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Publicaciones científicas SCI 2016

1 de diciembre de 2016

Tuberculosis-Associated Death among Adult Wild Boars, Spain, 2009-2014

Emerging Infectious Diseases 22(12):2178-2180.

     We investigated adult Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) survival and death in 2 tuberculosis-endemic populations with different harvest pressure in Spain. Overall, tuberculosis accounted for 30% of total deaths. Increased survival in protected areas has direct implications for wild boar management and tuberculosis control… Leer más

Barasona JA., Acevedo P., Diez-Delgado I., Queiros J., Carrasco-Garcia R., Gortazar C. y Vicente J.

1 de diciembre de 2016

Is targeted removal a suitable means for tuberculosis control in wild boar?

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 135:132-135.

     We assessed the suitability of targeted removal as a means for tuberculosis (TB) control on an intensely managed Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) hunting estate. The 60km2 large study area included one capture (treatment) site, one control site, and one release site. Each site was fenced. In the summers of 2012, 2013 and 2014, 929 wild boar were live-captured on the treatment site. All wild boar were micro-chipped and tested using an animal side lateral flow test immediately after capture in order to detect antibodies to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). The wild boar were released according to their TB status: Seropositive individuals onto the release site (hunted after summer), and seronegative individuals back onto the treatme… Leer más

Che Amat A., Armenteros JA., Gonzalez-Barrio D., Lima-Barbero JF., Diez-Delgado I., Barasona JA., Romero B., Lyashchenko KP., Ortiz JA. y Gortazar C.

1 de diciembre de 2016

The zoonotic potential of Lactococcus garvieae: An overview on microbiology, epidemiology, virulence factors and relationship with its presence in foods

Research In Veterinary Science 109:59-70.

     Lactococcus garvieae is a relevant worldwide fish pathogen affecting various farmed and wild marine and freshwater species. It has also been isolated from other animals, such as ruminants with subclinical mastitis and pigs with pneumonia. From the early 90s, L. garvieae has been associated with different human infections, mainly endocarditis. During the last five years, human infections by this bacterium appear to be increasing, likely due to the improvement in microbiological methods for bacterial identification and the alertness of this bacterium by physicians. Human L. garvieae infections have been associated with the consumption or the handling of contaminated raw fish or seafood, and recently, a genetic study showed that meat, raw milk… Leer más

Gibello A., Galan-Sanchez F., Blanco MM., Rodriguez-Iglesias M., Dominguez L. y Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

1 de diciembre de 2016

Evidence of disseminated infection by Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis in a pet ferret (Mustela putorius furo)

Research In Veterinary Science 109:52-55.

     The infection caused by the zoonotic opportunistic pathogen Mycobacterium avium subsp. Hominissuis (Mah) was reported for the first time in a pet ferret. Both owners were HIV-positive. Euthanasia of the pet was recommended due to medical reasons and as a preventive action. Disseminated and open tuberculosis lesions were observed in the gastrointestinal and respiratory systems of the ferret. Ecographic and radiographic surveys showed a severe generalized lymphadenopathy, strong thickening of the gastric wall and peritoneum layer. The histopathological findings revealed a disseminated, granulomatous, chronic inflammation affecting the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, lymphoid tissues (spleen, tonsils and lymph nodes) and liver. Ziehl-Neelsen st… Leer más

Bezos J., Alvarez-Carrion B., Rodriguez-Bertos A., Fernandez-Manzano A., de Juan L., Huguet C., Briones V. y Romero B..

1 de diciembre de 2016

Sheep as a Potential Source of Bovine TB: Epidemiology, Pathology and Evaluation of Diagnostic Techniques

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(6):635-646.

     Bovine tuberculosis (TB) infection is infrequently diagnosed in sheep. Most reports are from single individual cases or flock outbreaks. However, in Spain several outbreaks have been reported recently, all of which had epidemiological links with TB-infected cattle herds. A total of 897 sheep suspected of being infected with TB and belonging to 23 flocks cohabiting with TB-infected cattle herds and/or goats were tested between 2009 and 2013 in Galicia (north-western Spain), using pathological, immunological and molecular techniques. Of these, 50.44% were positive by culture, 83.23% by histopathology and 24.92%, 4.86% and 59.42% by single intradermal tuberculin test (SITT), interferon-γ and ELISA, respectively. Results suggest that in ci… Leer más

Munoz-Mendoza M., Romero B., del Cerro A., Gortazar C., Garcia-Marin JF., Menendez S., Mourelo J., de Juan L., Saez-Llorente JL., Delahay RJ. y Balseiro A.

1 de diciembre de 2016

Development of a Microsphere-based Immunoassay for Serological Detection of African Horse Sickness Virus and Comparison with Other Diagnostic Techniques

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(6):e270-e277.

     African horse sickness (AHS) is a viral disease that causes high morbidity and mortality rates in susceptible Equidae and therefore significant economic losses. More rapid, sensitive and specific assays are required by diagnostic laboratories to support effective surveillance programmes. A novel microsphere-based immunoassay (Luminex assay) in which beads are coated with recombinant AHS virus (AHSV) structural protein 7 (VP7) has been developed for serological detection of antibodies against VP7 of any AHSV serotype. The performance of this assay was compared with that of a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and commercial lateral flow assay (LFA) on a large panel of serum samples from uninfected horses (n = 92), from a re… Leer más

Sanchez-Matamoros A., Beck C., Kukielka D., Lecollinet S., Rueda P., Zientara S., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Blaise-Boisseaeu S. y Garnier A.

15 de noviembre de 2016

Molecular and epidemiological population-based integrative analysis of human and animal Mycobacterium bovis infections in a low-prevalence setting

Veterinary Microbiology 195:30-36.

     Human Mycobacterium bovis infections are considered to be due to reactivations, when involve elderly people, or to recent transmissions, when exposure is occupational. We determined the cause of M. bovis infections by genotyping M. bovis isolates in a population-based study integrating human and animal databases. Among the 1,586 tuberculosis (TB) cases in Asturias, Northern Spain (1,080,000 inhabitants), 1567 corresponded to M. tuberculosis and 19 to M. bovis. The number of human isolates sharing genotype with cattle isolates was higher than expected (47%) for a setting with low prevalence of bovine TB and efficient control programs in cattle. The risk of exposure to infected animals was probable/possible in most of these matched cases (77.… Leer más

Palacios JJ., Navarro Y., Romero B., Penedo A., Menendez-Gonzalez A., Perez Hernandez MD., Fernandez-Verdugo A., Copano F., Torreblanca A., Bouza E., Dominguez L., de Juan L. y Garcia de Viedma D.

