type strain). rpoB and sodA sequence analysis showed interspecies divergence from its closest… Leer más

Vela AI., Sanchez V., Zamora L., Casamayor A., Dominguez L. y Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

25 de junio de 2014

Experimental Lactococcus garvieae infection in zebrafish and first evidence of its ability to invade non-phagocytic cells

Veterinary Microbiology 171(1-2):248-54.

     Zebrafish has been used for studying infections and host-pathogen interactions in different bacterial fish pathogens. In the present study we evaluated the ability of Lactococcus garvieae to infect zebrafish when inoculated intraperitoneally with 2×107UFC of this pathogen. L. garvieae can colonize and invade zebrafish at multiple anatomical sites causing a lethal acute septicemic infection with clinical signs and lesions consistent with those observed in lactococcosis outbreaks. Immunohistochemical studies showed the presence of L. garvieae into macrophages as well as into non-phagocytic zebrafish cells of liver (hepatocytes). The internalization capacity showed by L. garvieae in zebrafish cells was confirmed in the rainbow trout cell line … Leer más

Aguado-Urda M., Rodriguez-Bertos A., Heras AI., Blanco MM., Acosta F., Cid R., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. y Gibello A.

21 de junio de 2014

Comparison of depopulation and S19-RB51 vaccination strategies for control of bovine brucellosis in high prevalence areas

The Veterinary Record 174(25):634.

     RB51 vaccination can minimize the diagnostic problems associated with S19 vaccination of adult cattle, but its use for bovine brucellosis (BB) control remains controversial. Here, we describe the evolution of BB prevalence in five high- revalence areas in Spain subjected to different control measures: herd-depopulation of infected herds (I-III) or mass vaccination with RB51 and S19/RB51 vaccination of replacement heifers (IV-V). Annual data from the eradication campaigns was analyzed at a Special Incidence Area (SIA) level and the time to obtain herd-prevalence levels of<1% (“control status”) was obtained at the Local Veterinary Unit (LVU) level and compared using a Cox’s proportional-hazard models. A higher annual rate of decrease of the h… Leer más

Saez-Llorente JL., Sanz C., Duran M., Garcia P., Fernandez F., Minguez O., Carbajo L., Mardones FO., Perez AM., Gonzalez S., Dominguez L. y Alvarez J..

4 de junio de 2014

Strategic use of serology for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis after intradermal skin testing

Veterinary Microbiology 170(3-4):342-51.

     Diagnostic tests based on cell-mediated immunity are used in programs for eradication of bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis). Serological assays could be applied as ancillary methods to detect infected animals. Our objective was to evaluate two serological techniques: M. bovis Ab Test (IDEXX, USA) and Enferplex™ TB assay (Enfer, Ireland) in animals tested simultaneously with the single and comparative intradermal tests and the interferon-gamma assay. This work was performed at two stages. First, a preliminary panel of samples collected prior to intradermal tests from tuberculosis-free (n = 60) and M. bovis-infected herds (n = 78) was assayed, obtaining high specificity: 100% (M. bovis Ab Test) and 98.3% (Enferplex TB assay) but low se… Leer más

Casal C., Diez-Guerrier A., Alvarez J., Rodriguez-Campos S., Mateos A., Linscott R., Martel E., Lawrence JC., Whelan A., Clarke J., OBrien A., Dominguez L. y Aranaz A.

1 de junio de 2014

Characterisation of Streptococcus suis isolates from wild boars (Sus scrofa)

The Veterinary Journal 200(3):464-7.

     Wild boar are widely distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula and can carry potentially virulent strains of Streptococcus suis. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of S. suis in wild boars from two large geographical regions of Spain. Serotypes 1, 2, 7 and 9 identified were further genetically characterised by virulence-associated genotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) to determine the population structure of S. suis carried by these animals. Streptococcus suis was isolated from 39.1% of the wild boars examined: serotype 9 was the most frequently isolated (12.5%), followed by serotype 1 (2.5%). Serotype 2 was rarely isolated (0.3%). Eighteen additional serotypes … Leer más

Sanchez V., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Mentaberre G., Briones V., Lavin S., Dominguez L., Gottschalk M. y Vela AI..

