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SCI scientific publications 1996

November 1st, 1996

Spacer oligonucleotide typing of Mycobacterium bovis strains from cattle and other animals: a tool for studying epidemiology of tuberculosis

Journal Of Clinical Microbiology 34(11):2734-40.

     The spacer oligonucleotide typing (spoligotyping) method was evaluated for its ability to differentiate Mycobacterium bovis strains. This method detects the presence or absence of spacers of the direct repeat locus of the M. bovis genome. The spacers in the direct repeat locus are amplified by PCR and are detected by hybridization of the biotin-labelled PCR product with a membrane containing oligonucleotides derived from spacer sequences that have previously been bound to a membrane. One hundred eighty-two M. bovis isolates from domestic animals (cattle, goat, sheep, and cats) and wild animals (deer and wild boar) were spoligotyped, and the results were compared with those obtained by IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis… Leer más

Aranaz A., Liebana E., Mateos A., Dominguez L., Vidal D., Domingo M., Gonzalez-Llamazares O., Rodriguez-Ferri E., Bunschotten A., Van Emnden JDA. and Cousins DV.

October 1st, 1996

Antibiotic resistance in Spain: what can be done?

Clinical Infectious Diseases : An Official Publication Of The Infectious Diseases Society Of America 23(4):819-23.

     The document Antibiotic Resistance in Spain: What Can Be Done? was prepared in 1994 by an ad hoc Task Force under the auspices of the Spanish Ministry of Health. The problem of the development of antibiotic resistance in community-acquired bacterial pathogens in Spain and its relation to antibiotic use and consumption has been of both national and international concern. This document analyzes the problem and provides general recommendations for limiting the emergence, evolution, and spread of resistant microorganisms. Particular emphasis is given to systems for surveillance of antibiotic resistance, the monitoring of patterns of antibiotic use and consumption, and strategies for influencing the producers (pharmaceutical industry), prescribe… Leer más

Baquero F., Baraibar R., Campos J., Dominguez L., Garau J., Garcia JA., Guerra L., Palau E., Perez-Gorricho B., Perez-Trallero E., Prats G., Rey-Duran R. and Bremon AR.

July 1st, 1996

Sanguibacter inulinus sp. nov.

International Journal Of Systematic Bacteriology 46(3):811-3.

     Six strains of coryneform bacteria were isolated from blood samples obtained from healthy cows. Phenotypic and molecular genetic studies showed that these isolates represent a new species of the genus Sanguibacter, for which the name Sanguibacter inulinus is proposed. The type strain of S. inulinus is strain ST-50 (= NCFB 3024)… Leer más

Pascual C., Collins MD., Grimont PAD., Dominguez L. and Fernandez-Garayzabal JF..

July 1st, 1996

Taxonomic note: a proposal for reviewing the interpretation of the CAMP reaction between Listeria monocytogenes and Rhodococcus equi

International Journal Of Systematic Bacteriology 46(3):832-4.

     The discrepancies between the current description of the CAMP test between Listeria monocytogenes and Rhodococcus equi in the latest edition of Bergey`s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology (L. monocytogenes is described as CAMP test negative with R. equi) and routine findings (positive reactions are usually described in many laboratories) make it advisable to review the current interpretation of the CAMP test to avoid confusion among people working in microbiological laboratories. Overall, 98.4% of the L. monocytogenes strains examined in this study, regardless of their source or the intensity of their hemolytic activity, displayed a synergic hemolytic reaction (CAMP phenomenon) with R. equi, indicating that L. monocytogenes can generally … Leer más

Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Suarez G., Blanco MM., Gibello A. and Dominguez L..

March 1st, 1996

Cholesterol oxidase from Rhodococcus equi is likely the major factor involved in the cooperative lytic process (CAMP reaction) with Listeria monocytogenes

Letters In Applied Microbiology 22(3):249-52.

     The CAMP reaction between Listeria monocytogenes and Rhodococcus equi was studied by a diffusion assay. Listeria monocytogenes displayed identical cooperative haemolytic effect with supernatant cultures of R. equi or with commercial cholesterol oxidase (COX). This result, even with enzymes of different sources (commercial COX is obtained from Pseudomonas spp.) suggests that this enzyme secreted by R. equi has a crucial role in the synergistic haemolytic (CAMP) reaction with L. monocytogenes. The mechanism of the cooperative lytic process between L. monocytogenes and R. equi may represent a different and novel mechanism reaction, in which the COX may not act as a conventional second-step factor, and a reaction different to the direct interac… Leer más

Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Delgado C., Blanco MM., Suarez G. and Dominguez L..