15 de noviembre de 2016

Evidence for Human Adaptation and Foodborne Transmission of Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication Of The Infectious Diseases Society Of America 63(10):1349-1352.

     We investigated the evolution and epidemiology of a novel livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain, which colonizes and infects urban-dwelling Danes even without a Danish animal reservoir. Genetic evidence suggests both poultry and human adaptation, with poultry meat implicated as a probable source.
Food-producing animals constitute an expanding reservoir of so-called livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) strains worldwide, of which clonal complex (CC) 398 predominates in Europe [1]. Whole-genome phylogenetic analysis showed that CC398 consists of 2 epidemiologically and evolutionarily distinct groups: a human-adapted progenitor subpopulation and a livestock-adapted … Leer más

Larsen J., Stegger M., Andersen PS., Petersen A., Larsen AR., Westh H., Agerso Y., Fetsch A., Kraushaar B., Kasbohrer A., Febler AT., Schwarz S., Cuny C., Witte W., Butaye P., Denis O., Haenni M., Madec JY., Jouy E., Laurent F., Battisti A., Franco A., Alba P., Mammina P., Pantosti A., Monaco M., Wagenaar J., de Boer E., van Duijkeren E., Heck M., Dominguez L., Torres C., Zarazaga M., Price LB. y Skov LR.

7 de noviembre de 2016

Increased Lytic Efficiency of Bovine Macrophages Trained with Killed Mycobacteria

PLoS ONE 11(11):e0165607.

     Innate immunity is evolutionarily conserved in multicellular organisms and was considered to lack memory until very recently. One of its more characteristic mechanisms is phagocytosis, the ability of cells to engulf, process and eventually destroy any injuring agent. We report the results of an ex vivo experiment in bovine macrophages in which improved clearance of Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) was induced by pre-exposure to a heat killed M. bovis preparation. The effects were independent of humoral and cellular adaptive immune responses and lasted up to six months. Specifically, our results demonstrate the existence of a training effect in the lytic phase of phagocytosis that can be activated by killed mycobacteria, thus suggesting a new … Leer más

Juste RA., Alonso-Hearn M., Garrido JM., Abendano N., Sevilla I., Gortazar C., de la Fuente J. y Dominguez L..

1 de noviembre de 2016

Differentiation of Photobacterium damselae subspecies using Matrix-Assisted Laser-Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) in fish isolates

Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 464:159-164.

     Photobacterium damselae is a well-recognized fish pathogen comprising two subspecies (damselae and piscicida) with significant clinical and epidemiological differences. We explored the suitability of MALDI-TOF MS for discriminating P. damselae subspecies in a panel of 45 isolates from diseased fish. MALDI Biotyper approach correctly identified all isolates at species level with average scores values of 2.271 although identification at subspecies level was not reliable. Visual inspection of the spectra using FlexAnalysis revealed five specific peaks (m/z 4183 and 8367 for subsp. damselae and 4197, 8397 and 8856 for subsp. piscicida) that may allow their differentiation. A classification model (GA-5A) was constructed based on these peaks usin… Leer más

Perez-Sancho M., Vela AI., Awad M., Kostrzewa M., Dominguez L. y Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

11 de octubre de 2016

Importance of Ecological Factors and Colony Handling for Optimizing Health Status of Apiaries in Mediterranean Ecosystems

PLoS ONE 11(10):e0164205.

     We analyzed six apiaries in several natural environments with a Mediterranean ecosystem in Madrid, central Spain, in order to understand how landscape and management characteristics may influence apiary health and bee production in the long term. We focused on five criteria (habitat quality, landscape heterogeneity, climate, management and health), as well as 30 subcriteria, and we used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to rank them according to relevance. Habitat quality proved to have the highest relevance, followed by beehive management. Within habitat quality, the following subcriteria proved to be most relevant: orographic diversity, elevation range and important plant species located 1.5 km from the apiary. The most important subcr… Leer más

Asensio I., Vicente-Rubiano M., Munoz MJ., Fernandez-Carrion E., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. y Carballo M.

1 de octubre de 2016

Molecular characterization and antimicrobial resistance of STEC strains isolated from healthy cattle in 2011 and 2013 in Spain

Epidemiology And Infection 144(14):2956-2966.

     Prevention of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) foodborne outbreaks is hampered by its complex epidemiology. We assessed the distribution of virulence genes (VGs), main serogroups/serotypes for public health [haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS)-related], antimicrobial resistance (AMR) profiles and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns in a collection of STEC isolates obtained from cattle hide (n = 149) and faecal (n = 406) samples collected during a national survey conducted in Spain in 2011 and 2013. Isolates were cultured using McConkey and CT-SMAC agar after enrichment, and confirmed as STEC by PCR. STEC prevalence in hides (15·4%) was higher than in faeces (10·7%) and O157:H7 was more frequent in the former (2·7% vs… Leer más

Cabal A., Porrero MC., de la Cruz ML., Saez-Llorente JL., Barcena C., Lopez G., Gortazar C., Dominguez L. y Alvarez J..

1 de octubre de 2016

Constant Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) Circulation in Wild Boar and Red Deer in Spain: An Increasing Concern Source of HEV Zoonotic Transmission

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(5):e360-8.

     Hepatitis E is a viral zoonosis that affects multiple hosts. The complete dynamics of infection in wildlife are still unknown, but the previous fact facilitates the maintenance and circulation of the virus, posing a risk to human health in the case of meat consumption from susceptible animals. In Spain, it has been shown how domestic pigs, cattle and wildlife (i.e. wild boar and red deer) clearly interact in hunting farms, generating a complex epidemiological situation in terms of interspecies pathogen transmission. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to (i) evaluate the circulation of the virus in geographically close domestic (Iberian pigs) and wild animals (wild boar and deer) living in hunting areas from central Spain over an 8-year peri… Leer más

Kukielka D., Rodriguez-Prieto V., Vicente J. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de octubre de 2016

Detection of African Swine Fever Antibodies in Experimental and Field Samples from the Russian Federation: Implications for Control

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(5):e436-40.