1 de junio de 2014

High-throughput multiplex MIRU-VNTR typing of Mycobacterium bovis

Research In Veterinary Science 96:422-425.

     Spoligotyping is the most widely used method for genotyping Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis). However, its discriminatory power varies widely between countries. MIRU-VNTR typing could be a promising alternative, although it generally requires the time consuming and laborious simplex PCR assays using standard agarose gel electrophoresis. The accuracy of this approach depends on good standardization and a certain degree of expertise. This study presents a version of MIRU-VNTR based on three triplex PCRs with automatic allelic assignation of the products analyzed in capillary electrophoresis. The technique was prospectively applied to 44 M. bovis and two Mycobacterium caprae (M. caprae) isolates, and 22 different MIRU-VNTRtypes were obtained; wi… Leer más

Navarro Y., Herranz M., Romero B., Bouza E., Dominguez L., de Juan L. y Garcia de Viedma D.

1 de junio de 2014

Lesional patterns associated with mycobacteriosis in an Atlantic horse mackerel, Trachurus trachurus (L.), aquarium population

Journal Of Fish Diseases 37(6):591-5.

     Mycobacteria are ubiquitous bacteria in the environment, particularly in aquatic reservoirs. They are responsible for a chronic or acute systemic granulomatous disease, named mycobacteriosis, which occurs in wild, aquarium and culture fish (Jacobs et al. 2009). Three Mycobacterium spp. have dominated the literature on fish diseases: Mycobacterium marinum, Mycobacterium fortuitum and Mycobacterium chelonae (Gauthier & Rhodes 2009). Generally, mycobacteriosis in fish displays granulomas produced in multiple organs or tissues, although chronic disease may not produce clinical signs (Gauthier & Rhodes 2009). Although mycobacteriosis has been described in numerous fish species (Nigrelli & Vogel 1963), including freshwater and marine fish from tr… Leer más

Ortega Jo., Noguera A., Garcia-Quiros A., Viana D., Selva L., de Juan L., Romero B., Garcia-Parraga D., Crespo JL. y Corpa JM.

24 de mayo de 2014

Evaluation of the specificity of intradermal tuberculin and serological tests for diagnosis of tuberculosis in alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and llama (Lama glama) herds under field conditions in Peru

The Veterinary Record 174(21):532.

     Diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in camelids is still a challenge mainly due to the lack of standardised diagnostic assays and the limitations regarding sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the current diagnostic techniques (Álvarez and others 2012). Accurate diagnosis of the disease in camelids is of increasing importance, especially in Europe, where New World camelid (NWC) populations are growing (Barlow and others 1999, D’Alterio and others 2006, Twomey and others 2012). Furthermore, camelids can be reservoirs of TB infection for other domestic and wild animals and human beings and, therefore, control of disease in these species is crucial for animal and public health (Zanolari and others 2009, Twomey and others 2010).Although there ar… Leer más

Bezos J., Romero B., Delgado A., Alvarez J., Casal C., Venteo A., Gonzalez I., Dominguez L. y de Juan L..

19 de mayo de 2014

Oral Vaccination with Heat Inactivated Mycobacterium bovis Activates the Complement System to Protect against Tuberculosis

PLoS ONE 9(5):e98048.

