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February 10th, 2025

Reduction of Influenza A Virus Prevalence in Pigs at Weaning After Using Custom-Made Influenza Vaccines in the Breeding Herds of an Integrated Swine Farm System

Viruses-Basel 17(2):240.

     Vaccination is a common influenza A virus (IAV) control strategy for pigs. Vaccine efficacy depends on strain cross-protection and effective vaccination program implementation. We evaluated a multi-faceted IAV vaccination strategy which included (a) monthly surveillance of pigs at weaning, (b) selection of epidemiologically relevant strains from farms under surveillance, (c) updating IAV strains in custom-made vaccines, and (d) seasonal mass vaccination with custom-made vaccines given to sows in 35 farrow-to-wean farms within an integrated swine farm system. Reduction of IAV in pigs from vaccinated sows was determined by monthly monitoring of farms for 30 months by IAV rRT-PCR (PCR) testing of nasal wipes collected from litters of piglets a… Leer más

Garrido Mantilla J., Sanhueza J., Alvarez J., Pittman JS., Davies P., Torremorel M. and Culhane MR.

February 5th, 2025

Source attribution of human Campylobacter infection: a multi-country model in the European Union

Frontiers In Microbiology 16.

     Introduction: Infections caused by Campylobacter spp. represent a severe threat to public health worldwide. National action plans have included source attribution studies as a way to quantify the contribution of specific sources and understand the dynamic of transmission of foodborne pathogens like Salmonella and Campylobacter. Such information is crucial for implementing targeted intervention. The aim of this study was to predict the sources of human campylobacteriosis cases across multiple countries using available whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data and explore the impact of data availability and sample size distribution in a multi-country source attribution model.
Methods: We constructed a machine-learning model using k-mer freque… Leer más

Thystrup C., Lykke-Brinch M., Henri C., Mughini-Gras L., Franz E., Wieczoreck K., Gutierrez M., Prendergast D., Duffy G., Burgess CM., Bolton D., Alvarez J., Lopez-Chavarrias V., Rosendal T., Clemente L., Amaro A., Zomer AL., Grimstrup-Joensen K., Moller-Nielsen E., Scavia G., Skarzynska M., Pinto M., Oleastro M., Cha W., Thepault A., Rivoal K., Denis M., Chemaly M. and Hald T.

January 30th, 2025

Habitat suitability mapping and landscape connectivity analysis to predict African swine fever spread in wild boar populations: A focus on Northern Italy

PLoS ONE 20(1):e0317577.

     African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious disease affecting wild and domestic pigs, characterised by severe haemorrhagic symptoms and high mortality rates. Originally confined to Sub-Saharan Africa, ASF virus genotype II has spread to Europe since 2014, mainly affecting Eastern Europe, and progressing through wild boar migrations and human action. In January 2022, the first case of ASF, due to genotype II, was reported in North-western Italy, in a wild boar carcass. Thereafter, numerous positive wild boars were identified, indicating an expanding wild epidemic, severely threatening Italian pig farming and trade. This study focused on the mapping of the suitable habitats for wild boars and their potential dispersal corridors in Northe… Leer más

Faustini G., Soret M., Defossez A., Bosch J., Conte A. and Tran A.

January 16th, 2025

An Efficient, Organic Solvent-Free Method for Extraction and Concentration of Hepatitis E Virus from Pig Liver

Food Analytical Methods 1-9.

     The presence of the hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pork products, particularly in pig liver has been frequently described. However, a standardized method is not still available for the detection of HEV in foods, particularly in those difficult food matrixes such as pig meat and pork products. The aim of this study was to design, optimize and evaluate a new method of food-separation and virus concentration for HEV in pig liver samples. This method is based on organic flocculation and avoids the use of organic solvents. The virus recovery rates and analytical sensitivity of the method using murine norovirus MNV-1 as a surrogate were 73.6–82.2% and at least 1 × 103 TCID50 per g of liver in 100% of the replicates, respectively. Furtherm… Leer más

Santamaria-Palacios J., Garcia N. and Rodriguez-Lazaro D.

January 1st, 2025

Immunological mechanisms involved in the protection against development of pulmonary tuberculosis in naturally infected goats

Veterinary Microbiology 300:110320.

     Tuberculosis (TB) is a notifiable zoonotic disease caused by bacteria of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) that affects a multitude of domestic and wild species. The main lesions caused by these mycobacteria are tuberculous granulomas, which determine the organism`s immune response to the disease. Although TB pathogenesis in cattle has been extensively studied, information regarding its progression in other species of interest for the maintenance and transmission of TB such as goats remains limited. This study aimed to characterise the immune response developed in the lungs of goats naturally infected with mycobacteria of MTBC by assessing key cell populations and immunomodulatory molecules involved in defending against TB. Henc… Leer más

Agullo-Ros I., Vaz-Rodrigues R., Dominguez M., Roy A., Ortega J., Moreno I., Bezos J., Dominguez L., Fernandez de Mera IG. and Risalde MA.

January 1st, 2025

NpmC - a novel A1408 16S rRNA methyltransferase in the gut of humans and animals

International Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents 107382.