     African swine fever (ASF) re-entered in Europe in 2007 by Georgia rapidly affecting neighbouring countries. Since then, ASF has caused severe problems to the Russian Federation (RF) and spread to Northern and Western regions, including Ukraine (2012 and 2014) and Belarus (2013). At the beginning of 2014, dead wild boars were found in Lithuania and Poland. Several outbreaks have been later notified in the European Union(EU), affecting domestic pigs and wild boar of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, and also wild boar in Estonia, causing major problems for the EU pig sector. Some studies have been performed with this ASFV isolate, revealing that it belongs to genotype II and causes an acute form of the disease.
However, few data are availa… Leer más

Mur L., Igolkin A., Varentsova A., Pershin A., Remyga S., Shevchenko I., Zhukov I. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de octubre de 2016

Identification of Suitable Areas for African Horse Sickness Virus Infections in Spanish Equine Populations

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(5):564-73.

     African horse sickness (AHS) is one of the most important vector-borne viral infectious diseases of equines, transmitted mainly by Culicoides spp. The re-emergence of Culicoides-borne diseases in Europe, such as the recent bluetongue (BT) or Schmallenberg outbreaks, has raised concern about the potential re-introduction and further spread of AHS virus (AHSV) in Europe. Spain has one
of the largest European equine populations. In addition, its geographical, environmental and entomological conditions favour AHSV infections, as shown by the historical outbreaks in the 1990s. The establishment of risk-based surveillance strategies
would allow the early detection and rapid control of any potential AHSV outbreak.
This study a… Leer más

Sanchez-Matamoros A., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Rodriguez-Prieto V., Iglesias E. y Martinez-Lopez B.

23 de septiembre de 2016

Coexistence of mcr-1 and blaNDM-1 in Escherichia coli from Venezuela

Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy 60(10):6356-8.

     We studied the presence of the mobile colistin resistance gene mcr-1 in human, animal and environmental Enterobacteriaceae from Cumana (Venezuela) collected in 2015. mcr-1 was detected in 2/93 Escherichia coli from swine and human isolates resistant to colistin. Whole-genome sequencing and transformation experiments identified mcr-1 on an IncI2 plasmid. One of the isolates also bore the widely spread carbapenemase NDM-1. A One Health approach is necessary to further elucidate the flux of these high-risk genes… Leer más

Delgado-Blas JF., Ovejero CM., Abadia-Patino L. y Gonzalez-Zorn B..

9 de septiembre de 2016

Development and evaluation of a new lateral flow assay for simultaneous detection of antibodies against African Horse Sickness and Equine Infectious Anemia viruses

Journal Of Virological Methods 237:127-131.

     African horse sickness (AHS) and equine infectious anemia (EIA) are both notifiable equid specific diseases that may present similar clinical signs. Considering the increased global movement of horses and equine products over the past decades, together with the socio-economic impact of previous AHS and EIA outbreaks, there is a clear demand for an early discrimination and a strict control of their transmission between enzootic and AHS/EIA-free regions. Currently, the individual control and prevention of AHS or EIA relies on a series of measures, including the restriction of animal movements, vector control, and the use of several laboratory techniques for viral identification, amongst others. Despite being widely employed in surveillance pr… Leer más

Costa S., Sastre P., Perez T., Tapia I., Barrandeguy M., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Sanchez-Matamoros A., Wigdorovitz A., Sanz A. y Rueda P.

9 de septiembre de 2016

Detection of African Swine Fever Virus Antibodies in Serum and Oral Fluid Specimens Using a Recombinant Protein 30 (p30) Dual Matrix Indirect ELISA

PLoS ONE 11(9):e0161230.

     In the absence of effective vaccine(s), control of African swine fever caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV) must be based on early, efficient, cost-effective detection and strict control and elimination strategies. For this purpose, we developed an indirect ELISA capable of detecting ASFV antibodies in either serum or oral fluid specimens. The recombinant protein used in the ELISA was selected by comparing the early serum antibody response of ASFV-infected pigs (NHV-p68 isolate) to three major recombinant polypeptides (p30, p54, p72) using a multiplex fluorescent microbead-based immunoassay (FMIA). Non-hazardous (non-infectious) antibody-positive serum for use as plate positive controls and for the calculation of sample-to-positive (S… Leer más

Gimenez-Lirola LG., Mur L., Rivera B., Mogler M., Sun Y., Lizano S., Goodell C., Harris DL., Rowland DD., Gallardo C., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. y Zimmermman J.

1 de septiembre de 2016

Detection of Coxiella burnetii infection in a Saharawi dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta)

Journal Of Zoo And Wildlife Medicine 47(3):939-941.

     Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, can infect a wide range of host species, but limited information exists on the occurrence and implications of infection in wild species. This study describes a natural infection in a population of dorcas gazelles (Gazella dorcas) from a zoo. A 9-yr-old male Saharawi dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas neglecta) tested positive on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and fecal polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Despite treatment with oxytetracycline, the animal did not clear the infection after 6 mo, as confirmed by a PCR test on a semen sample. This is the first report of a Saharawi dorcas gazelle infection with C.burnetii and the first time that C. burnetii was detected in semen from a zoo a… Leer más

Garcia-Seco T., Perez-Sancho M., Martinez-Nevado E., Alvarez J., Santiago-Moreno J., Goyache J., Dominguez L. y Garcia N..

1 de septiembre de 2016

Seroprevalence and factors associated with seropositivity to equine arteritis virus in Spanish Purebred horses in Spain

Equine Veterinary Journal 48(5):573-7.

     Equine Viral Arteritis (EVA), a disease caused by infection with the equine arteritis virus (EAV), is present in many European countries. In Spain, the last confirmed outbreak was reported in 1992 and there is a paucity of seroprevalence studies. The disease has a major impact on the equine breeding industry, which is mainly represented by Spanish Purebred (SP) horses in Spain.

To estimate the seroprevalence of EAV in the breeding SP horse population in central Spain, and to identify potential horse- and stud farm-level factors associated with seropositivity to EAV.

Individual serum samples from 555 SP horses, collected between September 2011 and November 2013 at 35 stud farms, were tested using a commercially … Leer más

Cruz F., Fores P., Muqhini-Gras L., Ireland J., Moreno MA. y Newton R.