     Tuberculosis (TB) remains a pandemic affecting billions of people worldwide, thus stressing the need for new vaccines. Defining the correlates of vaccine protection is essential to achieve this goal. In this study, we used the wild boar model for mycobacterial infection and TB to characterize the protective mechanisms elicited by a new heat inactivated Mycobacterium bovis vaccine (IV). Oral vaccination with the IV resulted in significantly lower culture and lesion scores, particularly in the thorax, suggesting that the IV might provide a novel vaccine for TB control with special impact on the prevention of pulmonary disease, which is one of the limitations of current vaccines. Oral vaccination with the IV induced an adaptive antibody respon… Leer más

Beltran-Beck B., de la Fuente J., Garrido JM., Aranaz A., Sevilla I., Villar M., Boadella M., Galindo RC., Perez de la Lastra JM., Moreno-Cid JA., Fernandez de Mera IG., Alberdi P., Santos G., Ballesteros C., Lyashchenko KP., Minguijon E., Romero B., de Juan L., Dominguez L., Juste R. y Gortazar C.

1 de mayo de 2014

Evaluation of the spatial patterns and risk factors, including backyard pigs, for classical swine fever occurrence in Bulgaria using a Bayesian model

Geospatial Health 8(2):489-501.

     The spatial pattern and epidemiology of backyard pig farming and other low bio-security pig production systems and their role in the occurrence of classical swine fever (CSF) is described and evaluated. A spatial Bayesian model was used to explore the risk factors, including human demographics, socioeconomic and environmental factors. The analyses were performed for Bulgaria, which has a large number of backyard farms (96% of all pig farms in the country are classified as backyard farms), and it is one of the countries for which both backyard pig and farm counts were available. Results reveal that the high-risk areas are typically concentrated in areas with small family farms, high numbers of outgoing pig shipments and low levels of persona… Leer más

Martinez-Lopez B., Alexandrov T., Mur L., Sanchez-Vizcaino F. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de mayo de 2014

Staphylococcus aureus Carrying mecC Gene in Animals and Urban Wastewater, Spain

Emerging Infectious Diseases 20(5):899-901.

     A new methicillin resistance mechanism gene, a divergent mecA homologue named mecC (formerly mecALGA251), was recently described in Staphylococcus aureus (1). Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolates carrying mecC have been recovered from humans, ruminants, pets, and other animals such as rats, seals, and guinea pigs (1–3). It has been suggested that mecC-carrying MRSA isolates might not be detected by using MRSA selective media (4). For mecC-carrying S. aureus isolates, cefoxitin MICs of 4–64 mg/L have been demonstrated (1–2,4), values that would normally include susceptible isolates, according to the epidemiologic cutoff value established by the European Committee on Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST; mecC-… Leer más

Porrero MC., Valverde A., Fernandez-Llario P., Diez-Guerrier A., Mateos A., Lavin S., Canton R., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. y Dominguez L..

26 de abril de 2014

Oral re-vaccination of Eurasian wild boar with Mycobacterium bovis BCG yields a strong protective response against challenge with a field strain

BMC Veterinary Research 10:96.

     Background: Field vaccination trials with Mycobacterium bovis BCG, an attenuated mutant of M. bovis, are ongoing in Spain, where the Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) is regarded as the main driver of animal tuberculosis (TB). The oral baiting strategy consists in deploying vaccine baits twice each summer, in order to gain access to a high proportion of wild boar piglets. The aim of this study was to assess the response of wild boar to re-vaccination with BCG and to subsequent challenge with an M. bovis field strain.
Results: BCG re-vaccinated wild boar showed reductions of 75.8% in lesion score and 66.9% in culture score, as compared to unvaccinated controls. Only one of nine vaccinated wild boar had a culture-confirmed lung infection… Leer más

Gortazar C., Beltran-Beck B., Garrido JM., Aranaz A., Sevilla I., Boadella M., Lyashchenko KP., Galindo RC., Montoro V., Dominguez L., Juste R. y de la Fuente J.

1 de abril de 2014

A multi-analysis approach for space-time and economic evaluation of risks related with livestock diseases: The example of FMD in Peru

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 114(1):47-63.