March 1st, 1996

Use of polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of tuberculosis in cats and dogs

The Veterinary Record 138(12):276-80.

     Samples from four dogs and four cats suspected of having tuberculosis were processed for histopathology, bacterial culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A simple, rapid method for the extraction of DNA from tissue samples was used in two PCR assays designed to confirm the diagnosis of tuberculosis. The PCR assays detected all the culture-positive samples from these animals and no false positive results were obtained. The PCR technique was successful for the direct detection of organisms from the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and reduced the time needed for a diagnosis to two days… Leer más

Aranaz A., Liebana E., Pickering X., Novoa C., Mateos A. and Dominguez L..

January 1st, 1996

Incidence of Listeria species in a cheese processing plant environment during one year

Archiv Für Lebensmittelhygiene 47(1):25-27.

Franco CM., Quinto EJ., Fente C., Rodriguez JL., Dominguez L. and Cepeda A.

January 1st, 1996

Streptococcosis in cultured turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), associated with Streptococcus parauberis

Journal Of Fish Diseases 19:33-38.

     Several strains of Gram-positive short rod (cocci-bacilli)-shaped bacteria were isolated from diseased cultured turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), in the North of Spain with lesions and signs of streptococcosis. The alpha-haemolytic streptococcus-like organisms from diseased turbot were identified by physiological, biochemical and 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis as Streptococcus parauberis. This is the first report of S. parauberis associated with fish disease.… Leer más

Domenech A., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF., Pascual C., Garcia JA., Cutuli MT., Moreno MA., Collins MD. and Dominguez L..

January 1st, 1996

Mycobacterium genavense infection in canaries

Avian Diseases 40(1):246-51.

     A case of mycobacteriosis in a collection of canaries (Serinus canarius) is described. The affected birds showed nonspecific clinical signs and macroscopic lesions (slight splenomegaly). Histologic lesions found in liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys consisted of noncaseous nodules containing accumulations of large macrophages that showed a highly vacuolated cytoplasm in which numerous acid-fast organisms were detected. Attempts to isolate and culture the organisms using Läwenstein-Jensen and Coletsos media proved unsuccessful. Microorganisms belonging to the species Mycobacterium genavense were identified by means of polymerase chain reaction techniques in hepatic tissue from both birds. This finding confirms the existence of fastidiously gr… Leer más

Ramis A., Ferrer L., Aranaz A., Liebana E., Mateos A., Dominguez L., Pascual C., Fernandez-Garayzabal JF. and Collins MD.

January 1st, 1996

Prevalence of agglutinating antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in small ruminants of the Madrid region, Spain, and identification of factors influencing seropositivity by multivariate analysis

Veterinary Research Communications 20(2):153-9.

     A seroepidemiological survey of Toxoplasma gondii infection in sheep and goats was conducted in the Madrid region of Spain. Sera were collected from 60 herds, for which farming management information and other relevant data for their characterization were also obtained through a questionnaire. The seroprevalence was 11.8% (64 out of 541), using the modified (2-mercaptoethanol) direct agglutination technique with a 1:64 cut-off titre. The relationship between seropositivity and the variables in the questionnaire was assessed by multivariate analysis. Four variables were found to be significantly associated with seroprevalence. Two of them, the presence of cats and a previous history of abortion outbreaks in the farm, were factors known to be… Leer más

Mainar RC., de la Cruz C., Asensio A., Dominguez L. and Vazquez-Boland JA.

Science Publication
ISI Scientific Publications
Total Last 60 mo. Last 12 mo.
1 ZTA 257 SUAT 64 MYC 15
2 ICM 244 MYC 55 SUAT 12
3 MYC 240 ZTA 49 ICM 7
4 SUAT 229 ICM 44 ZTA 5
5 NED 76 SAP 29 SAP 5
  VISAVET 1169 309 52

Impact Factor Average
Total Last 60 mo. Last 12 mo.
1 ZTA 3.86 ZTA 5.126 ZTA 4.78
2 SAP 3.232 SUAT 4.073 MYC 3.667
3 SUAT 2.952 ICM 3.718 SUAT 3.658
4 MYC 2.826 MYC 3.678 SEVISEQ 3
5 DICM 2.776 SAP 3.342 ICM 2.614
VISAVET 3.229 4.710 3.632

ISI Scientific Publications
Total Last 60 mo.
1 Transbound Emerg Dis 96 Front Vet Sci 33
2 Vet Microbiol 90 Transbound Emerg Dis 24
3 Prev Vet Med 77 Animals 15
4 Front Vet Sci 67 PLoS ONE 13
5 PLoS ONE 60 Sci Rep 12
  All journals 358   All journals 36