25 de agosto de 2016

Effect of preventive Chlamydia abortus vaccination in offspring development in sheep challenged experimentally

Frontiers In Veterinary Science 67(3):1-11.

     Ovine enzootic abortion, caused by Chlamydia abortus, leads to important economic losses worldwide. In addition to reproductive failures, infection may impact lamb growth during the first weeks after birth, yet this effect has not been well characterized. Vaccination can help to control the disease but variable efficacy values have been described, possibly related with factors associated with the host, the vaccine, the parameter used for efficacy determination and the challenge conditions. In this context, we evaluated the efficacy of an inactivated standard commercial vaccine and a 1/2 diluted dose in pregnant sheep challenged with C. abortus by examining multiple indicators ofvaccine effect (including incidence of reproductive failures, b… Leer más

Garcia-Seco T., Perez-Sancho M., Salinas J., Navarro A., Diez-Guerrier A., Garcia N., Pozo P., Goyache J., Dominguez L. y Alvarez J..

15 de agosto de 2016

Heavy metal and disinfectant resistance genes among livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates

Veterinary Microbiology 191:88-95.

     Livestock associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA-MRSA) has emerged in animal production worldwide. Most LA-MRSA in Europe belong to the clonal complex (CC) 398. The reason for the LA-MRSA emergence is not fully understood. Besides antimicrobial agents used for therapy, other substances with antimicrobial activity applied in animal feed, including metal-containing compounds might contribute to their selection. Some of these genes have been found in various novel SCCmec cassettes. The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of metal-resistance genes among a LA-S. aureus collection [n=554, including 542 MRSA and 12 methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA)] isolated from livestock and food thereof. Most LA-MRSA isolat… Leer más

Argudin MA., Lauzat B., Kraushaar B., Alba P., Agerso Y., Cavaco L., Butaye P., Porrero MC., Battisti A., Tenhagen BA., Fetsch A. y Guerra B.

1 de agosto de 2016

Development of a Luminex-Based DIVA Assay for Serological Detection of African Horse Sickness Virus in Horses

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(4):353-9.

     African horse sickness (AHS) is considered a fatal re-emergent vector-borne disease of horses. In the absence of any effective treatment for AHS, vaccination remains the most effective form of disease control. The new generation of vaccines, such as one based on purified, inactivated AHS virus (AHSV, serotype 4), which does not induce antibodies against non-structural protein 3 (NS3), enables the development of diagnostic methods that differentiate infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA assays). As detecting AHS in AHSV-free countries may lead to restrictions on international animal movements and thereby cause significant economic damage, these DIVA assays are crucial for reducing movement restrictions. In this article, we describe a Lumine… Leer más

Sanchez-Matamoros A., Nieto-Pelegrin E., Beck C., Rivera B., Lecollinet S., Sailleau C., Zientara S. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

15 de junio de 2016

Assessment of the sensitivity and specificity of serological (IFAT) and molecular (direct PCR) techniques for diagnosis of leishmaniasis in lagomorphs using a Bayesian approach

Veterinary Medicine And Science 2(3):211-220.

     Leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania infantum, is a vector-borne zoonotic disease that is endemic to the Mediterranean basin. The potential of rabbits and hares to serve as competent reservoirs for the disease has recently been demonstrated, although assessment of the importance of their role on disease dynamics is hampered by the absence of quantitative knowledge on the accuracy of diagnostic techniques in these species. A Bayesian latent-class model was used here to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of the Immuno-fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) in serum and a Leishmania-nested PCR (Ln-PCR) in skin for samples collected from 217 rabbits and 70 hares from two different populations in the region of Madrid, Spain. A two-population mod… Leer más

de la Cruz ML., Perez AM., Dominguez M., Moreno I., Garcia N., Martinez I., Navarro A., Dominguez L. y Alvarez J..

6 de junio de 2016

Animal tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in Eurasian wild boar from Morocco

European Journal Of Wildlife Research 62(4):479-482.

     Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa) is widespread in the northern third of Morocco, Northern Africa. We aimed to investigate the presence of Mycobacterium bovis infection in wild boar and to generate information on the possible host status in this region. M. bovis was isolated in six of 43 wild boars. Culture-positive samples yielded spoligotype number SB1627. Sixty percent of lung tissue specimens or tracheobronchial lymph node samples yielded positive culture. Two thirds (64 %) of the wild boar submitted for histopathology revealed tuberculosis-compatible lesions. These lesions were particularly frequent in lymph nodes (63 %) and in lung tissue samples (43 %). Ziehl-Neelsen staining did not identify acid-fast bacilli, indicating paucibacillar… Leer más

El Mrini M., Kichou F., Kadiri A., Berrada J., Bouslikhane M., Cordonier N., Romero B. y Gortazar C.

1 de junio de 2016

Detection of Biological CO2 and 1,3-Pentadiene Using Non-refrigerated Low-Cost MWIR Detectors

Food Analytical Methods 9:1451-1460.

     The early detection of spoiling metabolic products in contaminated food is a very important tool to control quality. Some volatile compounds produce unpleasant odours at very low concentrations, making their early detection very challenging. This is the case of 1,3-pentadiene produced by microorganisms through decarboxylation of the preservative sorbate. In this work, we have developed a methodology to use the data produced by a low-cost, compact MWIR (Mid-Wave IR) spectrometry device without moving parts, which is
based on a linear array of 128 elements of VPD PbSe coupled to a linear variable filter (LVF) working in the spectral range between 3 and 4.6 μm. This device is able to analyze food headspace gases through dedicated s… Leer más

Rivas EM., Maldonado-Gil M., Diezma B., Wrent P., Peinado JM., de Siloniz MI., Vergara G., Garcia-Hierrro J., Robla JI. y Barreiro P.

2 de mayo de 2016

Prevalence of Escherichia coli virulence genes in patients with diarrhea and a subpopulation of healthy volunteers in Madrid, Spain

Frontiers In Microbiology 641(7):1-6.

     Etiological diagnosis of diarrheal diseases may be complicated by their multi-factorial nature. In addition, Escherichia coli strains present in the gut can occasionally harbor VGs without causing disease, which complicates the assessment of their clinical significance in particular.
The aim of this study was to detect and quantify nine VGs (stx1, stx2, eae, aggR, ehxA, invA, est and elt) typically present in five E. coli enteric pathotypes (EHEC, ETEC, EPEC, EAEC and EIEC) in fecal samples collected from 49 patients with acute diarrhea and 32 healthy controls from Madrid, Spain. In addition, the presence of four serotype-related genes (wzxO104 and fliCH4, rbfO157 and fliCH7) was also determined. Presence of target genes was assessed… Leer más

Cabal A., Garcia-Castillo M., Canton R., Gortazar C., Dominguez L. y Alvarez J..