     This study presents a multi-disciplinary decision-support tool, which integrates geo-statistics, social network analysis (SNA), spatial-stochastic spread model, economic analysis and mapping/visualization capabilities for the evaluation of the sanitary and socio-economic impact of livestock diseases under diverse epidemiologic scenarios. We illustrate the applicability of this tool using foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Peru as an example. The approach consisted on a flexible, multistep process that may be easily adapted based on data availability. The first module (mI) uses a geo-statistical approach for the estimation (if needed) of the distribution and abundance of susceptible population (in the example here, cattle, swine, sheep, goats, … Leer más

Martinez-Lopez B., Ivorra B., Fernandez-Carrion E., Perez AM., Medel-Herrero A., Sanchez-Vizcaino F., Gortazar C., Ramos AM. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de abril de 2014

Evaluation of the immunogenicity and safety of Brucella melitensis B115 vaccination in pregnant sheep

Vaccine 32:1877-1881.

     In spite of its limitations, Rev.1 is currently recognized as the most suitable vaccine against Brucella melitensis (the causative agent of ovine and caprine brucellosis). However, its use is limited to young animals when test-and-slaughter programs are in place because of the occurrence of false positive-reactions due to Rev.1 vaccination. The B. melitensis B115 rough strain has demonstrated its
efficacy against challenge with B. melitensis virulent strains in the mouse model, but there is a lack of information regarding its potential use in small ruminants for brucellosis control. Here, the safety and immune response elicited by B115 strain inoculation were evaluated in pregnant ewes vaccinated at their midpregnancy. Vaccinated (n=… Leer más

Perez-Sancho M., Adone R., Garcia-Seco T., Tarantino M., Diez-Guerrier A., Drumo R., Francia M., Dominguez L., Pasquali P. y Alvarez J..

3 de marzo de 2014

Evidence of Leishmania infantum infection in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in a natural area in Madrid, Spain

BioMed Research International (Journal Of Biomedicine And Biotechnology) 2014:318254.

     Leishmaniasis is one of most important neglected zoonosis and remains endemic in at least 88 developing countries in the world. In addition, anthropogenic environmental changes in urban areas are leading to its emergency world-wide. Zoonotic leishmaniasis control might only be achieved by an integrated approach targeting both the human host and the animal reservoirs, which in certain sylvatic cycles are yet to be identified. Recently, hares have been pointed out as competent reservoirs of Leishmania infantum in Spain, but the role of other lagomorphs has not been clarified. Here, 69 rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) from a natural area in Madrid in which a high density was present were analyzed using indirect (immunofluorescence antib… Leer más

Garcia N., Moreno I., Alvarez J., de la Cruz ML., Navarro A., Perez-Sancho M., Garcia-Seco T., Rodriguez-Bertos A., Conty ML., Torano A., Prietos A., Dominguez L. y Dominguez M.

1 de marzo de 2014

The impact of a specific blend of essential oil components and sodium butyrate in feed on growth performance and Salmonella counts in experimentally challenged broilers

Poultry Science 93(3):599-606.

     Essential oils (EO) and short-chain fatty acids have potential antimicrobial activity in broilers. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a specific blend of EO and a combination of this blend of EO with sodium-butyrate on growth performance and Salmonella colonization in broilers. A total of 480 one-day-old male broilers were distributed into 5 treatments (8 pens per treatment and 12 birds per pen) and reared during 42 d in experimental conditions. Dietary treatments consisted of the addition of different doses of EO (0 mg/kg, control; 50 mg/kg, EO50 and 100 mg/kg, EO100) or a combination of EO with 1 g/kg of sodium-butyrate (B; EO50 + B, EOB50 and EO100 + B, EOB100) to a basal diet. All birds were orally infected with 10(8) cfu of … Leer más

Cerisuelo A., Marin C., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Gomez EA., de la Fuente JM., Duran R. y Fernandez C.

1 de marzo de 2014

The role of wildlife in bluetongue virus maintenance in Europe: Lessons learned after the natural infection in Spain

Virus Research 182:50-8.