     16S rRNA methyltransferases that act on residue A1408, NpmA and NpmB, confer high-level resistance to virtually all the aminoglycosides, but their reports are scarce. Analysing metagenomic projects in a One Health context, we identified in human and animal gut microbiomes from China and Canada a novel gene, npmC, that shares an identity of 91.5% with npmA, and up to 92.7% at amino acidic level. The protein encoded by this gene presents the conserved motifs required for A1408 methylation. Expression of the gene resulted in high-level of resistance to 4,5-disubstituted 2-deoxystreptamine (2-DOS) and to 4-monosubstituted 2-DOS aminoglycosides, as well as a moderate resistance to 4,6-disusbstituted 2-DOS aminoglycosides, including the last reso… Leer más

Matamoros BR., Serna-Bernaldo C., Wedel E., Montero N., Kirpekar F. and Gonzalez-Zorn B..

December 24th, 2024

Cytokines as potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in Mediterranean buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

Frontiers In Veterinary Science 11:1512571.

     Mycobacterium bovis (M. bovis) is the primary agent of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in Mediterranean buffalo, which has a negative economic impact on buffalo herds. Improving TB diagnostic performance in this species represents a key step to eradicate efficiently this disease. We have recently shown the utility of the IFN-γ assay in the diagnosis of M. bovis infection in Mediterranean buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis), but other cytokines might be useful immunological biomarkers of this infection. We therefore investigated the utility of key immune cytokines as diagnostic biomarkers of M. bovis infection in this species. Thirty-six Italian Mediterranean buffaloes were used in this study: healthy animals (N = 11), infected (IFN-γ test positi… Leer más

Franzoni G., Signorelli F., Mazzone P., Donniacuo A., De Matteis G., Grandoni F., Schiavo L., Zinellu S., Dei Giudici S., Bezos J., De Carlo E., Galiero G., Napolitano F. and Martucciello A .

December 24th, 2024

Serum total antioxidant status in dogs: Reference intervals and influence of multiple biological and analytical factors

Veterinary Clinical Pathology 53(4):399-408.

     Background: Total antioxidant status (TAS) is one of the most widely used oxidative stress biomarkers, but the lack of canine RI and the influence of analytical factors hinder its application in clinical practice.
Objectives: The aims of this study were to establish canine assay-specific RI for TAS and evaluate the sources of biological variation and the association between TAS and multiple hematologic and biochemical variables.
Methods: Blood samples from 190 clinically healthy dogs were collected, encompassing pet dogs (82), police dogs (56), and shelter dogs (52). After hematologic and biochemical analysis, serum TAS was determined by means of a commercial 2,2`-azinobis (3-ethylbenzthiazolin-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) test. Th… Leer más

Perez-Montero B., Fermin-Rodriguez ML., Portero-Fuentes M., Sarquis J., Caceres S., Illera del Portal JC., de Juan L., Miro G. and Cruz F..

December 20th, 2024

African swine fever from Kenya to five continents: the role of wild boar

Revue Scientifique Et Technique SE 2024:53-57.

     African swine fever (ASF) is currently the largest threat to world pork production. The complexity of the virus, its persistence in the environment, the particular immune response it elicits without significant neutralising antibodies, its capacity for transmission by several routes and the presentation of different clinical forms, from acute with high mortality to attenuated to chronic, all pose significant challenges. This article provides an overview of the epidemiological situation of ASF across five continents, the role of wild boar in virus transmission, the development of new immunological tools that aim to enhance protection against this complicated virus in wild boar, and the protection studies that are under way… Leer más

Sanchez-Vizcaino JM.

December 19th, 2024

Shaken, not stirred: magnetic bead DNA extraction as a rapid and effective method for the scaling up of bovine tuberculosis diagnosis

BMC Veterinary Research 20(1):568.

     Background: The growing use of real-time PCR (qPCR) as a diagnostic method for bovine TB (bTB) requires rapid and effective DNA extraction methods, which are crucial for its success. Automated DNA extraction methods based on magnetic beads are a promising alternative to conventional silica column-based protocols (COL protocol) due to their high throughput capacity and reduced hands-on time. This study aimed to assess the performance of the MagMax CORE Nucleic Acid Purification kit and the KingFisher Flex instrument (KF protocol) as an alternative for scaling up the use of qPCR in bTB diagnosis.
Methodology: Performance was evaluated with two different real-time PCR (qPCR) protocols, based on the IS6110 element and the QuantiFast and … Leer más

Lorente-Leal V., Gómez-Buendía A., Gutierrez A., de Juan L., Bezos J. and Romero B..

Science Publication
ISI Scientific Publications
Total Last 60 mo. Last 12 mo.
1 ZTA 257 SUAT 64 MYC 15
2 ICM 244 MYC 55 SUAT 13
3 MYC 240 ZTA 51 ICM 7
4 SUAT 229 ICM 45 ZTA 6
5 NED 76 SAP 29 SAP 6
  VISAVET 1169 313 55

Impact Factor Average
Total Last 60 mo. Last 12 mo.
1 ZTA 3.86 ZTA 4.995 ZTA 4.633
2 SAP 3.232 SUAT 4.073 SUAT 3.669
3 SUAT 2.952 ICM 3.68 MYC 3.667
4 MYC 2.826 MYC 3.678 SEVISEQ 3
5 DICM 2.776 SAP 3.342 ICM 2.614
VISAVET 3.229 4.679 3.588

ISI Scientific Publications
Total Last 60 mo.
1 Transbound Emerg Dis 96 Front Vet Sci 34
2 Vet Microbiol 90 Transbound Emerg Dis 24
3 Prev Vet Med 77 Animals 15
4 Front Vet Sci 67 PLoS ONE 13
5 PLoS ONE 60 Sci Rep 12
  All journals 358   All journals 38