1 de mayo de 2016

Shedding of cephalosporin resistant Escherichia coli in pigs from conventional farms after early treatment with antimicrobials

The Veterinary Journal 211:21-5.

     This study assessed the dynamics of cephalosporin resistant (CR) E. coli populations during the life cycle of pigs treated early in life with ceftiofur or tulathromycin. The study was conducted at eight conventional pig farms; four for each treatment with ceftiofur or tulathromycin. At each farm, 70 7-day-old piglets were divided into two groups: a control group (n = 30) and a treatment group (n = 40). Faecal samples were collected on day 0 and on days 2, 7 and 180 post-treatment. Sows were also sampled on day 0. CR E. coli were selected on MacConkey agar with ceftriaxone. On five farms, 7-day-old piglets excreted CR E. coli before treatment associated with the presence of CR E. coli in sows. … Leer más

Cameron-Veas K., Moreno MA., Fraile L. y Migura-Garcia L.

1 de mayo de 2016

Bergeyella porcorum sp. nov., isolated from pigs

Systematic And Applied Microbiology 39(3):160-3.

     Four Gram-stain-negative, catalase- and oxidase-positive, bacillus-shaped bacterial isolates were recovered from the lungs and tonsils of four pigs. Based on cellular morphology and biochemical criteria the isolates were tentatively assigned to the genus Bergeyella, although the organisms did not appear to correspond with Bergeyella zoohelcum, the only validly named species of this genus. 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated that isolates represented a distinct subline within the genus Bergeyella with <97%. 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity with B. zoohelcum ATCC 43767T. The predominant cellular fatty acids of strain 1350-03T were iso-C15:0 and iso-C17:0 3-OH and the major quinone was MK-6. The DNA G+C content of strain 1350-03T was 37.7mo… Leer más

Zamora L., Dominguez L., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. y Vela AI..

16 de abril de 2016

Seroprevalence and factors associated with equine herpesvirus type 1 and 4 in Spanish Purebred horses in Spain

The Veterinary Record 178(16):398.

     Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) and type 4 (EHV-4) have a worldwide distribution and cause respiratory disease, abortion, neonatal death and myeloencephalopathy in susceptible horses. Given the scarcity of serological EHV-1/EHV-4 data in Spain, the objective of this cross-sectional study was to estimate the seroprevalence of EHV-1/EHV-4 and to identify potential horse-level and stud farm-level factors associated with EHV-1/EHV-4 in the breeding Spanish Purebred (SP) horse population in central Spain. Serum samples from 334 SP unvaccinated horses, collected between September 2011 and November 2013 at 30 stud farms, were tested using a commercially available EHV-1/EHV-4 antibody ELISA and seroneutralisation as the OIE reference confirmation… Leer más

Cruz F., Fores P., Muqhini-Gras L., Ireland J., Moreno MA. y Newton JR.

15 de abril de 2016

Salmonella Typhimurium infection primes a nutriprive mechanism in piglets

Veterinary Microbiology 186:117-125.

     Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is an important cause of acute food- borne zoonoses worldwide, typically carried by pigs. It is well known that Salmonella has evolved a wide array of strategies enabling it to invade the host, but little information is available on the specific host responses to Salmonella infections. In the present study, we used an in vivo approach (involving piglets infected with a virulent or an attenuated S. Typhimurium strain) coupled to histological and proteomic analysis of the cecum mucosa, to highlight the host pathways activated during S. Typhimurium infection. We confirm the complex host-pathogen interaction. Our data showed that the metabolic and the cytoskeleton organization functions w… Leer más

Miarelli M., Drumo R., Signorelli F., Marchitelli C., Pavone S., Pesciarioli M., Ruggeri J., Chirullo B., Ammendola S., Battistoni A., Alborali GL., Manuali E. y Pasquali P.

1 de abril de 2016

Oral administration of heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis reduces the response of farmed red deer to avian and bovine tuberculin

Veterinary Immunology And Immunopathology 172:21-25.

     Orally delivered mycobacterial antigens may not sensitize the immunized animals causing a positive tuberculin skin test response. As the first step to address this critical issue, we characterized the response of farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus) to orally delivered heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis. Thirty-two adult red deer hinds from a farm known to be free of tuberculosis (TB) were randomly assigned to two different treatment groups, immunized (n = 24) and control (n = 8). Immunized hinds were dosed orally with 2 ml of PBS containing 6 × 106 heat-inactivated M. bovis. The mean skin test response of immunized deer to both avian purified protein derivative (aPPD) and bovine PPD (bPPD) was consistently lower in immunized than in control … Leer más

Lopez V., Gonzalez-Barrio D., Lima-Barbero JF., Ortiz JA., Dominguez L., Juste R., Garrido JM., Sevilla I., Alberdi P., de la Fuente J. y Gortazar C.

1 de abril de 2016

Detection of Leishmania-specific DNA and surface antigens using a combination of functionalized magnetic beads and cadmium selenite quantum dots

Journal Of Microbiological Methods 123:62-67.

     Leishmaniosis is a zoonotic disease that affects millions of people especially in resource-poor settings. The development of reliable diagnostic assays that do not require dedicated equipment or highly trained personnel would improve early diagnosis and effective control. For this purpose, a combination of magnetic bead and cadmium selenite quantum dot probes was applied for the detection of Leishmania-specific surface antigens (proteins) and DNA. Both analytes are isolated from the solution using magnetic bead capture probes whereas the presence of the targeted molecules is demonstrated by quantum dot detection probes. The sensitivity and specificity of this method reached 100% based on an assessment performed on 55 cultured isolates of va… Leer más

Andreadou M., Liandris E., Gazouli M., Mataraqka A., Tachtsidis I., Goutas N., Vlachodimitropoulos D. y Ikonomopoulos J.

1 de abril de 2016

Implementation and validation of an economic module in the Be-FAST model to predict costs generated by livestock disease epidemics: Application to classical swine fever epidemics in Spain

Preventive Veterinary Medicine 126:66-73.