     Bluetongue (BT) is a re-emergent vector-borne viral disease of domestic and wild ruminants caused by bluetongue virus (BTV), a member of the genus Orbivirus. A complex multi-host, multi-vector and multi-pathogen (26 serotypes) transmission and maintenance network has recently emerged in Europe, and wild ruminants are regarded as an important node in this network. This review analyses the reservoir role of wild ruminants in Europe, identifying gaps in knowledge and proposing actions. Wild ruminant species are indicators of BTV circulation. Excepting the mouflon (Ovis aries musimon), European wild ungulates do not develop clinical disease. Diagnostic techniques used in wildlife do not differ from those used in domestic ruminants provided they… Leer más

Ruiz-Fons F., Sanchez-Matamoros A., Gortazar C. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

26 de febrero de 2014

Rapid Detection of β-Lactamase-Hydrolyzing Extended-Spectrum Cephalosporins in Enterobacteriaceae by Use of the New Chromogenic βLacta Test

Journal Of Clinical Microbiology 52(5):1741-4.

     The chromogenic βLacta test developed for the rapid detection of β-lactamase-hydrolyzing extended-spectrum cephalosporins in Enterobacteriaceae revealed good performance with extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producers (97.5% true-positive results). However, false-negative results occurred with chromosomal AmpC hyperproducers and plasmid AmpC producers, whereas uninterpretable results were mostly due to VIM-1 carbapenemase producers and possibly low levels of expressed ESBLs… Leer más

Morosini MI., Garcia-Castillo M., Tato M., Gijon D., Valverde A., Ruiz-Garbajosa P. y Canton R.

24 de febrero de 2014

Survey of quantitative antimicrobial consumption per production stage in farrow-to-finish pig farms in Spain

Veterinary Record Open 1:e000002.

     Objectives To characterise antimicrobial use (AMU) per production stage in terms of drugs, routes of application, indications, duration and exposed animals in farrow-to-finish pig farms in Spain. Design Survey using a questionnaire on AMU during the six months prior to the interview, administered in face-to-face interviews completed from April to October 2010. Participants 108 potentially eligible farms covering all the country were selected using a multistage sampling methodology; of these, 33 were excluded because they did not fulfil the participation criteria and 49 were surveyed. Results The rank of the most used antimicrobials per farm and production stage and administration route started with polymyxins (colistin) by feed during the g… Leer más

Moreno MA.

18 de febrero de 2014

Long-term assessment of wild boar harvesting and cattle removal for bovine tuberculosis control in free ranging populations

PLoS ONE 9(2):1-12.

     Wild boar is a recognized reservoir of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in the Mediterranean ecosystems, but information is scarce outside of hotspots in southern Spain. We describe the first high-prevalence focus of TB in a non-managed wild boar population in northern Spain and the result of eight years of TB management. Measures implemented for disease control included the control of the local wild boar population through culling and stamping out of a sympatric infected cattle herd. Post-mortem inspection for detection of tuberculosis-like lesions as well as cultures from selected head and cervical lymph nodes was done in 745 wild boar, 355 Iberian ibexes and five cattle between 2004 and 2012. The seasonal prevalence of TB reached 70% amongst adu… Leer más

Mentaberre G., Romero B., de Juan L., Navarro-Gonzalez N., Velarde R., Mateos A., Marco I., Olive X., Dominguez L., Lavin S. y Serrano E.

7 de febrero de 2014

High clonal diversity in a non-outbreak situation of clinical ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in the first national surveillance program in Cuba

Microbial Drug Resistance (Larchmont, N.Y.) 20(1):45-51.

     This work summarized the results obtained in an institutional Klebsiella pneumoniae surveillance program recently implemented in Cuba. Eighteen hospitals from five regions provided a total of 228 K. pneumoniae isolates (164 from admitted patients, four from hospital environmental sources, and 60 isolates from community patients). The genetic relationship was assessed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by the agar dilution method, and bla(ESBL) genes were sequenced. Fifty four K. pneumoniae isolates were extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL)-producers (23.6%), mostly due to the CTX-M-15 enzyme (79.6%). ESBL isolates were grouped in 27 different sequence types (… Leer más

Quinones D., Valverde A., Rodriguez-Banos M., Kobayashi N., Zayaz A., Abreu M., Canton R. y del Campo R.

1 de febrero de 2014

Evaluation of single and comparative intradermal tuberculin tests for tuberculosis eradication in caprine flocks in Castilla y León (Spain)

Research In Veterinary Science 96(1):39-46.

     Goats can act as reservoirs for tuberculosis (TB) infection. The main etiological agents of TB in goats are Mycobacterium caprae and M. bovis and they infect also a wide range of domestic and wild animals and humans. Control programmes based mainly on the application of single and comparative intradermal tuberculin (SIT and SCIT respectively) tests are being implemented in certain regions of Spain with a high density of caprine flocks as Castilla y León, including goats with epidemiological relationship with cattle. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the intradermal tests in naturally TB-infected caprine flocks from this region. The study was performed using data from 17,450 goats in 54 different flocks that were clas… Leer más

Bezos J., Marques S., Alvarez J., Casal C., Romero B., Grau A., Minguez O., Dominguez L. y de Juan L..

1 de febrero de 2014

Flavobacterium tructae sp. nov. and Flavobacterium piscis sp. nov. isolated from farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology 64(Pt 2):392-9.

     Four Gram-staining-negative, catalase- and oxidase-positive, pale-orange pigmented bacterial strains (435-08T, 47B-3-09, 412R-09T and 60B-3-09) were isolated from diseased rainbow trout. Analysis of their 16S rRNA gene sequences showed their adscription to the genus Flavobacterium. Strains formed two phylogenetic groups represented by strains 435-08T and 47B-3-09 (group A), and strains 412R-09T and 60B-3-09 (group B) displaying 16S rRNA sequence similarities greater than 99.8-99.9% within their respective groups. Strain 435-08T exhibited the highest levels of similarity with Flavobacterium aquidurense WB-1.1.56T (98.6% sequence similarity) and strain 412R-09T with Flavobacterium frigidimaris KUC-1T and Flavobacterium aquidurense WB-1.1.56T … Leer más

Zamora L., Vela AI., Sanchez-Porro C., Palacios MA., Moore ERB., Dominguez L., Ventosa A. y Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

31 de enero de 2014

Detection of anti-Leishmania infantum antibodies in sylvatic lagomorphs from an epidemic area of Madrid using the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test

Veterinary Parasitology 199(3-4):264-7.

     An outbreak of human leishmaniosis was confirmed in the southwest of the province of Madrid, Spain, between July 2009 and December 2012. Incidence of Leishmania infection in dogs was unchanged in this period, prompting a search for alternative sylvatic infection reservoirs. We evaluated exposure to Leishmania in serum samples from animals in the area with an indirect immunofluorescence test (IFAT). Using promastigotes from six culture passages and a 1/25 threshold titer, we found anti-L. infantum seroreactivity in 9.3% of cats (4 of 43), 45.7% of rabbits (16/35) and 74.1% of hares (63/85). Use of promastigotes from >10 in vitro passages resulted in a notably IFAT lower titer, suggesting antigenic changes during extended cultur… Leer más

Moreno I., Alvarez J., Garcia N., de la Fuente S., Martinez I., Marino E., Torano A., Goyache J., Vilas F., Dominguez L. y Dominguez M.

13 de enero de 2014

Risk factors associated with negative in-vivo diagnostic results in bovine tuberculosis-infected cattle in Spain

BMC Veterinary Research 10(1):14.