     Be-FAST is a computer program based on a time-spatial stochastic spread mathematical model for studying the transmission of infectious livestock diseases within and between farms. The present work describes a new module integrated into Be-FAST to model the economic consequences of the spreading of classical swine fever (CSF) and other infectious livestock diseases within and between farms. CSF is financially one of the most damaging diseases in the swine industry worldwide. Specifically in Spain, the economic costs in the two last CSF epidemics (1997 and 2001) reached jointly more than 108 million euros. The present analysis suggests that severe CSF epidemics are associated with significant economic costs, approximately 80% of which are rel… Leer más

Fernandez-Carrion E., Ivorra B., Martinez-Lopez B., Ramos AM. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de abril de 2016

Detection of plasmid mediated colistin resistance (MCR-1) in Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica isolated from poultry and swine in Spain

Research In Veterinary Science 105:134-135.

     Recent findings suggest that use of colistin as a last resort antibiotic is seriously threatened by the rise of a new plasmid mediated mechanism of resistance (MCR-1). This work identifies, by the first time in Southern Europe, the gene mcr-1 in 9 enterobacteria from farm animals (poultry and swine), being of particular relevance its finding in 4 Salmonella enterica, 3 belonging to serovar Typhimurium and 1 to Rissen. MCR-1 was found encoded by a plasmid highly mobilizable by conjugation to the E. coli J53 strain… Leer más

Quesada A., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Iglesias MR., Porrero MC., Martinez R., Florez-Cuadrado D., Campos MJ., Garcia M., Piriz S. y Dominguez L..

1 de abril de 2016

Thirty-Five-Year Presence of African Swine Fever in Sardinia: History, Evolution and Risk Factors for Disease Maintenance

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(2):e165-77.

     Despite the implementation of control efforts and funds to fight against the disease, African swine fever (ASF) has been present in Sardinia since 1978. It has caused serious problems for both the industrial pig sector and the regional authorities in Sardinia, as well as the economy of Italy and the European Union, which annually supports the costly eradication programme. During this time, ASF has persisted, especially in the central-east part of Sardinia where almost 75% of the total outbreaks are concentrated. The Sardinian pig sector is clearly divided into two categories based on the
specialization and industrialization of production: industrial farms, which represents only 1.8% of the farms in the island and non-professional hol… Leer más

Mur L., Atzeni M., Martinez-Lopez B., Feliziani F., Rolesu S. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de abril de 2016

Natural immunity of sheep and lambs against the Schmallenberg virus infection

Transboundary And Emerging Diseases 63(2):e220-8..

     Since the first reports of the Schmallenberg disease (SBD) outbreaks in late 2011, the disease has spread across Europe, affecting cattle and sheep farms. While Schmallenberg virus (SBV) causes a mild clinical disease in adults, infection of pregnant females may lead to the production of typical congenital malformations (CMFs) in their offspring. It is speculated that the immunity acquired after a SBV infection is effective in preventing further infections. However, this has not been proven in naturally infected sheep, especially if they are pregnant when reinfected. The aim of this study was to monitor the natural immunity in SBV-infected sheep. Twenty-four ewes from the only Spanish farm with a SBV OIE-notified outbreak were sampled. Sub… Leer más

Rodriguez-Prieto V., Kukielka D., Mourino M., Paradell H., Plaja L., Urniza A. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

10 de marzo de 2016

Oral chondroitin sulfate and prebiotics for the treatment of canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a randomized, controlled clinical trial

BMC Veterinary Research 12(1):49.

Canine inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic enteropathy of unknown etiology, although microbiome dysbiosis, genetic susceptibility, and dietary and/or environmental factors are hypothesized to be involved in its pathogenesis. Since some of the current therapies are associated with severe side effects, novel therapeutic modalities are needed. A new oral supplement for long-term management of canine IBD containing chondroitin sulfate (CS) and prebiotics (resistant starch, β-glucans and mannaoligosaccharides) was developed to target intestinal inflammation and oxidative stress, and restore normobiosis, without exhibiting any side effects. This double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial in dogs with IB… Leer más

Segarra S., Martinez-Subiela S., Cerda-Cuellar M., Martinez-Puig D., Munoz-Prieto A., Rodriguez-Franco F., Rodriguez-Bertos A., Allenspach K., Velasco-Franco A. y Ceron J.

1 de marzo de 2016

Potential use of dietary fibre from Hibiscus sabdariffa and Agave tequilana in obesity management

Journal Of Functional Foods 21:1-9.

     The anti-obesity potential of dietary fibre (DF) from Hibiscus sabdariffa (ground calyces) and Agave tequilana (agave-fructans) as an additive in the feed of animals subjected to a high fat diet was examined. Over a 5-week period, the effects of each DF alone, and in combination, were examined with respect to food intake, weight gain, adiposity, plasma metabolic profile, appetite regulation and inflammatory biomarkers in white and brown adipose tissue. Supplementation with the ground H. sabdariffa calyces was associated with a reduction in body weight, adiposity, plasma total cholesterol and glucose. As novel findings, the addition of H. sabdariffa increased plasma GLP1, reduced proinflammatory cytokines in white adipose tissue … Leer más

Moyano G., Sayago-Ayerdi SG., Largo C., Caz V., Santamaria M. y Tabernero M.

1 de marzo de 2016

Screening of virulence-associated genes as a molecular typing method for characterization of Streptococcus suis isolates recovered from wild boars and pigs

The Veterinary Journal 209:108-12.

     Streptococcus suis is an important zoonotic pathogen associated with a wide range of diseases in pigs, but has also been isolated from wild animals such as rabbits and wild boars. In the current study, 126 S. suis isolates recovered from pigs (n = 85) and wild boars (n = 41) were tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of nine virulence-associated genes. S. suis isolates from wild boars were differentiated by the lower detection rates of the epf, sly, mrp, sao and dltA genes (0%, 2.4%, 2.4%, 4.8% and 21.9%, respectively) compared with the isolates from pigs (56.5%, 75.3%, 56.5%, 88.2.0% and 88.2%, respectively). The differences in the content of these virulence-associated genes were statistically s… Leer más

Sanchez V., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Dominguez L., Gottschalk M. y Vela AI..

1 de marzo de 2016

Identification of the main quinolone resistance determinant in Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli by MAMA-DEG PCR

Diagnostic Microbiology And Infectious Disease 84(3):236-9.

     Among zoonotic diseases, campylobacteriosis stands out as the major bacterial infection producing human gastroenteritis. Antimicrobial therapy, only recommended in critical cases, is challenged by resistance mechanisms that should be unambiguously detected for achievement of effective treatments. Quinolone (ciprofloxacin) resistance of C. jejuni and C. coli, the two main Campylobacter detected in humans, is conferred by the mutation gyrA C-257-T, which can be genotyped by several methods that require a previous identification of the pathogen species to circumvent the sequence polymorphism of the gene. A multiplex PCR, based on degenerated oligonucleotides, has been designed for unambiguous identification of the quinolone resistance determin… Leer más

Hormeno L., Palomo G., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Porrero MC., Borge C., Vadillo S., Piriz S., Dominguez L., Campos MJ. y Quesada A.

1 de marzo de 2016

Description of an erm(B)-carrying Campylobacter coli isolate in Europe

The Journal Of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 71(3):841-3.

     Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are the principal cause of foodborne zoonoses in humans. Campylobacteriosis is caused by C. jejuni and C. coli, and the infection is produced by ingesting contaminated food. The main reservoir is the intestinal microbiota of birds, especially poultry. Although the treatment for campylobacteriosis is generally oral rehydration therapy, the drugs of choice are macrolides, such as erythromycin.1 Thus, macrolide resistance poses a serious public health threat.… Leer más

Florez-Cuadrado D., Ugarte-Ruiz M., Quesada A., Palomo G., Dominguez L. y Porrero MC.

4 de febrero de 2016

Spatial and Functional Organization of Pig Trade in Different European Production Systems: Implications for Disease Prevention and Control

Frontiers In Veterinary Science 3(4):1-12.

     Understanding the complexity of live pig trade organization is a key factor to predict and control major infectious diseases, such as classical swine fever (CSF) or African swine fever (ASF). Whereas the organization of pig trade has been described in several European countries with indoor commercial production systems, little information is available on this organization in other systems, such as outdoor or small-scale systems. The objective of this study was to describe and compare the spatial and functional organization of live pig trade in different European countries and different production systems. Data on premise characteristics and pig movements between premises were collected during 2011 from Bulgaria, France, Italy, and Spain, wh… Leer más

Relun A., Grosbois V., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Alexandrov T., Feliziani F., Waret-Szkuta A., Molia S., Charles-Etter EM. y Martinez-Lopez B.

1 de febrero de 2016

Staphylococcus aureus Genetic Lineages Found in Urban Effluents and River Water

International Journal Of Water And Wastewater Treatment 2(2):1-5.

     Methicillin resistant and susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA and MSSA respectively) remain a public health concern as human pathogens. Presence of MRSA and MSSA in river water and urban effluents was studied to analyze the S. aureus population and determine the genetic diversity and predominant genotypes obtained by spa types and MLST on each ecological niche. MRSA proportion in urban effluents was higher than in river water (P<0.05). According to the Simpson’s Index of Diversity based on spa types, MSSA isolates were more diverse than MRSA isolates (P<0.05). Predominant spa types and STs detected in MSSA river water isolates were different from those found in urban effluents. In the MRSA population, ST125-t067 was the predominant geno… Leer más

Porrero MC., Valverde A., Mateos A., Canton R., Gortazar C., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. y Dominguez L..

1 de febrero de 2016

Detailed chronological analysis of microevolution events in herds infected persistently by Mycobacterium bovis

Veterinary Microbiology 183:97-102.

     Various studies have analyzed microevolution events leading to the emergence of clonal variants in human infections by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, microevolution events in animal tuberculosis remain unknown. We performed a systematic analysis of microevolution events in eight herds that were chronically infected by Mycobacterium bovis for more than 12 months. We analyzed 88 animals using a systematic screening procedure based on discriminatory MIRU-VNTR genotyping at sequential time points during the infection. Microevolution was detected in half of the herds studied. Emergence of clonal variants did not require long infection periods or a high number of infected animals in the herd. Microevolution was not restricted to strains fro… Leer más

Navarro Y., Romero B., Bouza E., Dominguez L., de Juan L. y Garcia de Viedma D.

1 de febrero de 2016

A livestock-associated, multidrug-resistant, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clonal Complex 97 lineage spreading in dairy cattle and pigs in Italy

Applied And Environmental Microbiology 82(3):816-821.

     Pandemic methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) Clonal Complex (CC)97 MRSA lineages originated from livestock-to-human host jumps. In recent years CC97 has become one of the major MRSA lineages detected in Italian farmed animals. The aim of the study was to characterize and analyze differences of MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) mainly of swine and bovine origin. Forty-seven CC97 isolates, 35 MRSA and 6 MSSA from different Italian pig and cattle holdings, 5 pig MRSA from Germany, one human MSSA from Spain, were characterized by macro-restriction-PFGE analysis, MLST, spa-typing, SCCmec typing, antimicrobial resistance pattern. Virulence and resistance genes were investigated by PCR and microarray. Most of isolates were SCCme… Leer más

Feltrin F., Alba A., Kraushaar B., Ianzano A., Arqudin MA., Di Matteo P., Porrero MC., Aarestrup F., Butaye P., Franco A. y Battisti A.

1 de febrero de 2016

Detection of carbapenemase-production in a collection of Enterobacteriaceae with characterized resistance mechanisms from clinical and environmental origin using both Carba NP and Blue-Carba tests

Journal Of Clinical Microbiology 54(2):464-6.

     Rapid screening methods to confirm the presence of resistance mechanisms in multidrug-resistant bacteria are currently recommended. Carba NP and Blue-Carba tests were evaluated in carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae from hospital (n=102) and environmental (n=57) origin for detecting the different molecular classes among them. Both methods showed to be fast and cost-effective, with high sensitivity (98-100%) and specificity (100%) what may be easily introduced in the routine laboratory.… Leer más

Garcia-Fernandez S., Morosini MI., Gijon D., Beatobe L., Ruiz-Garbajosa P., Dominguez L., Canton R. y Valverde A.

1 de febrero de 2016

Wildlife and livestock use of extensive farm resources in South Central Spain: implications for disease transmission

European Journal Of Wildlife Research 62:65-78.