Despite great effort and investment incurred over decades to control bovine tuberculosis (bTB), it is still one of the most important zoonotic diseases in many areas of the world. Test-and-slaughter strategies, the basis of most bTB eradication programs carried out worldwide, have demonstrated its usefulness in the control of the disease. However, in certain countries, eradication has not been achieved due in part to limitations of currently available diagnostic tests. In this study, results of in-vivo and post-mortem diagnostic tests performed on 3,614 animals from 152 bTB-infected cattle herds (beef, dairy, and bullfighting) detected in 2007-2010 in the region of Castilla y Leon, Spain, were analyzed to identify factors … Leer más

Alvarez J., Perez AM., Marques S., Bezos J., Grau A., de la Cruz ML., Romero B., Saez-Llorente JL., Esquivel MR., Martinez MC., Minguez O., de Juan L. y Dominguez L..

6 de enero de 2014

Assessment of genetic diversity of zoonotic Brucella spp. recovered from livestock in Egypt using multiple locus VNTR analysis

BioMed Research International (Journal Of Biomedicine And Biotechnology) 2014:353876.

     Brucellosis is endemic in most parts of Egypt, where it is caused mainly by Brucella melitensis biovar 3, and affects cattle and small ruminants in spite of ongoing efforts devoted to its control. Knowledge of the predominant Brucella species/strains circulating in a region is a prerequisite of a brucellosis control strategy. For this reason a study aiming at the evaluation of the phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity of a panel of 17 Brucella spp. isolates recovered from domestic ruminants (cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goat) from four governorates during a period of five years (2002-2007) was carried out using microbiological tests and molecular biology techniques (PCR, MLVA-15, and sequencing). Thirteen strains were identified as B. meliten… Leer más

Menshawy AMS., Perez-Sancho M., Garcia-Seco T., Hosein HI., Garcia N., Martinez I., Sayour AE., Goyache J., Azzam RAA., Dominguez L. y Alvarez J..

1 de enero de 2014

Assessment of an Oral Mycobacterium bovis BCG Vaccine and an Inactivated M. bovis Preparation for Wild Boar in Terms of Adverse Reactions, Vaccine Strain Survival, and Uptake by Nontarget Species

Clinical And Vaccine Immunology 21(1):12-20.

     Wildlife vaccination is increasingly considered an option for tuberculosis control. We combined data from laboratory trials and an on-going field trial to assess the risk of oral BCG vaccine and a prototype heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis preparation for Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). We studied adverse reactions, BCG survival, BCG excretion, and bait uptake by non-target species. No adverse reactions were observed after administration of BCG (n = 27) or inactivated M. bovis (n = 21). BCG was not found at necropsy, 175 to 300 days post-vaccination (n = 27). No BCG excretion was detected in fecal samples (n = 162) or in urine and nasal, oral and fecal swabs at 258 days post-vaccination (n = 29). In the field we found no evidence of lo… Leer más

Beltran-Beck B., Romero B., Sevilla I., Barasona JA., Garrido JM., Gonzalez-Barrio D., Diez-Delgado I., Minguijon E., Casal C., Vicente J., Gortazar C. y Aranaz A.

Science Publication
ISI Scientific Publications
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1 ZTA 257 SUAT 64 MYC 15
2 ICM 244 MYC 55 SUAT 12
3 MYC 240 ZTA 49 ICM 7
4 SUAT 229 ICM 44 ZTA 5
5 NED 76 SAP 29 SAP 5
  VISAVET 1169 309 52

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1 ZTA 3.86 ZTA 5.126 ZTA 4.78
2 SAP 3.232 SUAT 4.073 MYC 3.667
3 SUAT 2.952 ICM 3.718 SUAT 3.658
4 MYC 2.826 MYC 3.678 SEVISEQ 3
5 DICM 2.776 SAP 3.342 ICM 2.614
VISAVET 3.229 4.710 3.632

ISI Scientific Publications
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1 Transbound Emerg Dis 96 Front Vet Sci 33
2 Vet Microbiol 90 Transbound Emerg Dis 24
3 Prev Vet Med 77 Animals 15
4 Front Vet Sci 67 PLoS ONE 13
5 PLoS ONE 60 Sci Rep 12
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