     The interactions of extensively farmed livestock with wild ungulates contribute to the transmission and maintenance of, among other diseases, tuberculosis (TB) at the interface in South Central Spain (SCS), where farming typically occurs close to wildlife habitats. The aim of this paper is to describe (i) the use of extensive farm resources by wildlife and livestock and (ii) the factors involved. Camera traps (CTs) were placed at a priori risk points (n = 149 points, 2145 CT days) for interspecies interactions: water points, buildings, food points, and acorn fields (which also provide rich pasture), on 11 representative extensive beef cattle (n = 6) and Iberian pig (n = 5) farms. The use of extensive farm… Leer más

Carrasco-Garcia R., Barasona JA., Gortazar C., Montoro V., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. y Vicente J.

22 de enero de 2016

Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Exploits Inflammation to Modify Swine Intestinal Microbiota

Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology 5:106.

     Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is an important zoonotic gastrointestinal pathogen responsible for foodborne disease worldwide. It is a successful enteric pathogen because it has developed virulence strategies allowing it to survive in a highly inflamed intestinal environment exploiting inflammation to overcome colonization resistance provided by intestinal microbiota. In this study, we used piglets featuring an intact microbiota, which naturally develop gastroenteritis, as model for salmonellosis. We compared the effects on the intestinal microbiota induced by a wild type and an attenuated S. Typhimurium in order to evaluate whether the modifications are correlated with the virulence of the strain. This study showed that Salmonella… Leer más

Drumo R., Pesciarioli M., Ruggeri J., Tarantino M., Chirullo B., Pistoia C., Petrucci P., Martinelli N., Moscati L., Manuali E., Pavone S., Picciolini M., Ammendola S., Gabai G., Battistoni A., Pezzotti G., Alborali GL., Napolioni V., Pasquali P. y Magistrali CF.

14 de enero de 2016

Evidence of shared bovine viral diarrhea infections between red deer and extensively raised cattle in south-central Spain

BMC Veterinary Research 12:11.

     Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a pestivirus that affects cattle production worldwide and that can infect other ungulates such as cervids and even wild boar (Sus scrofa). It is believed that domestic livestock can become infected through contact with wild animals, though it is known that infection can spread among wild animals in the absence of contact with livestock. Little is known about the sharing of BVDV infection between wild and domestic animals in the same habitat, which is important for designing eradication campaigns and preventing outbreaks, especially on hunting estates with high animal densities… Leer más

Rodriguez-Prieto V., Kukielka D., Rivera B., Martinez-Lopez B., de las Heras AI., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM. y Vicente J.

13 de enero de 2016

Fluorescent microbead-based immunoassay for anti-Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae antibody detection in cetaceans

Diseases Of Aquatic Organisms 117:237-243.

     A fluorescent microbead-based immunoassay (FMIA) for detection of anti-Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae antibodies in pigs was adapted to cetaceans. The FMIA was validated and adjusted using serum samples from 10 vaccinated captive bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus collected between 1 and 13 mo after immunization. The technique was then used to analyze specimens from 15 free-ranging cetaceans stranded alive in the Valencian Mediterranean coast between 2006 and 2014, which comprised 11 striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba, three Risso’s dolphins Grampus griseus and one bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus. One of these wild animals was confirmed to have died from E. rhusiopathiae septicemia, but no anti-E. rhusiopathiae antibodies were d… Leer más

Melero M., Gimenez-Lirola LG., Rubio-Guerri C., Crespo JL., Sierra E., Garcia-Parraga D., Garcia-Pena FJ., Arbelo M., Alvaro T., Valls M. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

4 de enero de 2016

African swine fever virus transmission cycles in Central Europe: Evaluation of wild boar-soft tick contacts through detection of antibodies against Ornithodoros erraticus saliva antigen

BMC Veterinary Research 12(1):1.

African swine fever (ASF) is one of the most complex viral diseases affecting both domestic and wild pigs. It is caused by ASF virus (ASFV), the only DNA virus which can be efficiently transmitted by an arthropod vector, soft ticks of the genus Ornithodoros. These ticks can be part of ASFV-transmission cycles, and in Europe, O. erraticus was shown to be responsible for long-term maintenance of ASFV in Spain and Portugal. In 2014, the disease has been reintroduced into the European Union, affecting domestic pigs and, importantly, also the Eurasian wild boar population. In a first attempt to assess the risk of a tick-wild boar transmission cycle in Central Europe that would further complicate eradication of the disease, ove… Leer más

Pietschmann J., Mur L., Blome S., Beer M., Perez-Sanchez R., Oleaga A. y Sanchez-Vizcaino JM..

1 de enero de 2016

Genetic analysis of human clinical isolates of Lactococcus garvieae: relatedness with isolates from foods

Infection Genetics And Evolution 37:185-191.

     Lactococcus garvieae is a gram-positive bacterium well-known as an important pathogen in aquaculture, and it is also a human pathogen of increasing clinical significance. Forty-three human L. garvieae isolates from clinical specimens were characterized by Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST). Twenty-six different sequence types (STs) were identified among the human isolates, of which 20 were novel STs. Most human isolates clustered into four clonal complexes, with a predominance of CC3. Within CC3, ST10 was the most common genotype, indicating the existence of a circulating genetic lineage among the human isolates analyzed. The four CCs also grouped L. garvieae strains isolated from meat, dairy and fish, indicating a genetic overlap between is… Leer más

Reguera-Brito M., Galan-Sanchez F., Blanco MM., Rodriguez-Iglesias M., Dominguez L., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. y Gibello A.

1 de enero de 2016

Streptococcus caprae sp. nov., isolated from a Iberian Ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica)

International Journal Of Systematic And Evolutionary Microbiology 66(1):196-200.

     Biochemical and molecular genetic studies were performed on a novel Gram-positive catalase-negative coccus-shaped organism isolated from tonsil samples of two Spanish Ibex. The microorganism was identified as a streptococcal species based on its cellular morphological and biochemical tests. 16S rRNA gene sequence comparison studies confirmed its identification as a member of the genus Streptococcus, but the organism did not correspond to any species of this genus. The nearest phylogenetic relative of the unknown coccus from ibex was Streptococcus porci (96.6% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity). The rpoB and sodA sequence analysis showed sequence similarity values lower than 86.0% and 83.8% respectively, from the currently Streptococcus reco… Leer más

Vela AI., Mentaberre G., Lavin S., Dominguez L. y Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

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